Possible DCIS?

I am waiting a biopsy for recent mammogram for clustered calcification findings. I have researched (yes, I know we are told not to Google things, but I'm scientific and information minded and this helps me manage anxiety and anxious thoughts if I can make a plan for both scenarios). My physician said if it is anything it is early. I'm thinking it could be DCIS due to the
varying shapes, clustered appearance, numerous amount of calcifications, course and fine shapes, more than 5 per centimeter and the crushed stone appearance. Bi-rads rating was 4, heterogeneously dense breasts (category C)?


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    hello booklady,

    I believe you started an almost identical thread yesterday that has a couple of responses. You may want to ask the moderators to consolidate them so that all your info/comments are in the same place. And again, we are not radiologists so it would be irresponsible for us to interpret those images or even venture to guess what type of bc it might be, if it is bc. You mention being “scientific minded” so you can understand why it might not be the best idea for us to offer interpretations of things that require scientific/medical knowledge which we likely don’t have.
    Waiting is very difficult and wanting to know all the possibilities is normal. My advice is to focus on what you know to be fact now. Take care

  • Thank you. I reposted because the moderator had sent me a message that the other post was blank. I couldn't see it from my end, and they said it was just a blank post. How odd. :)
    Thank you for replying and your words. I understand that no one can diagnose at this point, but was just hoping to hear from others who had walked a similar path.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    Weird! I was and still am able to see your post from yesterday 🤷🏻‍♀️. I am currently having trouble with pasting links on bco so it may be a glitch on their end. And not to belabor the point but waiting on a complete picture of one’s situation is the worst so it’s easy to understand why you want to fill in the blanks. Take care

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Posts: 232

    Hi @booklady24. I remembered seeing that blank post under this thread … but I think that’s an inactive thread though since djmammo is no longer posting. Your original thread is still showing on my end also (I go to Active Topics and scroll backward to see all the most recent activity across all the topics and it’s still there). I’m sorry we aren’t able to give you any additional answers … others may meander on by your thread and reply later.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    Unraveling the mystery… I now see that it was your post in “Interpreting Mammograms…” that was blank! I was referring to the separate threads, with imaging pics, that you started; one yesterday and one today. I am guessing that the mods were referring to your blank post in the Interpreting Mammo thread . Glad that’s cleared up and hopefully, they will consolidate the two almost identical threads.