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Any advice on this image please

wildev Member Posts: 2



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I am sorry that this is concerning you. We are not medical professionals and we cannot give you any medical interpretations or advice. Please contact you doctor to address you concerns. Lastly, posting pics is prohibited. Please remove them as the moderators will shortly. Again, we cannot, do not, and should not be diagnosing anything here, and really, would you want us to? We are wholly unqualified so please make an appointment to see your own doctor. Take care

  • wildev
    wildev Member Posts: 2

    well I joined this platform because it said supportive! That was not a supportive comment at all I gave it's made me feel worse. The post was for people who have had pagets and could either reassure me or make me feel supported! If you read it I did say I had dr appt. I've spent hours trying to google the images and they only show worse case images so it actually could have helped someone in the future once I did get results from my dr. So thanks for the discouragement. I will leave this platform now

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 30


    I am sorry that you feel unsupported but posting pics is explicitly prohibited . One of the reasons is that we are not medical professionals and it would be irresponsible of us to attempt to even guess at a diagnosis. Most doctors would not even venture a guess based solely on photos. We can support you emotionally and even give overarching recommendations but please understand that we are simply not in a position to make a diagnosis based on photos. I hope that your doctors appointment clarifies your situation. Take care

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited September 30

    @wildev please stay here. Indeed, we don't support photos, because we are concerned that people will try to diagnose it and this could lead to someone not getting the necessary testing. It's really about protecting YOU only.
    Please know you are warmly embraced and welcome here!