DCIS removed but... gene mutations... now what and family thinks I should be happy

deese1027 Member Posts: 1
edited November 11 in Just Diagnosed

Diagnosed with DCIS (ER+/PR+) in Sept. Had it removed in Oct. Doc talked abt possible radiation and/or hormones even though I'm one of the "lucky" ones- HA! Now I'm positive for CHEK2 and RAD51C w a family history of ovarian and colon cancer (1 + 1). Waiting to hear back from gyn to screen for ovarian cx and sons need to be tested for gene mutations. Family wants to know why I'm not happy w cx having been removed and why I'm putting things like my own b'day and the holidays on hold for a minute. I am a do-er but this is overwhelming!


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,736

    @deese1027 Yes, it is overwhelming. Take it at your pace. We here really understand you. 😍

    Please keep us posted!