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Pathology Results

I saw my surgeon this morning, two weeks post lumpectomy and SLNB.

Here are the results:

  • 24mm IDC and DCIS (larger than previously imaged on MRI and mammogram)
  • Margins are clear
  • Lymph nodes are negative
  • Grade 3

I don’t know if I need chemo yet, that will depend on mammaprint and oncotype results

I hate that I know all these new terms I hate all of this The surgeon said “good news” but I’m concerned about the larger size and grade

I’ll know more next week when I meet with the oncologist 🙏🏻

Has anyone had similar pathology results and what was your treatment? I know we are all different, I’m just gathering info

Thank you



  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 426

    I had similar results although breast cancer is so highly individual that similar doesn't necessarily mean anything. Anyway 32mm IDC that was quite different from a 1.8 mm IDC surrounded by DCIS they thought I would have. That was the only difference though. No lymph node involvement and no LVI. But I was a lovely grade 3 :) Anyway most of us end up do needing chemo if we're under 50 and I was no exception. But it was only four session of T/C three weeks apart and I handled it fine. I mean it was still awful and I hope never to do it again. But it was quite doable, I worked throughout, and I've made a complete recovery. I didn't have radiation because I chose a double mastectomy. If you've kept your breast radiation is in your future but I think most people do fine with that, too.