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Focal asymmetry in both breasts

rubiez18 Member Posts: 3
edited August 2023 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hello! Just received my results asking me to return for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I had a previous mammo in 2018 because there was a discharge coming from my left breast. It turned out to be a blocked duct that cleared up. For this mammo since I have new insurance they were going to request imaging from my 2018 results but it looks like they didn’t. I’m an almost 42 year old female. I guess I’m just really freaking out and I’m so scared to google any further because when I did , I read that focal asymmetry could mean a mass and I’m already sick with worry. I guess I just wondered if anyone here has had findings similar to this and everything was ok? I copied and pasted what my report says. Thank you so much for any input!

Bilateral breast focal asymmetries. Recommend diagnostic mammogram with compression views and ultrasound for further evaluation.


BI-RADS 0: Incomplete --  Need additional imaging evaluation.


Additional imaging will be arranged by Radiology.  A written summary will be sent to the patient.



Based on review of your recent mammogram, we'd like you to return for additional imaging to get more information.  In most cases, these additional images are normal.  Our staff will reach out to you soon to schedule the appointment.  If you don't hear from us within 3 business days, please feel free to call Radiology for scheduling.  You will also receive a summary of this result in the mail in 1-2 weeks.  Thank you for entrusting us at Kaiser Permanente with your health care.





** HISTORY **:

41 years old, breast cancer screening.



Mammographic images of each breast acquired, including CC and MLO views.


COMPARISON: None available.



BREAST COMPOSITION: There are scattered areas of fibroglandular density.


RIGHT BREAST: Focal asymmetry in the lower outer breast, middle depth.


LEFT BREAST: Focal asymmetry in the lower outer breast, posterior depth.



  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited August 2023

    Hi @rubiez18 , Focal asymmetry may or may not be something to be concerned about. Birads 0 indicates more imaging is needed to make a decision. If questions remain after the additional views from the diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound you will be scheduled for further testing. If all looks good you will resume your regular screening schedule. Try not to worry since a very small percentage of these callbacks (0.5%) turn out to be cancer. All the best!

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    Like maggie15 said, focal asymmetry isn't necessarily an issue. What it means is that the two sides are asymmetrical, as in they don't look alike, and they (since both breasts are noted) don't look boring. Each of them has something of interest to review. That could be about anything, including cysts or even just imaging issues. Some breasts are harder than others to get good images from, because the way the tissues mash against itself and against the compression plates. Some techs are better at getting clear images than others.

    So what you have is a notice of "we're not sure what we're seeing, and in an abundance of caution, we'd like to take another look."

    As noted, a very small percentage of callbacks are bad news. Good luck and let us know what you find out.

  • rubiez18
    rubiez18 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you so much for taking the time and explaining! They scheduled me for next Friday and I will come back to update once I know what’s going on.

  • rubiez18
    rubiez18 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for this! That explained things very well. After googling right away and getting pretty scared this was nice to read. I’ve been having issues with my left nipple itching with no physical changes so I’ve let my mind run wild that it’s all connected. I had a horrible day convincing myself this is very bad and honestly I don’t want to continue this worry and alight panic until next Friday when I have the imaging appointment and then waiting for those results also.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857

    The waiting is awful, no doubt about it. But I expect you have plenty to keep you busy between now and then. So focus on those things and add a couple of more, if you have bandwidth for it. Watch something silly on teevee, cuddle with someone you love, if they're within reach. Choose to notice something specific through your day, like the color red. Paying attention to something specific (yet random!) like that can help you keep from focusing on and feeding any anxiety you may feel. Feed it and it only gets bigger, right?

    Good to hear the appt is coming up soon. Between now and then, focus on what you know and not on what you don't know. It really helps.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,206

    I'm glad you have a date for the testing. As mountainmia said, the waiting is tough but there always seems to be waiting involved with imaging. I hope you get good news.

  • capezio33
    capezio33 Member Posts: 1

    what was the outcome. I have this.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,139

    The op has not posted in almost a year. She may no longer be an active member but if you use the search function, you may find more active threads addressing this or you could start a new thread. Take care.