Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.


Hey guys. Currently scared to death, had triple negative breast cancer in 2007 been clear all these years. Went for my mammogram on Monday and they found a 7mm nodule as she called it , biopsy coming on Monday radiologist said she is sure it is cancer, oh and same breast as last time


  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 105

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. As another triple negative survivor, I understand that visceral fear at hearing the word cancer. Nothing can make that fear go away. But here's a couple of positives to focus on instead:

    1. After this many years, it is unlikely to be your original cancer rearing it's head again. Triple negative doesn't work that way.

    2. In the unlikely event that it is TN again, there have been major advances in treatment since 2007.

    3. If it's hormone positive a whole new realm of extremely effective treatments are available to you.

    4. A 7mm mass is pretty small so if it is cancer they caught it early. That's the best possible outcome. Early treatment is usually effective treatment..

    5. You have the support of all of us here on BCO. We're here for you.

    I hope it turns out to be absolutely nothing. Good luck.


  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks, I know I should act like I have been here before but it all feels brand new again, same feelings , same fear, forgot how scared I was the first time

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,793

    Sending you hugs, @pinkone501 ! It's hard not to jump to the worst case scenario, we understand.

    And as @trishyla1 said, you've got our support here! Please keep us posted.

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    I will, thanks Ladies

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 890

    @pinkone501 Ugh sorry to hear you need a biopsy on Monday. We all understand as nobody wants to be back here again. As I always say there is nothing more definitive than a tissue biopsy. Remember nothing has been proven yet. Try to remain optimistic and hope for the best. As said above there are so many more therapies available now if needed.

    Sending strength and positive vibes your way.

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks, I just wish the radiologist was not so sure

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 105

    Radiologists can be wrong. Otherwise there wouldn't be a need for a biopsy.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 890

    @pinkone501 I worked in radiology as a tech for over 30 years and they aren't always right. They are trained to look for suspicious findings and recommend the next step to take. They typically will state in report highly suspicious for cancerous lesion etc. To make a statement that they are "sure" is just wrong. It's ok to lean one way or the other to get a point across as to urgency to take action. No definite diagnosis of cancer is made without having pathology. Hope for the best but be prepared for the worse until proven otherwise.

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    thanks, it said Bi Rads 4 suspicious on the report

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    But she said she was pretty sure it was based on the jagged edges

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    Hey guys, biopsy was today

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    I kinda looked at it on the ultrasound, it does have the jagged edges, and it is 7mm

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,793

    Thinking of you, @pinkone501! We hope you're recovering well, and that your results are available quickly. Let us know when you find anything out!

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62


  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    Dang guys, I am so nervous waiting on this call, even tho I kinda feel like it is cancer

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 391

    The waiting is the worst - sending you a virtual (((HUG)))

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    having surgery Thursday or Friday to get it out , surgeon said it is cancer but looks like early stage , do not have all the pathology back yet to know for sure, she said the mammogram did its job by catching it early

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 890

    @pinkone501 Sorry to hear it looks cancerous but happy you are getting surgery so quick. Less time for anxieties to build, Glad you were vigilant about your mammo and it looks early stage. Best wishes for lumpectomy this week, we'll be thinking of you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,793

    We're sorry to hear this, @pinkone501. We wish you the best of luck with surgery and results. If you want you can take a look at our section for Members Who've Just Been Diagnosed. There you'll find some helpful tips that can help you understand pathology reports, weigh treatment options, and deal with the stress that often follows a breast cancer diagnosis.

    Keep us updated on how you are doing, and use the community for support and encouragement. We're all here for you!

    The Mods

  • pinkone501
    pinkone501 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks Ladies