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Another elevated CA 27.29 question

8 years out. Stage 2-3. Number has always been around 30-41. Last time it was 32. Yeah! But this time it was 46. (Different lab from the last two years, btw.)

Read this on a medical site: "An elevated serum CA 27.29 level in patients in remission of stage II or III breast cancer provided a positive predictive value of 83.3% for recurrent disease, with an average lead time of 5.3 months before recurrence was clinically established."

Yikes. I know other things can cause it and so can other cancers. Ugh. And something about mice…which I don't usually hang with. Thoughts?


  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    I would follow the lead with your oncologist on this. And if you he feels okay and you feel okay physically then I'd try not to worry about it. Easier said then done I know.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931

    Thanks. I see him today.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @trvler, we can imagine how concerning that change in the biomarker level must be for you. Please let us know how it goes on your appointment! We're thinking of you!

    The Mods

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931

    Thanks. He reran the test today and if it's still high, on to the PET scan.

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931

    I wanted to give an update to this because I think it's important. After an agonizing week of an elevated number, I received my results this morning. 34.8. So the 46 was a false positive since my last tests have consistently been in the mid 30's. I want people to know about this in case it happens to them. I am happy that my doctor reran the test right away.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    Ohmigosh Trvler. So glad he ran it again, too, but what a horrible week as you waited. So glad it turned out okay though!!!!

    This might be another example why most doctors don't mess with cancer marker blood tests though.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @trvler - Thank you for sharing your update. It's important information for others who might experience a similar situation. We're glad your doctor took swift action to retest. Take care!

    The Mods

  • trvler
    trvler Member Posts: 931


    I know! I just never realized how common that it must be.

    Thanks, Mods. I really wanted to share this in case anyone else searches this like I did.