Follow up imaging recommendations post bilateral mastectomy

what is the follow up imaging post mastectomy? MRI ? There is still residual breast tissue post mastectomy! My oncologist is very casual about it and tells me there’s nothing to worry about. My high grade DCIS was grade 3 comedeonecrosis !
No need for tamoxifen (my score was 3+estrogen positive! ) worried about the lack of follow up care regarding estrogen positive and not much after care s/p mastectomy!

Should I pursue yearly MRI for imaging?


  • herb
    herb Posts: 69
    edited January 3

    They should follow you for 5 years. No mri unless you have silicone implants. Saline or flat they dont do imagining. They should do breast exams at onco appts. I am brca + and had grade 3 stage 1A. I did all the chemo and 5 years of AI drugs. That was 2015. I hear less treatment is how they are proceeding now. I understand your concern not getting anything after mastectomy.