Lump in armpit after double mastecomy
Hi, I had a my double mastectomy 2 years ago. I was diagnosed with POS/POS/Neg cancer. I had one 3cm lump and lots of specs that would have been too hard to biopsy all of them.
This October I felt a lump in my armpit. I had my ultrasound yesterday. They said they think its fat necrosis but want to biopsy it because there is blood flow and fat necrosis are dead cells so wouldn't typically have blood flow. My biopsy is scheduled for 12/17. I am beyond worried. The ultrasound report said Bi-Rads 4B - Suspicious.
If it is cancer could it be the same cancer from before? Or is this a new type of cancer? Has anyone gone through this?
Thank you!
Hi @janesymington, I’m sorry that you are going through the stress of waiting for a biopsy. There is no way of knowing what that lump will turn out to be since any of the three scenarios you mentioned are possible. Try to distract yourself by keeping busy, however that is easier said than done. Hopefully it will be benign. All the best.