Er/pr/her2 + IIIA stage IDC

Hi, my 68 year old mother was diagnosed with hr+ pr+ and her2/neu breast cancer (score 2+ currently being verified with fish method), last week. she underwent a tumorectomy with an axillary dissection. the pathological analysis showed the following results: 

  1. - infiltrating ductal carcinoma of 18 mm, grade SBR 3 according to EE. 
  2. - the margins are unscathed. 
  3. - left axillary dissection (04N+ 1R+) /19 
  4. - Er positive (score 8/8) 
  5. - Pr positive (score 8/8) 
  6. - KI67 proliferation index: 40% 

The problem now is that my mother is too depressed since before the tumorectomy, the preoperative biopsy did not show any lymph node involvement. This has now changed his cancer stage from 1 to 3a. She doesn't want to do chemotherapy, believing that it won't save her. I am writing to you to give us more information on his situation (survival, recurrence, metastasis, etc.). I will show her your answers to convince her to change her mind. I thank you very much for the quality of your interventions which are of extremely rare quality and pedagogy. 


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    I’m in a bit of a rush but… Stage III is not terminal. Take look at the stage III threads and you will see many, many long term survivors. Recurrence is hard to predict but the goal of her treatments will be to prevent metastases. It is NOT inevitable!

  • uomotn
    uomotn Posts: 2
    thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I wish you a speedy recovery.
  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    You are very welcome. Unfortunately, there is no recovery, no cure from stage IV.