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Brand New - like FRESH

I’m sure I will grow to understand what many of you are going through and even talking about. I’ve had a mammogram , ultrasound - biopsy in armpit and breast. It came back as cancer. So now i am in the ‘system’ and have been booked for a Bone Scan, ECG, Oncologist and Surgeon this week. (4 different appts) I’m in Canada and it’s really a disjointed system. So far no one has said anything to me about anything.

So my question is - is it normal to be sent for a Bonescan and ECG? Does everyone with a diagnosis get this? My mammogram was fine last year - but now i think they missed it. And i also feel like i have cancer everywhere now. I feel it all over.

Anyway - thank you, everyone seems like a real community here.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I am so sorry that you’re joining us, but this is a great place for support. I am not Canadian but we have many members who are so someone will hopefully pop in soon with support on the health care system.

    Bone scans, ECG’s, etc. , are often part of an initial work up and do not indicate that your doctors suspect anything else . Your doctors will want a complete picture so they can prepare a treatment plan for you. Breast cancer is very unlikely to be metastatic at initial diagnosis (only about 6% ) so for now, focus on what you know, not what is speculation.

    Ah, mammograms… breast cancer tumors grow very slowly . It is estimated that most breast cancers have been growing for about 5 years before they are large enough for a mammo to detect. That likely means your tumor wasn’t missed but rather not large enough to be seen. Breast cancer is not detectable via a blood test.
    My only advice is to concentrate on what you know to be true right now and stay away from Dr. Google. He is a bad diagnostician and clinician! Take care

  • missannabele
    missannabele Member Posts: 4

    thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2

    We're so sorry you find yourself here, @missannabele, but as Exbrnxgrl said, this is a wonderful place for support as you continue down this road. You are definitely not alone!

    To help you navigate the forums and make the most of your account, please check out our tips on How to best use the community.

    Also, we want to let you know we offer very supportive, moderated Virtual Community Meetups. There are a number of different groups and times, so if you're interested, please check them out here: Virtual Community Meetups.

    We’re here for you,

    The Mods

  • kkardatzke22
    kkardatzke22 Member Posts: 6

    im in the states, diagnosed last week so I'm fresh as well 😞 met with surgeon last week, oncology and MRI tomorrow. It's a lot to take in over the last week but trying to take it day by day. Here if you want to chat. I'm sorry we r going through this.

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 215

    Hello @missannabele. Welcome here … we do understand one another in a unique way and the support is so valuable! I’m really sorry you are facing this … what a shock!! It may not feel real for a while and the whirlwind of initial appointments can be pretty overwhelming. Reading on this forum in the beginning totally calmed me down and helped me see that if they could all do it, then I could too!

    Once you meet your surgeon and oncologist, they can give you a lot of information. It does feel disjointed at first. Having a list of questions for them can be helpful. One small suggestion … try to be as organized as you can with your medical information … I put together a binder with copies of all my recent test results and bloodwork, my medical history and my family’s history (so I wouldn’t have to keep remembering it all) and made a list of my doctors and their phone numbers, etc. I probably didn’t need the binder but I felt a little measure of control over my health having it all in one place and I could easily give copies of test results to my primary care doctor who is in a different system than all my other doctors. You’ll find ways to help you feel organized and in charge of your health. I wish you all the best!!!

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 215

    Hello @kkardatzke22. I’m so sorry!!! It truly stinks getting this diagnosis and your life gets turned upside down for a while. I love that you are reaching out to offer support!! It says a lot about you as a caring person. Welcome to this forum!!!

  • waves2stars
    waves2stars Member Posts: 152

    Sorry about the dx. There’s so much experience and support here that can hopefully help you though the shock of the dx. It must seem scary for your care team to order all those tests, but I would look at it as they are being proactive in making sure your body is prepared for different treatment options. Having an ekg is important when having a mastectomy or Diep flap, as well as determining what kind of systemic treatment is safe for you. It’s good to have baseline info for all this stuff before treatment. I would feel reassured their thorough checks will lead to the best, personalized care for you. Sending hugs!