"What a revoltin' development this is."

When I was very young, my grandparents and I would watch a TV comedy, "The Life of Riley." The protagonist would turn to the camera at some point and declare, "What a revoltin' development this is" when something untoward had occurred. It always brought a big laugh from the soundtrack.

Several weeks ago, I had a bone scan that confirmed I have mets in my shoulder, sternum, sacrum, hips, humerus, and a rib, along with worsening mets in my lungs and arthritis in the rest of my skeleton. My last bone scan was in January and showed nothing!

I am over the considerable initial shock of reading the scan report and discussed this latest turn of events with my oncologist just two days ago. She wants me to stay on my latest treatment of daily Affinitor, Aromasin and Zometa every three months, plus consult with a radiologist for the worsening pain in my spine. I have been using a walker since I was hospitalized last March with pneumonitis, heart failure and damaged kidneys from Piqray. My balance is off, my left knee needs replacing, and PT was not helpful.

In short, I'm a physical mess. My oncologist is very matter-of-fact, which I mostly appreciate. But it's difficult to hear her say " If you can get yourself dressed and in here, you're doing well" when I hurt all over and it takes me forever to get things done.

Feeling sorry for myself gets boring very quickly, so I'll stop here. I just wanted to bring you up to date and, in the process, get some insight into living with bone mets. I also hope to reconnect with some "old" friends on this forum.



  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,927

    Tina, I'm real sorry to hear about your latest results and situation. This disease is absolutely unforgiving. We are all here, and there is much you can learn on the bone mets thread. Interesting about the "if you can get dressed and get here" you are doing well. I'm really ruminating on that one! (I remember the Life of Riley. My brother and I used to watch it together after school. I hear it now from time to time on an old radio show that I listen to.)

  • Hi Tina, I'm glad to see you reconnecting, but not liking the reason at all. You MO has an "odd" sense of humor, maybe gallows humor is a better description. You've been thru so darn much that stability sure would have been nice to hear. I'm not sure, but do you have faith in your MO, or is it time for 2nd opinion? I know in my insurance situation, I have to stay put with the cancer center I'm with and 2nd opinion would just be the partner.

    Not good news for me either, so I sure can commiserate. Thinking of you and you make your way forward.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,861

    So incredibly sorry to hear this, @tina2, thinking of you.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,379

    hi Tina,

    It’s good to hear from you but I’m sorry that you’ve had progression. I have no insights or words of wisdom but you have all of my positive thoughts 💗

  • tina2
    tina2 Posts: 758
    edited December 2023


    I had a radiation simulation and tattoos today, with very attractive target marks all over my nether region and hips. The pain in one hip just getting onto the scanner bed was pronounced. According to the patient portal, some appointments for treatment have been arranged. However, they are scattered on the calendar, but sooner than I'd assumed they would be, so I'm a bit confused. Maybe the holidays are messing things up. I will call the doctor's RN tomorrow for clarification.

    Those of you who are Boomers will appreciate that the music in the CT scanning room was Motown. I slid into the scanner to the legendary Gladys Knight and the Pips singing "Midnight Train to Georgia." Hope I'm not the only one here who find this amusing.


  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,927
    edited March 2024

    Tina2 - Hadn't seen this last post before. Yes, I am a Boomer and love Motown. I have an old childhood friend who goes with me to get Faslodex shots and she and I always have the nurse put on some good old 60's Motown to help distract and relax.

    Also had an MRI a few months ago and the tech asked me what kind of music I wanted and I told him "60's Motown!". Well,as I was leaving a man was right outside the room waiting, as he was next. He had been enjoying the music that he could hear during my MRI, and then the tech asked him what kind of music he would like and he said, "How about 60's Motown!". It is really the best when you are dealing with something uncomfortable and anxiety producing! ( My friend and I like to think we started a trend, but obviously that's not the case.)

    Hope you are doing well.

  • tina2
    tina2 Posts: 758


    The funny parts of all this cancer hoo-hah keep leaping out at me. Thank the goddesses I'm easily amused!


  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,927

    Well Tina, I just got a little more Motown this morning with my shots. Thought of you and told my friend and the nurse about your post. They were pleasantly amused.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    I vaguely remember that show it was William somebody or another star in it was Riley I don’t really remember

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,927

    William Bendix.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    There’s no music during my scans at the hospital, but I love Motown music, too. Stevie Wonder may be my very most favorite, but I also love the Supremes, the Temptations and one of my all time favorite duet partners are Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. I splurge for Sirius Radio in my car and one of my preset stations is Smoky’s Soul Town—“Classic Soul, R&B, and Motown from the 60s & 70s”. So much great music!

  • tina2
    tina2 Posts: 758

    Divine, beloved veteran member of bc.org! It's wonderful o see you here. How are you feeling?

    Yes, some of those Motown duets are such classics they make you stop whatever you're doing and dance/sing along. I particularly love "A Rockin' Good Way" by Brooke Benton and Dinah Washington. Perfection!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    It’s probably a good thing I don’t have music during my scans. I don’t think I could keep my feet still flat on my back I’d be dancing with waving the feet around.