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Calcifications in a milk duct

I just turned 40 on the 8th of June so I'm fairly new to the whole mammogram scene and the issues that can be found from those. About 4 years ago (age of 35), I did have some nipple discharge from one nipple that would only come out if I messed with it or forced it to come out. Well, I ended up freaking myself out over it and had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound done. At that time all they found was a prominent milk duct (aka dilated duct) with no other signs of cancer or issues. Now, my Dr wanted me to get my annual mammogram done but bc of the dilated milk duct issue she made it a diagnostic mammogram with an ultrasound bc she wanted to prevent me from having a "call back". During the mammogram the radiologist saw a small group of pleomorphic calcifications in the upper part of that same dilated duct. The couldn't see them in the ultrasound so he recommended a needle biopsy with the assistance of mammogram (I can't remember what that type of biopsy is called). I do have the biopsy scheduled for 07/01. I am a natural worrier and overthinker. Every worse case scenario has been going through my mind driving me nuts w/anxiety. What are my chances that this calcification is benign?


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I am so sorry that this has caused you so much worry. Let me start by saying all calcifications are benign. Calcifications can be a pre-cursor to malignancy but are themselves benign. I think the radiologist made a good call considering there’s a bit of history but beyond that, there’s simply no way for anyone to guess what the results of a biopsy might be (even a doctor wouldn’t guess). The waiting will be no fun so plan lots of distractions. If your worrier tendencies start to get the better of you, don’t hesitate to seek help* as many, many of us do when dealing with this type of situation. Take care

    *Emotional health is important and is routinely offered to cancer patients or those in stressful medical situations. Someone recently thought I was shaming them when suggesting that but that’s the last thing I’d ever do. Apologies in advance if you find the suggestion uncomfortable.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @tawnytutu123, welcome to We're sorry you are here and worried, but glad you found us!

    Calcifications can indeed be concerning, but it's important to remember that not all calcifications are indicative of cancer. For more information and to help ease your mind, you might want to read the following article on our main site: Understanding Breast Calcifications.

    Also, here's an article about the different types of biopsies and what to expect during the procedure: Breast biopsy. We hope this helps!

    Good luck, and remember that we're here for you if you need support or have any more questions.

    The Mods

  • tawnytutu123
    tawnytutu123 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you all for your comforting and supportive comments and wishes. I do apologize for the late update. I tend to shut down when I'm scared and when my anxiety is level is high. I had my biopsy this past Monday, 07/01 and got my results back yesterday and it all came back benign. Turns out I have Intraductal Papilloma without Atypia, with a background of focal dilated duct and a rare coarse calcification associated with stroma. My Dr said it's all benign. I do have to be monitored every 6 months with ultrasound imaging to make sure everything stays stable.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    @tawnytutu123 This is great news! Thank you so much for coming back to let us know. We hope you enjoy a worry-free future!

    —The Mods