Breast cancer

Hello everyone I was diagnosed in 2020 with breast cancer. Did chemo, radiation, masectomy, removed lymph nodes, and did reconstruction in Nov 22. Of lately am not feeling 💯 so now u am scheduling an appointment to see my doc to get a X-ray or ultrasound done, the breasts pain every now and then and last night I started feeling some discomfort In the area where they took the lymph nodes, am so worried please any advised n please pray for me
Thank you
Hello Stephanie. Sorry you are having to worry about BC again, but it's good that you are seeing the doctor and having things checked out ASAP. It's natural to worry but try not to obsess about it if you can. There can be many causes for breast discomfort beyond cancer, but it's common for us to worry once we have been there (and don't want to ever go there again.) Prayers and best wishes being sent; take care and let us know what you find out.
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Understand we often think the worst. I had my last mastectomy in Dec of 2022. Implants at the same time. Just recently i had some pin in my breast. Odd as i have no nipples and no attached nerves in my breasts. I had an US less than a week ago. All clear. Normal they said. I try to remember that no matter what the test may say, the doctors will have a plan. Going to the doctor, making that call is most important. Keep coming back her, we understand and will support you.
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Hi @stephaniethompson , Like the others said, we're sorry you find yourself in discomfort and worry again. Good to get it checked out, but important, if possible not to worry too much. One step at a time, and come back to let us know! 🤗 from the Mods