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Recurrence 2023 ?

Want to hear from those who had stereotactic biopsy for possible recurrance ? I am 3 years out from lumpectomy and radiation for a very small 8mm tumor. Had chemo because it was Grade 3, Her2+. I cannot believe the latest diagnostic mammo is showing "something" in the same breast that was not there last year.

I am terrified as I thought my life was back on track. Did everything I was supposed to except did not stay on the AI drugs. Probably be blamed for that.

Radiology gives a BIRAD-3 now, "possibly benign" but I am going down the rabbit hole as this has upset my whole daily life again. Does stereotactic biopsy always mean cancer recurrence in the same breast? Also how uncomfortable is this procedure? I am single and need to drive myself.


  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Member Posts: 344

    I had stereotactic wire placement for my first diagnosis. They used mammography to mark several sites prior to my lumpectomy. Stereotactic just means they are using radiography (for BC usually mammography). Instead of placing wires, they'll be doing a core needle biopsy.

    I didn't find it to be anything more uncomfortable than the ultrasound guided biopsy other than it being time consuming and awkward positioning. They'd take an image, place a wire, and then check the placement with another image. I was numb from EMLA cream, and maybe got a lidocaine shot (can't remember).

    I was on blood thinners, so I ended up bleeding all over my gown and the mammography compression plates.

    The biopsy just means there is something they want to test. If it's in the same breast it can be recurrence, or if the pathology is different it could be seen as new. With a BIRADS 3, they aren't incredibly alarmed. I was BIRADS 5, so little doubt for my diagnosis.

    I went straight to surgery after my wire placement with my designated driver, but could have easily driven home after the stereotactic procedure.

  • racheldog
    racheldog Member Posts: 209

    Sarahmaude, thank you. This really turns your world upside down when this happens. Makes me wish I had just done a mastectomy at the time. Thanks for explaining your procedure. I am not afraid of the proedure itself but the positioning. I might be older than you and have had two knee replacements and plenty of shoulder and neck arthritis. I do not sleep prone anymore. I am hoping that they can do this sidelying or upright? I am no wimp but times have changed on this body of mine to be in weird positions and have to lie still. I have always been tough but do not want to be shamed if I cannot lie on my stomach!

    I hope you are doing well since all you went through!

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Member Posts: 344

    I was actually seated for mine at the mammography machine. They need to prop you up with pillows or wedges and make you comfortable for the procedure! Be clear about your needs to be in a body position that works for you.

    I am doing well! And I have no regrets about having my lumpectomy.

  • racheldog
    racheldog Member Posts: 209

    I spoke more to the scheduler today and will speak to the imaging gals in that biopsy room tomorrow. From the notes they have on my slot they are aware that I want/need to not be on stomach. I hope they can accommodate. Still worrisome each day thinking about if this is a recurrence or not. Looks like you did not get radiation?