Waiting for biopsy 8/7 and anxious

System Posts: 5
edited July 2023 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

@adrock73 wrote:

I am going to have a biopsy 8-7. Very very scared. One radiologist says it is for sure IDC. How do you manage severe anxiety and constantly worry about this. Can’t sleep can’t work can’t do anything. I am on a tranquilizer but it makes me dopey.


  • adrock73
    adrock73 Posts: 1

    I am going to have a biopsy 8-7. Very very scared. One radiologist says it is for sure IDC. How do you manage severe anxiety and constantly worry about this. Can’t sleep can’t work can’t do anything. I am on a tranquilizer but it makes me dopey.

  • @adrock73 Waiting for results can be very scary. I’m a little surprised the radiologist would comment like that. It’s like looking at a puzzle and not having all the pieces. The path results from the biopsy will give the most accurate information. If it helps 80% of breast biopsy results are noncancerous. It’s ok to be concerned, just don’t assume the worst. It’s important to have it done because you need to know one way or the other! Hang in there! Hoping for good results for you! Hugs!

  • eleanora
    eleanora Posts: 309


    I remember being in your situation 4 years ago. My PCP gave me Xanax, which I only took at night. It allowed me to get 4-5 hours of sleep at night. My salvation was exercise. I walked long distances as fast as I could every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I found that the exertion and being outside reduced my anxiety.

    If you have any hobby that requires the use of both hands simultaneously, studies show that bilateral brain stimulation activates an area away from the brain location where anxiety is centered.

    The worst thing you can do is simply sit and dwell on it.

    Fingers crossed for good results.