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Starting Chemo April 2024 Support Thread



  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36 oh my goodness I’m so sorry to hear about your burns! Ugh it sucks when stuff like this happens during treatment as if we don’t have enough to deal with. Praying for good healing for you! What exactly do you mean about antibiotic use during chemo?

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36

    @lbn2222 how’s your hair looking? My bald spot is getting worse. It honestly depresses me to look at it.

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @halyy2024 My hair is depressing too! My bald spot is in the front so I cover it with a silk scarf as a very wide headband. Not my favorite look… And more of my brown hair fell out and left behind the grey. My shedding has finally slowed down, though. Trying to be positive about that and rooting for regrowth to start. You can see what it used to look like in the pic with my two cats. I cut it shorter before starting chemo.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211 so sorry!! Hope the burns will heal quickly!!!

    @lbn2222 glad the hair shedding has slowed! And @halyy2024 hopefully yours will slow too!! I know capping takes a big effort!

    Platelets are back down, but praying it is like last time and they will bounce back by next Thursday for #4! I've had ankle swelling for three days or so after each treatment, but this time is worse and lasting longer. Hoping that stops now! Along with the drippy eyes! So annoying! Other than that I'm fairing pretty well.

    How's everyone else feeling? Almost the weekend and I am so glad! My office is closed next Wed, the day before my treatment and I am so excited to have an extra day off during the "feeling good" week LOL. So much stuff at home I am behind on. The week after chemo, by the time I work all day, I'm useless when I get home.

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Hi everyone. Thabk you all for the well wishes! Surgery and removal went well. Had round 3 on the 11th just woke from a nap with bad nausea

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited June 17

    @chickenlovva Im so glad everything went well, and I hope round 3 is behind you soon’

    @grammie2 I hope your platelets are back up and side efffects gone soon!

    I think I’m starting to feel and stay better from round 2. I’ve also been fighting a cold with a cough the last few days, but think I’m better. The burns are starting to heal! I made myself ill drinking half of a small Frappuccino today. Ugh. Side effects are so weird— you think you’re good, then surprise!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58
    edited June 17

    Thank you

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Sorry had to stop the previous post due to nausea. That's why it was so short. And apparently I'm having trouble with my phone on the last one! 😆

    You guys are great. Hugs to all!

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    Welcome back, @chickenlovva ! Hope the nausea eases up quickly! sorry to hear you have a cold on top of everything else!

    I think a bunch of us have treatment this week. Good luck to everyone! Friday is my last one. I'm dreading it but also can't wait to have it behind me.

    Sending hugs to all!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    @chickenlovva Hope you are feeling better! and you too !!

    @lbn2222 my #4of6 is scheduled for Thursday. Hoping it is going to take place. Pretty sure I saw blood mixed in my stool today. Going to give it until tomorrow and see if there is anything tomorrow. Ugh. No pain or anything else, other than the ankle swelling. From what I read, if it is, it's not good.

    Could use some prayers please. Saying some for all of you too!!

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @grammie2 sending lots of positive thoughts to you!!

  • Member Posts: 230

    Sending prayers your way, @grammie2 ! I hope everything is ok.
    Thought about you today— I went in for fluids today, and my platelet counts are on a rollercoaster downward. The potassium is already at the bottom waiting for them. More horse pills. I’m getting kinda used to taking them now. Thankful that they do help.

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited June 18

    I felt well enough to actually get out and attend my first local breast cancer event. It wasn’t through my cancer center, but it was nice to listen to speakers and meet and chat with other ladies fighting breast cancer. I now have business cards for local wig cutters, mastectomy bra and prosthesis fitters, authors, artists…. Everything except a 3D nipple tattoist, but I do have someone who is sending a name to me. And I won raffles for a free mastectomy bra up to $80 and a complete pedicure pamper gift set. And I was invited to the next pajama bunco 😊 Never played that before, but sounds like a blast. Hoping I feel well enough to attend!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211 thank you! And sorry you are having platelet issues too! Cool you won those raffles!! That's awesome!!

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    Got #4 done today! Platelets had gone up to 190 and BUN and Creatine were good. My RBC is low and has dropped with each blood test. Time to eat red meat, beans and quinoa!

    They did send me home with stool specimen cards. They don't seem super concerned. I think they think it could be Perjeta related, low platelets. But at least I will know it was for sure blood.

    Also prescribed a mild sleeping pill and an inhaler. Had a little wheezing when she listened to my lungs. My allergies have been worse lately so that is probably the problem.

    How about everyone else with treatments this week? how's the burns? @lbn2222 did you have your last one? Who else had treatments? Hoping everyone is doing ok!!! Hugs to all of you!!

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36

    @grammie2 that’s amazing! Wait was that your last one?! I’m so happy for you if it was!

    I just had #3/4 this morning. I am 4 weeks behind since I kept getting sick. Having major heartburn/stomach acid issues but powering through.

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    Congrats for getting another one done, @grammie2 and @halyy2024 ! Wishing you strength, rest, and as few side effects as possible! My last one is tomorrow.

