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Removal of other breast

I had right mastectomy in January for grade 2 ILC. 90mm. Clear nodes. I had a reduction of left breast. Histology of left breast tissue showed Classical lobular carcinoma in situ. Which I have been told is not considered as cancer. I had initially asked for DMX which was refused as NHS does not like to remove healthy breasts. I have an appointment in November to discuss having left breast removed, especially considering the histology on that breast. I don’t intend to have reconstruction. Am I doing the right thing? I feel I am and my daughters agree. Would like other opinions.


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 447

    No one can tell you whether you're doing the right thing. That's for you to decide. But is your decision reasonable based on the facts you provided. Yes. I would do the same thing.

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 796

    I have removed "the healthy" breast where LCIS was found. So glad I did it since ILC is a sneaky cancer that in many cases doesn't show on scans. If I was you, I would remove the breast that has LCIS. I have no regrets and I am glad I don't have to have breast scans any longer.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,801

    Hi @slips, and again, welcome to BCO!

    It's hard to make a big decision like this. Please know that we're here to listen and support you in any way you need. For now, we wanted to share a couple of articles from our main site that you might find helpful:

    We hope this helps! We look forward to hearing more from you soon!

    The Mods

  • recoveringbelle
    recoveringbelle Member Posts: 23

    Silips, NHS doesn't like to "remove healthy breasts?" OMG.

    I follow the situation w/ dangerous pharmaceuticals and life-changing surgeries being performed on children in the UK, Canada, Australia, and here in the US, and I find it outrageous that teenagers—like a 15-year-old in my home state—can get mastectomies after rapid onset gender dysphoria—but an adult woman at documented risk for additional breast cancer cannot have that surgery to improve her long-term health.

  • recoveringbelle
    recoveringbelle Member Posts: 23

    PS: And I'm a long-time radical feminist who's supported gender non-conformity as well as LGB rights for 3 decades (as well as civil rights, in situations where it wasn't popular and where I faced a mob and/or firing.) It's that same moral courage that leads me to stand w/ women & children—and lesbians and gays—who see the dangers in extreme transactivism. I also stand w/ many transsexuals—like British Debbie Hayton—who are aghast out how their experience has been hijacked by this mostly mens rights movement.

    I hope that this forum will allow us to speak truthfully, as long as it's respectful and it can be supported by research. I'm a trained social scientist and can back up every claim I make w/ evidence, as difficult as it is to run accurate tests and even more difficult to publish it.

    This topic is relevant to us—this is a forum about women's health (and male breast cancer too, which of course is going to skyrocket now that a bunch of teens and 20-somethings are taking estrogen w/ little screening (like my 15-year-old suicidal nephew w/ a hx of cutting who then decided he was a woman and was put on estrogen on a second appointment).

    When there is little healthcare available and it has to rationed out, doling out deliberate iatrogenic drugs and surgeries to children while women are denied is explicit misogyny, and if my opinion here is removed, that will be misogyny too. (I'll screenshot this just in case.)

    Love this forum—but if we can't be honest, what's the point?