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Waiting again - the unknowns are bliss and welcome this time.

wondering44 Member Posts: 261
edited May 2023 in Waiting for Test Results

I visited the Orthopedist due to hip and knee pain (walking with a limp). It came about suddenly after standing up from a sitting position and didn't go away. It is on one side of my body, and I have numbness in my leg and foot. I let it ride out, thinking it must be from my AI. After a short time, I caved and went to the Ortho, thinking I tore up my knee or needed to be proactive for arthritis. The Ortho said it was coming from my back, not my knee, and ordered MRIs. MRI showed multiple areas concerning my L5, L4, and L2. After reading the MRI Report, I went down the rabbit hole straight to Dr. Google. Luckily, it was a short visit to Dr. Google, and I decided I didn't know anything until I got the results. My risk odds are in my favor. I sent the report to my MO. The MO ordered new scans and told me I must return quickly for a visit. While I initially wanted to rush it, I pondered it for a few days and realized today that I am NED and like the NED quite a lot. I am happier to spend my days mentally processing NED instead of considering and stressing it could be a different result. Today, I decided that for waiting for this go-round, I'd rather spend my days enjoying NED than worrying about an unfavorable outcome. The results could not be bad at all. I am crossing my fingers for benign results on upcoming tests. Today, for me, the unknowns are bliss and welcome.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hi @wondering44,

    Your thought process makes a lot of sense, and it seems that you effectively managed something that easily could have turned into a vicious cycle of anxiety! We hope you have a lovely Memorial Day weekend. :)

    All the same, our fingers are crossed that the results continue to show NED. Let us know the results when you find out!

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    Thank you Mods. It is a beautiful weekend to enjoy.

    I already have the consult with Neurology in process to move forward after the MO gives me those benign results. 😉😊

  • marvies
    marvies Member Posts: 21

    Wondering44 - I love your attitude!

    I have MRI’s coming up for back pain that won’t quit and my anxiety is through the roof. Your comment about being NED helped me a lot. I’m NED until my MO tells me something different. That’s my attitude now as well.

    Enjoy this beautiful weekend!

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    Hi marries,

    I wish you benign results and answers to your pain. Please do update once you get your reports.

    Warm hugs your way while you wait.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    Happy to report benign tumors.

    I bought a boat to enjoy this summer. I turned my bedroom back to a "romp" room. I hadn't touched it much since the cancer dx. Looking back, it was like memorial tomb to the original dx. I celebrated good times with friends. Glad I stayed "bliss" this go round. 😀

  • marvies
    marvies Member Posts: 21

    Yay! So happy to hear of your benign results. And congratulations on your new boat!! Hope you will enjoy a wonderful summer celebrating the good times with your friends.

    My MRI’s were benign as well but I could hardly function waiting for the results. I know I need to work on getting a better handle on my anxiety.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261


    Congrats on the benign results. That is wonderful news.

    I am ecstatic for you!