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The tests seem neverending

cozyrad Member Posts: 29
edited July 20 in Waiting for Test Results

Hi all. I've been on a breast "journey" for almost 2 years. I've had more mammograms and ultrasounds than I can count and it seems like they find something(s) new every time. I just had an MRI and it found even more areas that they want looked at again. It feels like I'm swimming in a sea of tests with no answers.

Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to distract myself while I go through this chain of appointments? I'm not super health anxious overall but it's getting stressful never having answers, only more questions. I'm sure some of you understand. Thanks!


  • kkardatzke22
    kkardatzke22 Member Posts: 6

    im newly diagnosed stage one. My MRI last week showed larger area than US and Mamo showed. I'm learning quickly that there are twists and turns with these journeys as more info is gathered. I guess I'm trying to be greatful that we now have tech avail to really see what's going on in order to formulate the best plan. Better to be safe. If you've not had a biopsy before it's not bad. I had 4 spots checked same time. I wish you an easy time and yes distraction is key during these difficult days. My thoughts are with you.

  • cozyrad
    cozyrad Member Posts: 29

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, kkardatzke22. Glad it was caught at stage 1! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful. I sure am. I wish they'd done biopsies by now, but they wouldn't have even known to check the new spots. Hopefully they'll do them after the ultrasounds to be sure of any pathology. Thanks so much for the supportive comment. It means a lot! I hope things go as well as possible for you.

  • monarchandthemilkweed
    monarchandthemilkweed Member Posts: 175

    in the breast cancer world, it is a lot of hurry up and wait. I’m not saying you have cancer. A cancer diagnosis is not a medical emergency although it sure feels like one. So anyhow there’s a lot of waiting and wondering. Keep doing the things you love and make you feel good. Whether this is cancer or not is unfortunately out of your control. The only control you have is the present moment. Try and live there. Easier said then done. I know. Before my cancer diagnosis I had “busy breasts” so I know what you are experiencing.
    hang in there

  • cozyrad
    cozyrad Member Posts: 29
    edited July 13

    Thanks for the support!

    I've been trying to distract myself today with stress cleaning. It's tough! I'm lucky to not have severe health anxiety. I just struggle with patience lately since there's always something new. I appreciate everyone who leaves a supportive comment.

  • cozyrad
    cozyrad Member Posts: 29

    I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 16th now to check out the spots that have prolonged enhancement. Hopefully they're just benign weird vascular foci and not what the radiologist suspects! 🤞

  • cozyrad
    cozyrad Member Posts: 29
    edited July 17

    Had the US today. The biggest area of concern and one lymph node are markedly suspicious, so it's been upgraded to a Birads 4 with no subcategory and biopsies have been ordered. I'm not sure if this specific radiologist just doesn't use subcategories or if it's hospital policy, but I wish I knew.

  • kkardatzke22
    kkardatzke22 Member Posts: 6

    the biopsy will give more info. The waiting is hard tho for sure. The whole ordeal is an "emergency" in our minds!