Increasing CA 27-29 markers

Hi everyone, I am sure this has been asked before but I am concerned and not sure what to do. My CA-27-29 markers have been slowly increasing over the past few months. They were at 14, then went to 21, then to 29. I know they are still in the normal range but they are going up. I had asked my MO about this and were not really concerned and said they wouldn't do anything yet. They are going to retest next month. I am on my first line of treatment and am just scared that something isn't working. They said not to worry about it but it is not helping that much right now. Has anyone experienced something similar or have advice? Thanks.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178

    Meeeeeee. My MO has always run tumor markers. In May they had a considerable jump, into the 300 range. Had always been in the 40s. Off for a scan. Lit up 4 places in my bones. With the new treatment plan they dropped nicely for 3 months, then had a small jump. Just had labs yesterday. Will find out where the numbers are going next Monday. If they’re still increasing, he’s gonna send my tumor out for testing and probably a med change. Your numbers are still low as long as your MO is watching them that’s OK.

  • nnguyen
    nnguyen Posts: 52

    Below is a list of non-cancerous reasons for a rise in Ca27.29. However, keep a detail history and keep an eye out for rising trend from multiple (more than 3) Ca27.29 numbers. Also be aware that cancer can progress without rising in tumor marker.

    Develop (read from reputable sources) a list of about 5 regimens to use if/when the current regimen quit working. This list will give you peace of mind.

    Chronic hepatitis, Liver cirrhosis, Tuberculosis, Sarcoidosis, Benign breast disease ,Pelvic inflammatory disease, Endometriosis, Ovarian cysts, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Lactation and pregnancy.

    Since Ca27.29 measure protein from Muc1-gene which associated with wound healing or inflammation, there might be other reason beside those listed above.