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Risk of diagnosis or recurrence after COVID booster(s)

nume Member Posts: 85
edited October 2023 in High Risk for Breast Cancer

Just a thought… I was watching today a youtube medical channel (Dr. John Campbell) and saw scientists interviewed coming up with evidence that the Covid boosters were extremely dangerous and the statistics of cancers are off the charts because of the spike protein vac.

I myself was diagnosed triple negative 5 months after the second booster with no genetic mutation.

Anybody else could link the appearance or recurrence to the booster?

If so could we do anything to prevent? Do you have any point of view on the matter?

In no way do I say somebody shouldn`t take the vac or booster. (This was only my interpretation, wish it wasn`t)



  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    I was diagnosed with ER/PR Her2- cancer five months after my booster, too. I don't see why I should worry about a connection because there just isn't any good research that indicates I should. I can't find it. Lots of rumblings from people with a political cross to carry but nothing from actual renowned non-biased scientists. In fact I was more concerned about getting covid than getting the vaccine due to the novelty of the virus itself. It was a new very dangerous virus and some viruses are known to cause cancer. I didn't want to take my chances with this one. I don't care anymore because I've had it and it was asymptomatic so my body obviously isn't susceptible. I won't get the vaccine anymore either unless my oncologist tells me I need to and thus far she hasn't although I've asked. She seems to believe my two vaccines and a booster are enough and doesn't want me to rock the boat immunity wise with anything else at the moment. I'll ask her about the flu vaccine next visit and see what she says about that one but I won't be taking anything unless she approves period.

    I will say cancer rates have risen for younger people and some people seem to really want to hang that on the vaccine. But the vaccine is new. The studies that have given us proof of rising rates are based on statistics over the last decade. Not the last three years. Nothing the vaccine has or has not caused has affected these recent studies that have come out. Plus, at least for breast cancer, it very seldom just appears and grows a ton within a few months. The vast majority of women, even the younger ones, have had cancer for years before it was discovered. That's just the way breast cancer works. Could the vaccine be super charging it somehow? I hear that, too, but again nothing reputable out there points to that. Personally I would be more concerned for people who are catching covid over and over again with highly symptomatic cases of it than I would for those of us who are vaccinated. What are their lungs going to show five or ten years down the line? Now should you get vaccinated over and over again? I don't see why not if your oncologist is comfortable with it. Mine doesn't seem to be at the moment but if that changes I'll follow her lead because I'm well aware I'm not the expert on this shit. She is.

  • nume
    nume Member Posts: 85
    edited October 2023

    Thank you for the reply, kaynotrealname!

    I was very scared of the COVID too. I had the 2 vacs and the booster. And also caught Covid right before the breast cancer diagnosis. It was like a light flu.

    The therapy for the anxiety triggered by cancer treatment taught me to challenge my worries with the evidence. The truth is: I knew people who died of COVID, I don`t know anybody who died following the booster(sure there were cases but not people I knew even though most of them were vaccinated and had the booster).

    I got concerned because the person interviewed by Dr. John Campbell is a cancer researcher: Professor Dalgleish, who studied mainly melanoma but other types of cancer too. He explained that the booster(s) are actually suppressing the T-Cells, the immunity cells that are protecting from cancers.

    I found 2 supplements that would ''detox'' the spike protein but I strongly hesitate whether to take them or not. I had immunotherapy and had life altering side effects so anything touching immunity sounds scary to me.

    Were these vaccines/boosters changing our systems forever? Is the spike protein replicating forever? Is there a blood test that could show the status of the T-cell immunity?


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I agree with Kaynotrealname. Additionally, I think the old saying, “Correlation does not equal causation “ applies to this as well. Dr. Campbell is a retired ER nurse and while I don’t question his many years of experience as an ER nurse, I’d like to see more authoritative sources investigate this and see what they conclude.
    Dr. Campbell may well be on to something, or not, but more time and study are needed.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    I don't know, Nume. I don't see how any vaccine can cause permanent side effects. Could it effect T cell immunity for a brief period of time? Maybe. But for the rest of our lives? I mean come on. How? It's a stupid vaccine that wears off pretty quickly. If these kind of side effects were life long we should be hearing about tons of people with cancer. I mean we do but we're on-line. In my real life? Just the normal amount. I'm the only one under 50 with the people I know who've gotten breast cancer. Most have been vaccinated, too, with boosters. The one other person under 50 with cancer (a skin cancer) wasn't vaccinated. Yes there are more people being diagnosed now but guess what else is super common starting about 30 to 40 years ago? Processed meats (known carcinogens), abuse of alcohol (known carcinogen), major increase in use of plastics, fast food, obesity, etc. But yet the covid vaccine which has only been around since 2020 is what's causing all of this. Really, when you break it down, it just doesn't make any sense. By the way, here's an article I read which says the covid infection, not the vaccine, is what causes lasting t-cell damage -

