
I am wondering how long it takes for biopsies. I have tenderness in my arm and breast and feel little sharp pains sometimes. My left breast is definitely swollen. I am starting to wonder if the sore feelings on my left in my knee and arm may be related. I actually went to the doc a couple months ago and told him I was having sweats and tried he told me it was because I was getting older and that happens. They don’t have an appointment for a biopsy for two more weeks. I am feeling like that is forever away.


  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 219

    Hello @tm2004. Welcome here! I’m sorry you are having pain and discomfort and worry. Many of us can relate. I read your ultrasound report and can see you have a bit going on that’s concerning.

    I also was given the Bi-rads 5 category with my ultrasound. My biopsy was scheduled 13 days from my ultrasound, so basically 2 weeks. Of course that feels like an eternity to have to wait for answers, but all in all, it ended up being okay. Could you ask to be on a cancellation wait list? Perhaps they could get you in a bit sooner. It’s worth asking. I’m guessing this is your first biopsy?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,615

    We're so sorry you find yourself here with this worry, @tm2004, we know how scary this can all feel. And two weeks feels like a lifetime when you're scared and anxious over a health concern! We echo what @needs.a.nap suggested and call the office to see if you can get on some sort of cancellation wait list. Even if no appointments become available, it can help you feel like you're doing something in the interim.

    Please do keep us posted on how everything goes, we're all here for you.

    The Mods

  • tm2004
    tm2004 Member Posts: 2

    Good evening,

    Since this post they did reach out and moved my appointment up a week they let me know there is still a possibility to have it move up even sooner. Thank you for your support, I will keep you updated.

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 219

    @tm2004 I’m glad they can get you in sooner!

  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 127

    Hi @tm2004 -

    Really sorry you have to be here with your concerns, but glad you found us.

    This is a wonderful community of people who have been through the things you are going through. We are here for you to vent to or provide you with information from our experiences if you need us.

    Thinking of you as you go through this.

    Take care.