Birad 4 -suspicious abnormality

tchuts Posts: 2
edited May 2024 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hello all of you wonderful brave women,

This is my 2nd time coming back to this site and reading through posts of encouragement from others. At 41, I had a suspicious finding and a stereotypic biopsy. Results were benign. Now I am here again 5 years later and playing the wait game. My annual mammogram was April 18th and on April 23rd my results had been posted to my health portal. Once again suspicious abnormality. This is a hard road to be going down, we want to be positive but also want to prepare ourselves for the a bc diagnosis. I do have breast cancer in my family. This new birad 4 screening is based on a punctate cluster calcification near my last tested benign calcification. I unfortunately cannot get into see my dr until May 7th for my referral to get further testing and I am wondering about a few things. ( yes rabbit hole) if calcifications can be created from injury or damage to the breast tissue does this include past biopsy. It addition, if for some reason my first test was a false negative would I see a tumor by now vs a new calcifications. I almost feel like my chances are higher being this is the 2nd time going though this.

Thank you ladies for being a resource for the people out here looking for some guidance.


  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Posts: 232

    I’m so sorry @tchuts that you have something new and concerning that needs a biopsy. Hopefully it’ll also be benign!! I’ve read online a little bit about calcifications but am no expert and wouldn’t dare to venture a guess.

    I’m very inexperienced with all of this but I’m just curious why your doctor can’t do a referral right away, without seeing you? I’m only wondering because I was able to get a referral for a biopsy over the phone with my primary care doctor the same afternoon after getting my mammogram/ultrasound. Perhaps it’s handled differently based on insurance requirements or simply “office policy”. If they must see you in person before giving you a referral, perhaps you can get in earlier with a cancellation? I’d be sweetly pestering them each morning to see if they have any cancellations. The squeaky wheel and all :)

    Hang in there!

  • tchuts
    tchuts Posts: 2

    thank you needs.a.nap. The wait is hard. I did ask the receptionist if they could just send my referral and she said no. Doctor would require to talk with me. I am on a cancellation list as well but still no calls. My dr does work 50 % of the time in the emergency room at our hospital as well.

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Posts: 232

    Hi @tchuts I know in the grand scheme of things, a week or two doesn’t make a difference, but boy, it does a number on our nerves! Hopefully you can keep busy and distract yourself to help pass the time.