    Here's another article talking about the source of the claim that the vaccine causes t-cell damage and how the study was misinterpreted to say that -

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 261

    @kaynotrealname thanks for the common sense. It doesn’t make sense to me either. Correlation and all that…

  • obsolete
    obsolete Member Posts: 338

    I'm so sorry, NUME & KAY..., you find yourselves here. Your questions and aforementioned concerns have also been on my radar since pandemic began. It's technically not a vaccine, but an experimental gene therapy according to original patents. You may find the following interesting, and I wish you all well. Hugs and best wishes


    Doctor Chris Shoemaker is a licensed Comprehensive Physician in Ontario and member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CCFP) with 45 years of service in both Ontario and British Columbia. More recently in 2020 through 2022 he worked in direct patient care at the West Ottawa Covid Care Clinic, and was part of the Eastern Ontario..."

    Dr. Chris Shoemaker of Canada during the Citizens National Inquiry gave a presentation.

    Dr Chris Shoemaker - Great Canadian Awakening - 5 May, 2023

    "DNA is in the Jabs Dr. Chris Shoemaker MD Canada July 25 2023"

    Admission by Moderna Chief Medical Officer: future of vaccines is to rewrite the human DNA

  • nume
    nume Member Posts: 85
    edited October 2023

    Thank you all very much for replying!

    Aj, Exrbrnxgrl, I so hope you are right because what I gather from the internet sources is there is nothing to be done. The DNA changes/alterations are to be dealt with for the next 8-10 years.

    Kaynotrealname, this is the way I`m trying to think too, looking for the evidence within the group of people I know. But I do have all the strange immune responses and inflammations that Dr. Shoemaker is talking about. Now, it can be that I`m making the link because I am in this situation and I`m looking for evidence to support a wrong theory. I wish that was the truth. My grade 3 cancer appeared, as for everybody here, out of nowhere… with no mutation detected.

    Obsolete, did you have the vac? Any of your resources says if anything could be done?


  • obsolete
    obsolete Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2023

    Hi Nume, I don't think it matters if we had injections or not because there's evidence now emerging on exosomes & spike proteins being transmitted thru bodily secretions & respiratory particles in aerosol (see below) from the vaxed to the unvaxed, although still controversial while more testing is underway. We're all being exposed, vaxed or not.

    Below is what had been recommended beside Vitamin D, C, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) by a doctor:



    Lancet study pulled

  • nume
    nume Member Posts: 85

    Thank you very much, Obsolete!

    Yes, I want to make a choice between Nattokinase and N-acetylcysteine since both are thinning the blood and I am also taking Omega 3 daily. I`m also looking into Bromelain.

    Are you taking any of these supplements? If so, did you feel any side effects?


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    Thank you for those articles. Science has yet to find a link between these things thus far , but the good part about science is that should empirical evidence come to be found, they will re-evaluate and report those findings. Until such time as that happens I can see no evidence to support the debunked theories.

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 261

    @exbrnxgrl I agree totally

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 955

    Nume my first diagnosis was in 2015 long before covid. I have been vacinated and have had covid. My recurrence was 1 and ½year after an mmr vaccine. And 3 months after a none mmr vaccine. I am also have no genetic connections. I try to stay away from none scientific peer reviewed info.

  • nume
    nume Member Posts: 85

    Thank you, Aj, exbrnxgrl for the links and replies!

    Maybe this research of mine is just trying to find the ``culprit``, the cause of this event that changed my life. It`s true, we need to wait for scientific peer reviewed conclusions.

    Brutersmom, I am so sorry you are going through it again!


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    I looked at the video, Obselete, but I'll be frank and say at first glance I can't take it seriously due to the american flag in the title. Unfortunately, whenever I see that I know that I am about to watch propaganda, not an actual scientific discussion.

  • cure-ious
    cure-ious Member Posts: 2,883

    Oh, this is some BS- a tumor takes like 7-8 years to grow to a size where it can pop up in a scan. Look at the known links, alcohol consumption, later in life pregnancy, etc, or just understand our cells are transforming all the time, its not such a rare thing, normally your immune system takes them out before they become a problem…

  • AJ
    AJ Member Posts: 261

    @cure-ious , I agree. BS

  • learningtoletgo
    learningtoletgo Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2023

    After reading this thread and the various views presented, I have only one thing to add. I quote: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." Good luck, ladies and choose wisely.