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Thickening on breast/upper chest, nothing seen on mammo or u/s

knit_wit Member Posts: 4

I'm 42. 2.5 weeks ago I found a "lump" (not a lump, not a round one, a bump, something raised) that led to feeling thickening areas on my chest and in my right breast. Breast also is perkier that it used to be, where my left falls flat like a pancake 😅 the right now stays upright when I lay down. When I raise my arm my nipple pulls in and up (looks like an elf shoe) and there is a visble thick pad above the nipple on my chest. Lefty slopes normal dowward. I don't have a pcp. (Well I have a new one I'm seeing tomorrow) when I called to make an appt they couldn't see me till Aug but to come to urgent care.

Went in first thing Friday morning.

Urgent care provider was rather concened. Sent me in stat for mammo and U/S and sent referral to high risk breast clinic.

Had the mammo and u/s, but they can't see anything on mammo OR ultrasound (they found a 3mm "probably benign fibroadenoma") but what we can SEE and feel is a couple Inches wide, maybe 1/⁴" thick and about as long as my palm.
The radiologist said (repeatedly) that all he could see was "normal breast tissue" but that I do have scattered density.

Of course when I Google these things, ILC is what matches the description. When I read your stories, many have symptoms AND can't be visualized on imaging like mine.
I'm so frustrated. 😭😭

Should I beg the pcp for mri? Biopsy? Or wait for high risk clinic to call and beg them? Worried high risk will cancel the referral when they see the "negative" mammo and ultrasound.

Edited by Mods to remove photos of symptoms.


  • knit_wit
    knit_wit Member Posts: 4

    I also have intermittent deep aches and intermittent shooting pains on that side, but INSIDE not like where the thickened areas are.

    Also have a tender spot near my armpit, but the urgent care provider didn't palpate that spot, only higher in the armpit so I assumed it wasn't cause for concern.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I am so sorry for your worries. I want to address the idea “begging” for a biopsy. If they can’t see anything to biopsy, then randomly extracting tissue will be pointless. Biopsies generally can only be done when something is seen. MRI’s offer a different mode of imaging and there is such a thing as MRI guided biopsy. I am not well versed in ILC so can’t comment there but you could ask about a possible MRI. Take care

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    I would urge you to try to get in to the high risk breast specialist ASAP. Not to scare you unnecessarily, but many types of breast cancer present without a lump. Does the raised area of skin have an "orange peel" appearance? No one here can diagnose but many doctors miss signs of BC, particularly for the less common types. Hopefully it is nothing serious but it never hurts to get a second opinion. My best to you.

  • kaynotrealname
    kaynotrealname Member Posts: 438

    I would ask for an MRI. If they don't have an answer for what it is then they need to continue until they do.

  • knit_wit
    knit_wit Member Posts: 4

    this is why I originally posted in the ILC group. My symptoms fit perfectly for ILC.

    No orange peel, but thick areas in the breast (new), new firmness, new nipple pulling up.

    my nenew Pcp did order the MRI today. JuJuss y need ins to auth it 🙏🙏 Debating calling the high risk surgeon tomorrow.

  • knit_wit
    knit_wit Member Posts: 4

    my new pcp did order the mri, bless her, today

    My thickened areas ansand nipple changes with arm movement worried her I think.

    Just need ins to auth the mri 🙏🙏