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Tamoxifen vs. Ovarian Suppression & AI

Hello! I am new here, newly diagnosed and trying to navigate all this.

I was diagnosed with ILC in June 2024 and opted for a bilateral mastectomy, right breast was healthy. Currently with tissue expanders, waiting for implants in a couple months.

Stage 1A, tumor was 1.7cm (grade 2), high ER+/high PR+, HER2-, Ki67 15%. Genetic testing was all negative. No chemo (oncotype was 13) and no radiation. No lymph node involvement.

I am almost 47 and on tamoxifen (no SE). I keep reading that AIs are better and debating if I should suppress ovarian function and go on AI instead of tamoxifen. Onc is amenable to that but wasn't overly excited about that course of tx. Onc does not rec ovary removal even though I am debating it. I keep reading about reoccurrence years down the road and that is scary especially I am/was early stage (seems like that does not mean much in this situation). I am not planning on having kids - just trying to figure out the best course of action for the best long term prognosis.
