Early Stage Breast Cancer - anyone on Letrozole and Ribociclib?
Wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with Early Stage Breast Cancer and on AI/Ribociclib regimen? I’m going to start after radiation and wondering how your treatment is going and if there are any tips out there! Thanks in advance!
What should be my next step?
My biopsy confirms that I have Invasive Mammary Carcinoma in my right breast, which is hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative, and a high Ki-67 proliferation rate of over 80%. Can someone tell me more about that Ki-67 number? Is it normal? Also the doctor initially said it was only one centimeter but the report…
Are you dealing with infections or bandaging during palliative care??
Hi everyone. I'm starting this topic because I haven't found a similar one to help answer questions and offer me advice. I know I'm a rare case managing my own palliative care, in Asia, while under the care of a great doctor who's using both eastern and western medical traditions. I'm on hormone therapy (Tamoxifen then…
FDA Approves Dato-DXd for advanced-stage HR+, HER2- breast cancer
Single Hormone Status- IDC (ER+ PR- and Her2-) Newly Diagnosed
Hi! I am new here :) I was diagnosed 12/31/2024. So far I have had mammogram/US→ biopsies → diagnosed → MRI → results → Met with a Sugerical Oncologist → Currently waiting on oncotype results (from biopsy sample.) and I have a follow up with OS/Plastics this coming Monday. I have a large span of DCIS and 1.4cm IDC - both…
Looking for others with low risk, less than 2cm, IDC stage 1 grade 1HR+ HER2- on endocrine therapy
Are you like me? What endocrine therapy did you follow or are you following? Pre- or perimenopausal, stage 1, grade 1, low risk, node-negative, no genetic risk, screen detected ladies, let's hear from you! What were you prescribed and how have you changed it up over your therapy? What has worked for you? I've seen four…
Single Hormone Receptor Positive -> ER+/PR-/HER2-
Anyone else in this same boat? Would love input or sharing your experience. Feeling a little alone in this boat!
DCIS removed but... gene mutations... now what and family thinks I should be happy
Diagnosed with DCIS (ER+/PR+) in Sept. Had it removed in Oct. Doc talked abt possible radiation and/or hormones even though I'm one of the "lucky" ones- HA! Now I'm positive for CHEK2 and RAD51C w a family history of ovarian and colon cancer (1 + 1). Waiting to hear back from gyn to screen for ovarian cx and sons need to…
Enhertu for HER2-Low and -Ultralow Metastatic Breast Cancer
Enhertu for HER2-Low and -Ultralow Metastatic Breast Cancer Dec 12, 2024 Dr. Aditya Bardia discusses Enhertu for metastatic hormone receptor-positive, HER2-low and -ultralow breast cancer and explains those terms. At the 2024 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dr. Aditya Bardia, director of the Breast Oncology Program…
After surgery can drink Soybean milk everyday?
pr90%,er90%,hers-,after surgery ,can drink soybean milk everyday?is that harmful ?soybean milk can form Estrogen?
New Here. What to Expect w/ Paclitaxel + Trastuzumab?
Hello, all. I just joined this forum and am looking for some support. I'm a post-menopausal woman who was diagnosed with ES+/PR+/HER2 + invasive ductal carcinoma this summer. I had a lumpectomy on October 31. Clearly I got the trick not the treat… bah! Anyway, I am fortunate to have had very good outcomes from the surgery:…
Stage 1a to Stage 4 in 6 years. 39 yo. Mets to liver & bone. Chek2+
Hi everyone, my first dx was in 2018 (age 32) after self discovery. I had a Bi-lat mastectomy and had been on tamoxifen. Oncotype 11 so no chemo recommended. ER+/PR+. Chek2 positive. Feeling great with no symptoms, I did a Galleri test this October 2024, which came back with positive breast signal. CT scan w contrast…
Recurrence after 12 years (even with BMX)
I was diagnosed and treated for ILC Stage 2b 12 years ago. Had BMX and took Tamox and AI for about 6 years. I was told 1-2% chance of recurrence in chest wall, etc. Low and behold, a lump under my arm on original BC side. Biopsy confirmed not a lymph node but ILC tumor. Surgeon planning to remove tumor and potentially do…
Different regimens
hi just had my 2nd cycle of phesgo with docetaxal I’m her2 positive and oestrogen positive - for 4 cycles of phesgo and then 4 of EC then surgery. Just wondered if anyone had been down the same path and what I can expect? So far cold cap not saved my hair but been advised to keep going as helps regrowth?
