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What part of day-to-day life during your breast cancer experience has been most challenging for you? Take our poll.

Possibly on this road again.

Initial dx was 4-21-2011, IDC stage 1, Est and Prog +, One Bil mastectomy, multi reconstructive surgeries and 4 rounds of TAC declared NED. Tumor markers have remained great. Fast forward to a week ago, find a lump in dx side of breast, Oncology appt today, needle biopsy scheduled in 2 days. I was 39 at first dx and now 52. Obviously I am freaking out. Give me some advice, knowledge, anything. Thanks ladies.


  • laughinggull
    laughinggull Member Posts: 521
    edited July 2023

    Hi survivor11

    Sorry you are in this situation. You are not alone! Two of us are going through the exact same thing, we have another thread, see the link below. Why dont you join us there?

    Keep breathing. Calm down. You are the same person you were before you found this lump. Maybe it is not even cancer. It is hard not to freak out, I know, I think part of it is trauma from the first diagnosis, at least in my case. But we can do it. Give yourself some grace -you did nothing wrong and deserve some mental peace. You will be able to deal with a recurrence if it indeed is a recurrence.

    I don't have a date for my biopsy yet 😕

    My strategy to deal with the anxiety is to be distracted with work, and after-work activities. Movies, classes, etc. For some reason I dont feel like meeting my regular friends. Dont hesitate to ask for some anxiety meds if you need them.