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Biopsy scheduled Thursday… looking for support.

trutherford Member Posts: 7

Hi there. I have spent the past few weeks reading different posts on here… trying not to Google my MyChart results.. I am wanted to share what’s going on with me… and hoping I can get some support and lots of prayers. I had my regular mammogram which resulted in a Diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound due to some calcifications in my left breast and, what ended up being benign cysts in my right. I am a BI-RADS 4 with no subcategory listed. I have my biopsy in two days…. Here is my report. I am 49 years old, mother of 3. I have no family history of breast cancer, but my grandmother passed away from ovarian cancer.


Indeterminate left breast calcifications. Surgical consultation and stereotactic guided core needle biopsy of both areas of calcifications are recommended. Findings and recommendations were discussed with the patient. A preprocedure form was completed. Right breast benign cysts with no mammographic evidence of malignancy.

Right breast benign cysts with no mammographic evidence of malignancy. BI-RADS CATEGORY: BI-RADS Category: 4 Suspicious. Recommendation: Biopsy. Recommended Date: Immediate. Laterality: Left. MACRO: Critical


Left breast calcifications and right breast presumed cysts on screening mammogram. COMPARISON: 12/08/2023 FINDINGS: MAMMOGRAPHY: Density: The breast tissue is heterogeneously dense, which may obscure small masses.

The previously noted grouped coarse heterogeneous and punctate calcifications are again identified in the superolateral left breast at posterior depth. In addition, grouped faint punctate calcifications are also identified in the inferolateral left breast at anterior depth.

ULTRASOUND: Targeted ultrasound examination with elastography of the right breast demonstrates 2 adjacent benign circumscribed oval parallel anechoic cysts. The smaller cyst is identified at 11:00 position 3 cm from the nipple, measuring 0.8 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. The larger cyst is identified at 10:00 position 7 cm from the nipple, measuring 2.4 x 2.4 x 1.1 cm. These correlate with the right screening mammographic findings.

Thank you in advance for any help, prayers or advice. God bless you all.


  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 215

    Hello @trutherford. It’s so stressful waiting!! I’m really sorry you have this new worry. And that itch to research and somehow find answers can be strong. I’m sure you’ve been cautioned that Google is not your friend ... it’s really not, but I’m glad you found this forum at least. Many of us understand the fear and the agony of waiting … time sure manages to slow down to a crawl while waiting for a biopsy and the results.

    Obviously your calcifications are concerning enough to warrant the biopsy. Hopefully they end up being benign and this was just a horrible scare!! Maybe you’ve already explored this link? Hang in there!!! Try to keep yourself distracted and busy to pass the time.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @trutherford - Welcome to the BCO community. We're sorry about the changes to your breast health that led you here, and glad you reached out to our members for support. Besides the helpful article that needs.a.nap has posted, we wanted to share the following discussion called Common Imaging Questions with a list of links and helpful articles that may also help you understand your report.

    We hope you find it helpful. Wishing you the best of luck with the biopsy. Please, come back to let us know how it goes. And remember that no matter what happens, we're here for you.


    The Mods

  • purplecat
    purplecat Member Posts: 227

    Trutherford, waiting for testing and then results is one of the most stressful experiences I’ve ever been through, and it never seems to get any easier. You’re definitely not alone in finding this horribly anxiety-provoking. The best thing to do is stay off Google and keep yourself busy and distracted.

    Calcifications can go either way, and Birads 4 means that it’s not obviously cancer but not obviously benign either. I’ve learned that Birads 4 means the chances of being cancer are between 2% and 95%, which is a crazily large range. For what it’s worth, I had a Birads 4 for calcifications which they could barely see, and it did turn out to be cancer, but it was very small. They were able to remove it in a lumpectomy, and I didn’t need chemo. It wasn’t a fun time in my life, but I was able to work most of my normal hours and generally go about my business.

    Let us know how things turn out! We’re pulling for you!

  • trutherford
    trutherford Member Posts: 7

    Thank you soo so much for all of your insight. The links have been very helpful too. It keeps me from going down the rabbit hole of Dr Google. Waiting is the worst. There truly has to be a better way. I mean… We send people to the moon! I am just praying for tomorrow to come quickly. I will keep you all posted. I am so grateful to have found this group! 🙏🩷🩷

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @trutherford, thank you for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear that the links were helpful. Keep us posted, and we're all here for any support you may need.

