Ultra hypofractionated (accelerated RT) in large breast cup? Help - need to decide!

I have stage 1 node negative invasive lobular breast cancer. Oncotype score of 9. I met with my radiation oncologist who gave me the option of the 3 week whole breast radiation with 1 week targeted boost (standard of care) or the ultra hypofractioned 1 week whole breast with same 1 week boost. Studies show it is equal in terms of efficacy and recurrence. I had opted for the accelerated course. In the meantime I spoke with another radiation oncologist at the medical center who shared that she would not necessarily recommend the accelerated course for me since I have C cup breasts. Her experience with patients has been that there is a slightly higher likelihood of long-term significant edema (like a year or more later) in larger breasted patients.

I am so anxious to get this done and over with and felt good with my original decision and now I am in a tizzy. My original radiation oncologist (here locally) will be the one I am seeing and he believes I will do just fine with the accelerated course. I need to decide like ASAP due to scheduling.

  1. Can anywhere share their experience as larger breasted with this regimen?
  2. What should I do?
