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Did you get a 2nd Opinion regarding Oncology Report?


My onctype report should be back this week, and I am scheduled to meet with an Oncologist. I am just wondering if people get second opinions on oncology and the steps taken after mastectomy or lumpectomy.


  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 226

    Hello @nilespark44. I hope you are healing well. I remember I was very nervous before getting my Oncotype score and meeting with my oncologist! It was a big relief to finally have that information and a treatment plan.

    After my mastectomy, the pathology came back with no surprises … it was still Stage 1, and all the margins were clear, and my 6 lymph nodes were also clear … my Oncotype was 16 and I was premenopausal, age 49. I had already been told what I could expect for treatment if there were no surprises (=no radiation, no chemo, I would be put on Tamoxifen), and I had already researched it all, so I didn’t feel a need to get a second opinion since I understood what was being recommended and why. Thankfully there was nothing unusual about my cancer.

  • nilespark44
    nilespark44 Member Posts: 37

    Hi needs.a.nap,

    I think I am just extra nervous as well, as I am waiting for the Onco report. I hear some women removing ovaries and not using drugs, so I guess I am just reading too much and overthinking. Like you, I have been told what to expect after my surgery, unless surprises. Surgery was on March 13th. So I am just anxious about the next step. Thank you for taking the time to reply!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,788
    edited April 2024

    @nilespark44, here is an article from our main site that might be helpful: .

    Let us know how you're doing!

    The Mods

  • herb
    herb Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2024

    The oncodx test is a pretty clear cut test on how to proceed with treatment. The data they use is based on recurrences of cancer both local and stage 4. My score was 25 and right in the middle. I opted for chemo. What went into my choice? Stage 4 being a possible outcome. I wanted to get as far away from that has possible. What is not said is you can do 4 or 6 rounds of chemo now or chance being told you are stage 4 mets are doing chemo the rest of your life, with many scans and eventual death. And with er pr the average life expectancy is 3 to 5 years. This was something I never wanted to experience, so 4 rounds of chemo was my choice. Some times the score is so low, the cancer is low grade and does not respond to chemo. your oncodx test is a pretty black and white on weather you get chemo or not unless your like me dead center.

  • nilespark44
    nilespark44 Member Posts: 37

    herb, Thank you for the reply and all the information. If I am reading this correctly, based on what your Onco says, it will tell you the changes of your cancer returning at your breast or someplace else in your body as stage 4?

    I think I need to read more about just the report and what it will tell me before my appt. this week. The learning curve with cancer is so high.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,343
    edited April 2024

    Breast cancer is far, far more complex than most realize. Here’s something to help you understand the Oncotype DX testing. MSK usually has well written, easy to understand articles. It doesn’t tell you about any changes, but rather recurrence chances. And bear in mind that those are just chances, not guarantees.