    Warm regards,

    The Mods

  • trutherford
    trutherford Member Posts: 7

    Hi ladies. I had my breast biopsy done yesterday morning. I my wasn’t a good time. I did experience some pain and I was emotionally drained from the stress of all of this so of course I started crying…. The staff was amazing. My nurse has such beautiful soul. She was caring, empathetic, and did everything she could to make me comfortable, warm and the hardest of all, distracted. They gave some more numbing medication ( lidocaine ) and then I was better. I have an extreme fear of confined spaces and being all smashed in the machine without being able to move seemed to last forever … but it’s over … and now I wait….and wait … and wait.

    Honestly, I would rather deal with the physical discomfort than the mental anguish of WAITING… they said 5-7 business days… and it’s Friday… I’ll keep you all updated! I thank you for your support and prayers. I promise I’ll pray for you all too! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 This is Blue. The therapy dog came in to see me after!

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 215

    Hi @trutherford. That’s a picture that made me smile, thank you! And your nurse sounds absolutely wonderful. I hope you can do something fun and special this weekend, to distract yourself! Something, anything. I kept plant shopping, each stressful appointment, and ended up with a crazy plant jungle in my backyard all summer … but it brought me so my joy (& hummingbirds)!

  • jonib
    jonib Member Posts: 94

    No therapy dog for me but my sweet little beagle is giving me lots of hugs and snuggles while I wait for the radiologist to call.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    Trutherford - I can only really underscore what others have said here. Waiting is very difficult and anxiety producing. It's one the hardest parts of being in this mess. Please let us know how things turn out. I do differ a little about Google. I find it both a blessing and a curse depending on the situation. It's a real individual thing whether to get online or not. Love your photo of Blue! I need Blue too.

    On another note entirely, I want to thank you for posting your original message in bold type. I could actually read it! I just hate the usual tiny faint gray type that this site uses, and I have to strain a lot to read posts. It was a pleasure to be able to read your initial post with ease.

    Good luck, this will go easier.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    What a sweet face @trutherford, thank you for sharing it here! We hope you heal well and are able to keep yourself somewhat distracted while you wait for your results, we know how hard it is. We're all here for you, please keep us updated!

  • purplecat
    purplecat Member Posts: 227

    How wonderful to have such a sweet dog for comfort! I reiterate what you and others have said: the waiting is the hardest part, worse than the physical discomfort. In my experience, they don’t read tests or call with results on Saturdays or Sundays, so I always feel like weekends are times when I can take a little break from thinking about all of it. I hope it can be the same for you and that you get your results very soon, and that they are good! Hang in there!

  • trutherford
    trutherford Member Posts: 7
    edited January 6

    I don’t know if it’s normal or not… but every single time I get a response from each one of you, I get choked up… sometimes I actually cry. It is so overwhelming to know that there are people out there who have been through what I am going through or even worse. It’s all tough but what a blessing to have a community of warriors who are all rooting for each other and somehow seem to say all the right things at the right time. So… I thank you. All of you!! I do have a confession. I don’t know how my original post ended up in bold font. I am not that fancy or good with tech stuff …. It was a complete accident. I wish I could do it again so you can read easier …. I don’t know how. Oops!! So, I am waiting and relaxing this weekend. I am currently watching the series “This is US.” Does anyone have any suggestions of cheap distractions?? Good movies? 😊🩷🩷🩷

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    Trutherford - Once again, you are not alone. I too cry sometimes when I read posts here. It is so nice to be able to connect with other people going through this. And no worries about the bold type. I don't know if I would know how to do it, but those couple of minutes of reading were just so nice and easy.

  • trutherford
    trutherford Member Posts: 7

    Hi guys! I got my results and wanted to share. It could have been three things. 1.) benign, 2.) atypical cells or 3.) cancer.

    I have atypical cells. I am waiting to hear back for a surgical consult so they can get them out of there. Here are my results. FINAL DIAGNOSIS

    View trends

    A. Left breast calcifications, stereotactic guided core biopsy:

    -- Atypical ductal hyperplasia with apocrine features and associated microcalcifications, see note.

    -- Columnar cell changes.

    -- Microcysts and apocrine metaplasia.

    -- Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia.

    -- Microcalcifications are also present in columnar cell changes and microcysts.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    I'll bet you feel so much better even only getting this much news. It is encouraging news and it sounds like you've got a good handle on things. Good, good luck!

  • trutherford
    trutherford Member Posts: 7

    @threetree Thank you! I’ll keep you updated on my surgery date and everything. I appreciate the support more than you know! 🩷

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @trutherford, we're glad to hear that! When you know more about the next steps and surgery, please let us know!

    The Mods

  • trutherford
    trutherford Member Posts: 7

    @moderators Thank you for reaching out! My surgery is March 6th! God bless!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @trutherford We'll be in your pocket for surgery and beyond! Let us know how you fair.

    —The Mods