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MRI w/o contrast


I am wondering if anyone have had an MRI without contrast. Is that better than a 3d mammogram for dense breasts or an ultrasound? Just wondering as reading up on the contrast used for MRIs and getting nervous on using it as it saying that gadolinium can stay in your body for a LONG time and even staying in the brain.



  • waves2stars
    waves2stars Member Posts: 150

    I wouldn’t worry about the contrast, be more concerned with kidney health. Make sure you’re well hydrated before, and take a bottle of water to begin drinking immediately after leaving the room. Drink all the fluids they tell you to. If you really want to flush it out, some health food stores sell fresh celery juice, which is pretty wonderful for getting rid of metals, etc.

  • zen1028
    zen1028 Member Posts: 94

    Thanks for the advise waves2stars. I bought some celery juice ahead and drank a bottle as soon as I got home today. Man they taste terrible. But whatever helps to detox the contrast after the MRI. I also drank like 64-80 oz of water w/lemon juice, 2 cups of green tea and 2 cups of turmeric tea. Going for the same regime tomorrow to keep it up.

  • waves2stars
    waves2stars Member Posts: 150

    Glad you got the scan! Sounds like you found the crunchy patient’s guide to detox! I use all the same except turmeric. I was so scared of the contrast when scheduled for my first mri, and there’s Chuck Norris’ wife and other people who reported having lasting damage from it. I’ve been getting brain MRI’s every three months for two years with no problem so far, and quite a few people I know have had them at that frequency for 8-10 years. Yes, avoid unnecessary stuff, prevent what you can with fluids, but do get all the recommended surveillance so your team can give you the care you deserve.

  • zen1028
    zen1028 Member Posts: 94

    I saw so many horror stories online, her story, and also on Reddit too. I was able to "negotiate" the dosage down slightly from what the FDA has as recommendation base on body weight on the dotarem. They said have to do full or near to get the images for breast. I also asked the nurse/radiologist to do a slower drip or as slow as they are allowed. I also drank a lot of water to flush out in the morning before I went to the appointment. Think those helped.

    Then to add on all that, went to my acupuncture session about 2 hours later for more detox pressure points.

    I also had a brain MRI 3 wks ago, that too I negotiated that dose from the recommendation to less, 3 ml less. The neurosurgeon said that dose was enough for him to view the images. I think that helped to reduce the build up.

    To me, recommendation is not an absolute, for these dosages. I hope next time I go, the magnesium contrast is available. GE health is doing a phase 1 trial of that, starting late Dec 23 in Netherlands.