Waiting for her 2 result

Hi. I was newly diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma left breast lower inner quadrant . It took a while for me to seek care as my presentation was unusual. I initially felt pain to left of sternum a year ago but did not feel a lump. I had had a normal physical and mammogram last fall. (I never read my mammogram report where they calculated my risk of breast cancer to be 25% due to family history and dense breasts and that an MRI would be helpful).
Anyways I started to feel a hard lump in that same painful spot and saw PCP who ordered a ct scan of the chest. That showed the mass and a pulmonary nodule.
Saw thoracic surgeon who ordered a pet scan. The mass was positive and also there was an internal mammary node too but not the pulmonary nodule . And finally I got the diagnosis after biopsy.
Waiting for her 2
Nervous as I will need radiation as they cannot remove the mammary node.
Meeting with local surgeon,oncology and radiation oncology this week and getting second opinion at Dana Farber next week.
This is my first message on forum .
Just needed to reach out to others who are going through the same things.
Hi @nronan, I'm sorry about your breast cancer diagnosis. Waiting for test results is hard. FISH testing is often sent out to a larger cancer center so it takes a while to get the results. Mine was done at the hospital I was treated at and it still took ten days. The doctors need to have all the necessary information before they can develop a treatment plan so you are left wondering.
With an unusual presentation like yours it is a good idea to get that second opinion. Things get a bit easier once your treatment plan is in place. You can then connect with others on this forum who are undergoing the same treatments for information and support. All the best!
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Hi. Thanks so much.