Paget's Disease and Punch/Wedge Biopsy

anxietyrush Posts: 2
edited July 2023 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

As attempting to do some research online, there are not too many resources that discuss paget's. Thus, if anyone is willing to share, I was wondering about experiences regarding it, and particularly how the punch/wedge biopsy is.

I am kind of scared of doing the biopsy and I was just wondering how it works, since I couldn't find much info elsewhere.

I am not diagnosed with paget's, but I am scheduled to do a possible biopsy on the 5th of September (depending if the current treatment works or not).

My current story at this point in time:

I have had symptoms similar to paget's for a while. It has been some years, and I still find myself with no answers. I have been misdiagnosed multiple times as having mastitis, taken antibiotics with no change, taken hydrocortisone for long periods of time in multiple occasions, (months of hydrocortisone with breaks as needed since it is a steroid), and now being prescribed another medicine for it. I have also been diagnosed as having nipple discharge in the past, which I do not know if it is a misdiagnosis or not. After that, I did an US which came back clear. Also I have been blood tested for prolactin and thyroid, all normal, and done countless CBEs.

I have been to many doctors, all primarily confused when they do a CBE, and do not understand what my symptoms appear to be.

I have been going to a derm for a while, keep being pushed to take more hydrocortisone, and finally she has told me she will try one last cream, and if it doesn't make things better (considering nothing else has, i don't know if it will) I will be getting a punch biopsy then and there.

A little nervous considering that it has been YEARS and I have no answers. Along with that, hydrocortisone has never changed anything, and my symptoms do not flare up like dermatitis. I went to a BS and she said that she has no clue what is going on with me.

My derm did say that she thinks I am making some progress overall, which is good! (I personally can not really tell, I do not see a change, but I trust her judgement!) However, the primary symptoms are still present and have been the entire time.

That being said, I do think I will have to do the biopsy and had a few questions regarding that.

I want to know how this process is regarding a punch biopsy. Does it hurt? My derm said she has done it before, and she will basically inject me with a numbing agent and then take a punch, and that it will be fast and painless.

Is it quick? Is there aftercare? What is your punch/wedge/shave biopsy story?

Thank you for your time reading this!


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856

    Welcome again, @anxietyrush! We are sorry to hear that your concerns have brought you here, but we're glad you joined us. Many people without a diagnosis who are concerned find a lot of support here and good information from others. Until you hear from other member's experiences, here is some information from our main site that you may find helpful:

    Before your biopsy

    Paget disease of the breast symptoms

    We hope this helps!

    The Mods