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Scar Tissue

I wanted to share some vital info. I've been having chest tightness for over 2 years. I've been tested for PE's, acid reflux, etc., but everything would come back negative or not something they could fix. I do have acid reflux and take Prilosec twice a day to keep it under control. I kept asking all of my doctors if it could be my implants causing a muscle spasm or scar tissue causing it. I was told no by my plastic surgeon who did my reconstruction because my implants are on top of the muscle and not under. I mentioned to him that anytime I would move my implants to keep the pockets open, like he told me to do, I would not be able to take a deep breath for about 6 days. It was a repetitive cycle and no one would listen. I finally talked to my PCP about it and immediately she agreed that it had to do with my implants and/or mastectomy. She referred me to a women who specializes in fascia work for post mastectomy breast cancer patients. I went to her office and she worked on me for almost 2 hours. She immediately knew I had reflux really bad. The scar tissue had tightened and therefore caused my reflux. As she worked on me I could literally feel the scar tissue being released. This is not painful in any way, but almost felt like Velcro rubbing against each other. The more she worked the deeper the breath I could take. She said most women who go through this have no idea that they can get relief or what is actually causing some symptoms. She offers exercises that can be done without having to go and see her physically in her office. I thought I would make a post to share her information so if anyone else is having an issue like this you can contact her. Her name is Laura Bergmann and her website is I hope this helps someone.


  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,925

    This is interesting, and I briefly looked at the website, however I didn't see anything there like an "about me" section that showed her bio, credentials, etc.