MRI results

I got the results of my MRI today and everything is said to be normal. That’s all the letter that I got said. Although I’m thrilled to get this negative result, I still can’t relax because I’m still in pain and I still have a lot of swelling in my armpit. Are MRI’s more reliable than mammograms and ultrasounds? I’ve had all three at this point and all have been normal so where is this pain and swelling coming from? Can I feel confident that I don’t have cancer? I’m sorry for all the questions. I’m just so concerned still and I’m not sure what to do next. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Now that you have had normal mammo, ultrasound and MRI, it might be time for your PCP to look for another reason, besides breast cancer, for your symptoms. It seems like appropriate testing has been done.
    You did mention in previous posts that you suffer from anxiety. Could this be contributing to your thoughts of having breast cancer despite no evidence from testing?
    I don’t want to diminish your pain or symptoms. It might help to talk to your PCP to find out the next steps.

  • Thank you for your reply. I do suffer from anxiety and I’m sure that the anxiety makes the symptoms worse but I don’t think it’s possible for anxiety to cause the swelling to be such that I can’t put my arm all the way down to my side and my arm and hand swell as well. It’s really quite bizarre and it’s been like this for two years now. Based on the imaging I’ve had I suppose I should be convinced it’s not breast cancer and investigate other causes. I’ve been to my primary about my symptoms and he felt no lumps under my arm and really didn’t have a clue what was causing the swelling. It’s very uncomfortable and at times quite painful. In any event, I should head back there and see what other investigations can be done because I need relief from these symptoms.

  • monarchandthemilkweed
    edited August 2024

    good news on the MRI!

    But yes frustrating to not have answers. I’ve walked that path myself before. I’ still don’t know what caused my left side to suddenly go numb this summer. Lots of testing and specialist but no answers.

    And I think this is how medicine is broken. Prob head back to to your PCP to find out about next steps. In the meantime. Go back to basics. How are you sleeping? How about your nutrition? And what about getting enough movement and sunshine? Are you getting enough of that? What about your water intake?

    Are there areas of your health and wellness that you could improve on? If there are tackle one area at a time with sleep probably being the most important. Having a plan and doing something will feel better thank waiting and worrying.

    our good health is more in our control than we sometimes think. I’m focusing on better nutrition and losing some weight and exercising some more to help with my health issues that I have no answers for. It’s a tall order for me. My first step is incorporating more protein. I also have an appointment with a care provider to help achieve these goals. Not having answers is scary. But we have a lot of control over our health.

    The good news is all three modalities are not showing cancer. Good luck!

  • Thank you for replying. It is very frustrating not having any answers. I’m still not convinced that all is well regarding my breast as when the doctor ordered the test he was sure to remind me that no test is 100 percent accurate. I can’t get that statement out of my mind.

    Regarding my overall health, I’m relatively healthy. I do need to lose about 25 pounds ( thank you stress and menopause). Sleep isn’t as good as it was prior to menopause but I’ve been taking some herbal supplements that have been helping. I am active and do try to exercise regularly but the pain in my armpit and breast hinders my exercise. I try to push myself but sometimes it hurts too much. I will have to head back to my primary and see what else can be done to get answers. Thank you again for taking time to respond. I appreciate everyone who has replied.