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Reoccurrence after 26 years

Hello to the community. I was only 43 at first diagnosis, IDC, Stage 1, Lumpectomy and radiation. At that time I was not given any medication because my doctor felt it would put me into early menopause and risk of uterine cancer. I am 69 and Recently diagnosed with IDC Stage 1, 3 spots in same breast. I have only met with radiologist and breast surgeon. I found out that once you have had radiation, you can't have it again. The radiated skin may not work well with reconstruction I was told. My next visit is with a plastic surgeon and next the oncologist. I am still in shock that its come back after so many years. Trying to learn about my options for reconstruction, etc. Anyone out there that has gone through anything similar? I would be grateful for any insight. God bless you all on your journey.


  • mandy23
    mandy23 Member Posts: 125

    Hi @bythebay -

    Very sorry you had to come back to chat with us, but glad you have found us again.

    It's a real gut-punch isn't it? For me, it was 19 years later….really hoped I had beaten it too. I think there is just 'something' about some of our bodies that causes the cancer. I did genetic testing and they found nothing. So, perhaps it's something yet to be discovered.

    In my case, I had a mastectomy both times and didn't need rads, so I can't help with that. Hopefully, you can get into see a ps soon and they will tell you your options.

    Hard as it is to go through this again, you will feel better once you have a plan in place. Take each thing one step at a time.

    Hang in there! Take care.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hello, @bythebay, and welcome to! We’re so sorry you are going through this again, but glad you found us. As you explore your options for reconstruction and treatment, you may find the following article from our main site interesting: How Does Radiation Affect Breast Reconstruction?

    We hope this helps. As you can already see, there are others here who have gone through similar experiences and are willing to share their insights, so feel free to ask questions and lean on the community for support. You can count on us all!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you soon,

    The Mods

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    Hi @mandy23 and thanks so much for responding. Wow 19 years, isn't it crazy. I did genetic testing back in 2009 and was negative for BRCA. My daughter is almost same age as I was with first diagnosis so I am getting more genetic testing.

    I still feel kind of shocked that this is really happening, except this time I have more decisions to make regarding surgery. My first was pretty straight forward. You are absolutely right about feeling better after I make a plan, tomorrow I have an appointment with Plastic Surgeon and waiting on Oncologist appointment. I appreciate you response and any advice. Thank you.

  • sully01
    sully01 Member Posts: 4

    I’m so sorry to read this. It’s soul crushing. I was just diagnosed with a recurrence as well today. 13 years ago when I was 40 I had DCIS and a left mastectomy with implant. Same side now but sitting between the pec muscles and implant apparently. I’m glad yours is small again. Wishing you well on your treatment.

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @sully01 I'm so sorry, yes it IS crushing. I hope navigating your new diagnosis and treatment goes well. As Mandy said above, it will get easier when we get a plan. She gave good advice.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @sully01 - Welcome to We're sorry for what brought you here, and we're sorry to hear you're going through this again. Hope you can find support here with others who are going through similar issues.

    Good luck with next appointments and tests. When you have more information about next steps and treatment plan, we would love to hear from you. 😊

    Best wishes,

    From the Mods

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    Today I had a PET Scan. I haven't even seen the Oncologist yet but she sent me for this scan first. I was told if it doesn't show any cancer other than the 3 spots in my rt breast, I don't have to see her until after my surgery. Making decisions after seeing PS, I can't have radiation again so it seems that Oncology treatment will be determined after breast surgery. This is a lot to figure out.

    On top of my journey, my daughter 42 yrs. was having her first Breast MRI scheduled the week after my current diagnosis. I have a sister who had BC the year before me in 1997, so my daughter has a high risk. She was extremely scared of course and the call back for mammo and ultrasound really freaked us both out. Her mammo was clear, her ultrasound was clear but the MRI shows a 1mm area that the radiologist said he wasn't worried about it but with our history he wanted it biopsied. She is having that next week. I will also be having genetic testing done next week, I had a negative BRCA test many years ago.

    Anyone have a experience with something that small showing on the MRI as to what it could be? Needless to say, we are so worried. I can handle my BC but my daughter going through this fear is something else.

    Thank you for any information.

  • sully01
    sully01 Member Posts: 4

    I’m so sorry your daughter is going thru this anxiety too. MRI is super sensitive at picking up anything, so it sounds like they’re just being very cautious. I’m finding this second time around even in the face of negative Mammo, ABUSand MRI, they’re still looking at my good side with crazy scrutiny to the point of overkill. I have a 19 yo daughter so I understand the feelings of fear for them.

    I so hope your scans are CLEAR and you can proceed with local treatment.

    I just got my biopsy result that I’m facing a new primary or recurrence on my original mastectomy side. Sneaky thing was hiding behind my implant in pec muscle/axilla. I have 5 appointments and 3 scans next week to gather all the information. I’m terrified about the PET Bone scans and what it could reveal.

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    Oh @sully01 I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you prayer and positivity moving forward…

  • ava55
    ava55 Member Posts: 43

    So sorry to hear you are back. I am back too after bilateral Mx two years ago and IDC back in a lymph node. Same type ER PR+ Her neg. I didn’t have rads before so getting it after chemo and hard axillary clearance. So hard being back again so soon.

    I had Mx with immediate reconstruction with an implant and was amazed at how well they did it and how little scarring and coming out of the op pretty in tact. 6 weeks recovery and back in work then. Operation was also about 4 hours so not too bad at all.

    Re your daughter she is in good hands that they are being so careful so try not to worry.

    Mind yourself x

  • bythebay
    bythebay Member Posts: 40

    @ava55 So sorry you are back again so soon, hoping this treatment goes as well as your last experience. Sending good thoughts your way.

    I am very grateful my PET Scan came back no Mets and very grateful my daughters biopsy was not cancer. Haven't seen her labs yet as to what they looked at.

    Thank you for responding and best to you.