  • grammie2
    grammie2 Member Posts: 211

    Hey! No that was 4 of 6. I'm HER2+ so I'm on TCHP every 3 weeks for 6 treatments pre surgery. They sent me home with a stool sample kit just to make sure it was blood and to monitor it. I don't think it's one of the common side effects, but not uncommon either with Perjeta and low platelets. My RBC's have slowly gone down with each treatment and that makes me more tired. Not low enough to get blood yet, but I guess it could if it keeps dropping. And I have the heartburn too! They usually give me IV Pepcid but only lasts for a few hours. I always take the max OTC ones every day and sometimes that's not enough!

    She did give me a mild sleeping pill. I didn't take it last night because I worked from home today and was afraid I might be super groggy this morning. Def. taking it tonight! I woke at 3:30 this morning. Stupid steroids LOL. But they do help the energy levels. I take the last pills tonight so I'm preparing to be tired tomorrow and the next few days.

    Hope everyone is feeling well and will have a great weekend! Hugs!

  • halyy2024
    halyy2024 Member Posts: 36

    @grammie2 4/6 is still awesome! We’re almost there. Can’t wait till this is behind us!! And yes the sleep thing is annoying..I can either barely keep my eyes open or am wired lol. Not much middle ground.
    hoping everyone is having an okay week! 🩷 sending so much love to all you beautiful ladies

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    Got my last treatment on Friday. Thank you for all the encouragement and support here! Feels great to have the infusions (and cold-capping!) behind me. Can't wait for energy and taste to return! Also found out that my radiation treatments will start July 16. I'm going to try to enjoy the time in between now before I gear up for that!

    Hope you are all doing well! Sending lots of positive thoughts to this amazing group!

  • sarahjunefox
    sarahjunefox Member Posts: 58

    @lbn2222 Congrats!!!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Haven't commented in a while, been very depressed and anxious. I swear it's the chemo. About 5 days after it hits me. My last one is tomorrow and I'm dreading it. I finally am feeling more like myself today and then wham! Uggh. Congratulations @lbn2222! Keep on going ladies, we can do this! Love to all of you!

  • Member Posts: 230

    I've been scarce and meaning to say hi, too. My youngest, who has special needs, is slowly but surely making it through community college, but it requires a lot of attention! I'm done with wound care for my leg burns—some scarring, but nothing too bad, and I’ve got some fresh new skin layers. I caught a nasty cold and cough at the end of my last chemo, which ran right into my current chemo (#3, halfway point!). Now, my husband is home with a cold I hope to avoid. Work doesn't stop for chemo brain, and it can be overwhelming to manage all the breast cancer "extras."

    The newest news is I’ve tested positive for the CHEK2 gene mutation. This might explain my thyroid and breast cancer, though only one great aunt had thyroid cancer and one had breast cancer (both elderly, both on the maternal-maternal side). Colon cancer is on my dad’s side, so the source is unclear. However, I feel confident that my decision for a double mastectomy is the right choice for me.

    @lbn2222 HUGE CONGRATS!!! 🎉

    How’s everyone doing? ❤️ Big hugs to you all!

  • Member Posts: 230

    Last chemo? Yes! LIGHT! You can do this!! I hope everything goes perfect for this last one for you!

  • lbn2222
    lbn2222 Member Posts: 42

    @chickenlovva I dreaded my last one more than the others too. My oncologist told me she thought it would go better than round 3 and she was right. The treatment itself went better and the side effects have been pretty consistent with other rounds except food tasted terrible for longer. Hope it will go smoothly for you too!!

    The thing that was hardest is that once I finished the actual treatment, I wanted to celebrate being "done" but still had to manage the side effects. I told myself (and others) that I was completely fine and then totally crashed a few days after because I was so tired and not really eating or drinking enough water. After a week, I think I'm starting to turn the corner and get my energy back. Also starting to see glimmers of regrowth for my hair (along with new bald spots…).

    Good luck, everyone! Sending positive thoughts to you all!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58
    edited July 3

    Rang the bell today!! I did it! Feeling great as of now, bit of shortness of breath or chest tightness but is it the steroids or my Ativan wearing off? I'll message them in the morning. Have some insomnia now and am tired but I'll take it over what may come! I'm trying so hard to stay positive and not fall into the deep depression. I even planted a bunch of my flowers I bought a week ago! Much love to you all, we got this!! eye is ok, just see flashes of light from the radiation and it's super light sensitive but my vision is slowly getting back to pre radiation. God is GOOD I wear the patch to keep some light out

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    @lbn2222 I'm so happy you're done too! I'm sorry you were tired, I hope it passes soon! Yay for the hair! 8m excited for you!! My stubble never fell out after 3, it's like 1/4 inch long in spots and much lighter, more blonde than dark brown. So odd. Maybe it's coming back pre highlighted?? 😆 🤣 😂 Hopefully it keeps growing and doesn't fall out! I'm praying SE are minimal this round. I don't want to be so depressed again! Hugs to you all!!

  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58
  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58
  • chickenlovva
    chickenlovva Member Posts: 58

    Number 1