Focal Asymmetry


My recent mammogram showed focal asymmetry on my left breast, something that has not been present in prior mammograms.

Has anyone else had this and what should I expect if anything? I have a follow up mammogram of the left breast and ultrasound.


  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,467

    Hi @recruiter24, I’m sorry that you have the worry that comes with a mammogram call back. Statistically, focal asymmetry on a screening mammogram is benign 88% of the time. The mammogram and ultrasound radiology reports will clear you or recommend a biopsy. The biopsy results determine whether or not cancer cells are present. Focal asymmetry showed up on one of my mammograms. While I’m here all those women who received benign results are not around to chime in. I hope your scans go well. All the best!

  • momof_3
    momof_3 Member Posts: 1

    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. I pray you're well mentally and physically.

    I found a lump in my left breast that has went away. Yesterday, I went to the doctor for my annual mammogram and additional test. The doctor told me that I have focal asymmetry and wants me to have a biopsy. I can't begin to tell you about the emotional roller coaster I'm on. I have 3 young sons and I have given them a little insight as to what is going on. I don't want to scare them, but they're asking questions. I'm so scared!! I really need to talk to someone.

  • needs.a.nap
    needs.a.nap Member Posts: 222

    Hi @momof_3. This is a place of understanding. And great strength! It’s natural to be scared and we all understand the “rollercoaster”. Waiting to know can be extra hard but keeping busy does help pass the time anyway and I’m guessing your boys keep you super busy?!