Worries about local recurrence

Hi Everyone, it's been awhile. I just passed my 3 year cancerversary, and it's been a tough ride. In a nutshell, I feel like I've aged about 20 years due to stress and having all the estrogen sucked out of my body. I've also struggled with AI side effects and had several legit health scares (all turned out ok or at least not cancer). It just feels never ending and I'm exhausted by it all. So this time around I'm worried about a recurrence at my lumpectomy site. Actually, it isn't a new scare, I've been on a watch and wait plan for calcifications for a full year. At my last mammo the radiologist noted changes and recommended a biopsy. I had an US-guided biopsy two weeks ago. Right after getting benign results in my portal, the doctor call to tell me they didn't get the right spot!!! Apparently if calcs were a feature of original cancer then changing calcs aren't a good sign. So today I had my 2nd biopsy, which was the super fun stereotactic biopsy. The radiologist wasn't giving too much away, but I know from this community that recurrences can and do happen while on AIs and within the first few years after active treatment. I'm trying not to worry, but ya'll know how that goes! Anywho, just wanted to pop by to share my story and scream into my pillow for a bit 😫