Odd feeling rib area

Over the past week experiencing odd sensation in under right ribs/abdomen. Sporadic sensations, not really pain, lasting less than a minute or two. Ranges from upper right, below bra line to under right ribs to lower center abdomen. Sometimes feels like pulled muscle, other times like winded, or just weird feeling. Feels better when eating, drinking or with massage. Movement also helps. Had bloodwork in August and numbers were great. Through the years have had various odd feelings that I strike up to effect of tamoxifen on joints and body. Know the rule to wait 2 weeks and then call Dr. - just wondering if others have had similar experience to walk me off ledge thinking liver mets. Thanks!


  • littlecheese
    littlecheese Member Posts: 28

    and if people have had gallbladder issues, what are the symptoms and how long did they last?