This is my first post here. I was diagnosed on 7/22 with left side IDC, E+P-HER2- and I'm having a lumpectomy next Wednesday 8/28. No genetic markers for cancer. I've had an MRI, the Savi Scout placed yesterday, the sentinel node injection next Tuesday. This morning I had a Dexascan and my surgeon called this afternoon and…
Feeling like an Imposter
Six years ago, at age 46, I was diagnosed with Stage 1B mixed mammary carcinoma, ER+/PR+, HER2- in one breast. I had one surgery - double mastectomy plus bilateral salping-oophorectomy direct to reconstruction. I have a strong family history of breast and ovarian cancer. I did not need radiation and my Oncotype score of 18…
Mom with stage 2 ILC
hello everyone! this is about my mom, she just went through a single mastectomy for stage2A ILC(multifocal). There were two tumors, one was 23 mm and the second one was 10 mm.No lymph nodes involved, no LVI but PNI was found. So far, no chimeotherapy or radiotherapy was discussed, only daily letrozole. Is this an ok course…
Delaying Chemotherapy for a Second Opinion
Hi- I'm just wondering if anyone on here has experienced the need to delay chemotherapy at any point in their journey. I was diagnosed back in Feb 2024, had my partial mastectomy with reconstruction bilaterally in April 2024 but developed a pretty bad infection due to an allergy to the blue dye they use when they inject…
Surgical Options
I was just diagnosed and am deciding between treatment options. I am already scheduled for surgery but now I am having doubts about the Lumpectomy and subsequent radiation therapy. In my honest opinion, I now feel that the mastectomy could be the better choice due to avoiding the radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Feeling…
I am lost and scared that my next option is chemo. Emotional Yo-Yo and I have chemo PTSD
Hi there i just need to vent my fears. Not even 2 years with MBC and i am about to quit all treatments. Emotional Yo-Yo takes tall. Back in 2016 chemos were rough but i was going for the win. But this time around is different. There is no end of treatment and there is no win per se. I am lost and scared that my next option…
Can Certain Younger Post-Menopausal Women With Low-Risk Breast Cancer Skip Radiation?
Can Certain Younger Post-Menopausal Women With Low-Risk Breast Cancer Skip Radiation? Dec 6, 2023 Research suggests that some younger post-menopausal women may be able to skip radiation after lumpectomy, but there are important points to consider. Read more…
ART Doesn’t Increase Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk
ART Doesn’t Increase Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk Dec 7, 2023 Dr. Hatem Azim explains his new analysis of data from the POSITIVE trial. At the 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dr. Hatem Azim presented a new analysis of information from the POSITIVE trial, which found that younger women…
Progression after ribociclib (csk4/6i) and letrozole
Hi I had her2 neg er+ breast cancer in 2018. In 2022 i had recurrence in my bones (all over with 3 collapsed vertebrae) and liver. I was on ribociclib and letrozole that worked really well, pet was negative and most metastasis disappear. In August I had liver recurrence. Blood test and markers are ok and i feel well so i…
Anyone ER+ 1-10% weakly positive, PR- , HER2+?
Hello, Anyone is ER+ 1-10% weakly positive, PR-, HER2+ ? Do you take anti-hormone pills for ER+ 1-10% weakly positive ? thank you Applejj
My Stroke During Herceptin Treatment
Every three injections of Herceptin I have an electrocardiogram to check the heart function is not affected. Herceptin is the drug of choice to prevent HER2 breast cancer recurrence. My last electro cardiogram during treatment showed a weakness in the heart function, and treatment was suspended for the heart to recover.…
Ear pressure on TCHP
Hi everyone! I’m a lurker on this group and am so thankful for all of the help I’ve gotten as I go through treatment. Did anyone have ear pressure issues on chemo? I’ve had what feels like clogged ears for the past month nonstop and it’s driving me nuts. 🤣😩 I can still hear fine, nothing sounds muffled, it’s just pressure…
CHEK2 Mutations Linked to Hormone Receptor-Positive Cancer Treatment Resistance in Younger Women
Lower Oncotype DX Scores Seem Less Accurate for Black Women With Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cx