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Just Diagnosed IDC - Grade 2

crobrtson Member Posts: 4

I was just diagnosed on Thursday 6/22/23 with IDC Grade 2. I have an initial appointment with a breast surgeon this week but haven't seen my films or pathology report yet. Have filled out forms to get copies. Trying to only deal with the information I have right now and not worry about other things that are unknown at this point.

My ob/gyn gave me the referral to this breast surgeon for upcoming appointment. Do you think I should make other appointments with recommendations to other surgeons and oncologists to see who I like the best?


  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 749

    An interesting question!

    Depending on your initial pathology, you may not be recommended to see a medical oncologist until after surgery. I might hold off on that until/unless something you learn from a surgical oncologist indicates that it could be useful. Otherwise, they likely won't have much to tell you.

    If you have recommendations from trusted sources for other surgical oncologists, or if your scheduled appointment is not at a top cancer center but you have access to one, I might make one more appointment - but not feel bad about cancelling it if you end up liking the first doctor/center. I also think it's fine to wait until after the first appointment to get an idea of what specific areas of expertise you might want to be looking for from a surgeon, and look for a second opinion/alternative provider after that.

    But I am curious what responses you will get from others.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I agree with salamandra though I think that if you have the time, you could start interviewing MO’s (medical oncologists) now since you will certainly need their services. I do think it’s good that you have all of this in mind, whether you seek these appointments sooner or later and that you’re doing it with what you currently know about your circumstances. Also, as salamandra said, you could book second opinion appointments and then cancel if you feel they’re not necessary. There’s no one right way to go and as bc is not considered an emergency in most cases, many people experience lots of waiting during initial tests/biopsies/appointments and maybe even more waiting for surgery schedules (that become even more complicated if you’re having immediate recon).
    Take care

  • crobrtson
    crobrtson Member Posts: 4

    THANK YOU both for your kind responses. I appreciate the input. @salamandra @exbrnxgrl

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Welcome, crobrtson! We're sorry you find yourself here, but as you can already see from the helpful and supportive responses you've received, you are definitely in the right place as you begin down this road. We know this can all feel very overwhelming, but it can help to be amongst those who know exactly what you're experiencing! Please keep us posted on how it goes this week.

    The Mods

  • nightengale1
    nightengale1 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2023

    Hello crobrtson! I was diagnosed on April 24, 2023. IDC Grade 2, Stage 1 (T1c). Had lumpectomy and sentinel nodes on May 30, 2023. Right breast. I am ER +, PR1-, HER2-. Onchotype 23. I start radiation this Friday. Will then have hormone therapy after that. It's all still a whirlwind for me so I completely understand the learning curve to get all the information you can.

    I think one of the most important decisions is to find the doctor/surgeon, the team you feel most comfortable with. If you're not feeling a connection with the first doctor, by all means get a second opinion. If you don't feel it with them, then go for a third. This is your body, your life and you need to feel that you're with the right team for you.

    I am fortunate that the doctor who performed my biopsy and ultimately provided my diagnosis referred me to a surgeon I felt completely comfortable with at our first meeting. That can be overwhelming as well if you're working with a cancer center. When I first met with my surgeon it wasn't just her. The next person in the room was my nurse navigator, then my medical social worker. I left the appointment with a binder of information but also feeling supported by a whole team.

    I think that's my message. Find Your Team. The medical professionals that make you feel cared for and safe. If it's not the first doctor, then look for the one that's right for. I hope this helps.

    Hang in there and let us know how you're doing.

  • marshiehopkins
    marshiehopkins Member Posts: 3

    Hi nightengale1 … I was just wondering how you are doing now? I was just diagnosed with IDCS Grade 2 Stage 1 ER + PR+ HER2 - Oncotype not back yet. I see a radiation oncologist next week and a medical oncologist in a few weeks.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Welcome, @marshiehopkins! We're sorry you find yourself here, but we're glad you've joined our community and hope this place can be a source of support for you.

    Also, we want to let you know we offer very supportive, moderated Virtual Community Meetups. There are a number of different groups and times, so if you're interested, please check them out here: Virtual Community Meetups.

    The Mods

  • marshiehopkins
    marshiehopkins Member Posts: 3

    Hello crobrtson!  I am wondering how you are doing now?

  • crobrtson
    crobrtson Member Posts: 4

    Hi @marshiehopkins thank you for checking in. I had bilateral mastectomy on 8/15 with immediate DIEP Flap reconstruction.

    So far, healing well from surgery. I just found out on Monday from oncology surgeon that pathology on sentinel lymph node biopsies came back positive in 3 out of 4 lymph nodes (unfortunately) we didn’t see on scans that I had any lymph node involvement. So next step is meeting with radiation oncologist to start to schedule PMRT. I have that appointment on 9/11 so more information to come. Also meeting with medical oncologist that day to hopefully find out other recommendations for me.

  • marshiehopkins
    marshiehopkins Member Posts: 3

    @crobrtson Great to hear from you. You’ve been through a lot! I will be thinking about you and send healing love! I had a left mastectomy with reconstruction in 2005 for DCIS. Also had a hysterectomy. Was fine for 18 years. Had a suspicious area on mammogram. Biopsy showed IDC Grade 2 Stage 1. Had a right lumpectomy last week. Lymph nodes negative. I will start radiation in a few weeks and also start a oral chemotherapy medication. It’s all pretty overwhelming but it’s amazing all the advances that have been made in 18 years 💕

  • crobrtson
    crobrtson Member Posts: 4

    @marshiehopkins healing thoughts coming your way. ❤️

    Hope this next phase goes as smoothly as possible for you and it’s a seamless process.

  • nightengale1
    nightengale1 Member Posts: 6

    Marshiehopskins thank you for asking my status. I've been off of the site for a bit. A lot going on. I have finished my radiation therapy and have healed pretty well from that. Still a few more physical therapy sessions for the tightness I still feel in chest and under arm near the lymph node removal site. Completed the bone scan on August 17th and am have now started the hormone therapy journey. That's going well so far. I've had a couple of good hot flashes and some headaches but manageable.

    Stress level at an 18 out of 10. That's probably my biggest struggle to get under control right now. My husband had his third surgery for bladder cancer on August 14th. It was a little more complicated this time and he got an infection. He starts his chemo treatment on October 4th. My job was eliminated at work this past Friday so now I have to deal with that. AND I have my daughter's bridal shower on September 9th followed by wedding on October 13th. That's what I'm focusing on. These upcoming happy events, but of course again stress level through the roof.

    I know stress doesn't help with healing, and truly not trying to sound like a whiner here. I am grateful for my current health status and know how fortunate I am. Perspective. Things could be worse. Looking at this as my chance to hit the "reset button". Find my focus again, smell the roses, notice the "color purple" (those avid readers out there will get that reference), and breathe.

  • msphil
    msphil Member Posts: 185

    Hello sweetie just got back on here was helping others wanted to suggest as I did get 2nd opinion. Idc stage2 0/3 nodes Last 3mo chemo before and after got married we were planning our 2nd marriages when I was diagnosed. Was working at city clinic here in Philly. Then started rads for 7 wks then 5 yrs on Tamoxifen. Hope Faith and Positivity. Keep Hope. msphil