Anyone with Rotter’s Nodes Metastases??

My surgical consult thinks my recent recurrence involves the Rotter’s Nodes and surrounding pectoral muscles . They are trying to come up with a plan to treat it locally but everyone seems to be scratching their heads about how to approach it. I am now being sent to a thoracic surgeon for a consult. Not instilling a lot of confidence in me ( I am at DF .. so the best around where I live). I am also being treated systemically with exemestane and Verzenio to try and shrink the mass. I get the feeling that this type of recurrence is very unusual and am thinking I may want a second opinion?? Anyone else have surgery involving these nodes? Thanks!


  • sully01
    sully01 Posts: 4

    I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It seems we’re in a similar boat. I had DCIS and left mastectomy in 2011. Just found out I have a new primary (per Onc) between my pec muscles and Abutting my implant and possibly affecting a rotter node next to it. My surgeon called this “unique” but she said unique doesn’t mean bad. 🤷‍♀️ they did say the tentative plan is to shrink mine with AI first, then surgery, then radiation. However the big if I have right now is a spot that lit up on my T12. Had to have a bone biopsy on Friday and anxiously awaiting the results now. Wishing you answers soon. You’re at the best DF, so I’ll be following you. I am at Northwestern in Chicago. DM if you’d like to connect.

  • lenn13ka
    lenn13ka Posts: 104


    Thanks for the answer. Yes… we are in the “unique” category. Same as you but mine is a recurrence not a primary. MRI in June to see if it has shrunk.. and probably going to a thoracic surgeon after.. 5 months into this and still no real plan. Let’s stay in touch.

    How was your bone biopsy???

  • sully01
    sully01 Posts: 4
    edited April 2024

    Thank you for asking. I was well sedated unlike my horribly painful breast biopsy, so it went very well. I have not gotten results yet and the waiting is agony. I haven’t even been prescribed the AI or inhibitor yet. How are those treating you? Hoping we both get these things shrunk down and out in the summer.

    Have you read that they don’t include the pectoral muscle involvement in “chest wall” category? I’ve seen conflicting descriptions and staging.

  • lenn13ka
    lenn13ka Posts: 104

    Mine involves the pectoral muscles both major and minor and unfortunately it has a vascular attachment. I am working with the Chief of Breast Surgery at DF, Tari King and she refers to it as an ipsilateral chest wall recurrence. She has said that if I end up having surgery it will be a thoracic surgeon. Breast MRI in June to see if it has shrunk.

    I am on exemestane and Verzenio. Except for the ordeal of dealing with getting Verzenio, I am doing OK on them. Took a little adjustment with the Verzenio. I took Anastrozole for years with no issues. I was also on Pablociclib for a clinical trial so have experience with the targeted drugs. Not affecting my lifestyle at all… which is good.

    Yeah, my breast / CW biopsy was no fun either and they took out three extra samples for research. Two months later it still is tender.

    Hoping for the best on your recent biopsy. I had some lung nodules that ended up being nothing.. so hopefully yours is the same. Since December I have had two cat scans, 2 MRI’s , 2 ultrasounds, one biopsy and one X-ray. Luckily I get the results right away on the MGB patient portal.. so not a lot of waiting.. good or bad news.