I cant stop thinking the worse

I cant stop thinking the worse. So in December I noticed I had some swelling and firmer breast tissue in the tail of spence area almost looked like axillary breast tissue. I had a baby a year ago so my boobs are not what they once were. Ever since becoming a Mom I have huge anxiety with my health and so booked in for an ultrasound immediately. Attached is the report.
The swelling went down but this month it came back and now my arm and shoulder are sore but I think that might be because I carry the car seat on this size. I am terrified as now my armpit area is tender prob because I cant stop at it. Ive booked back in to the doctor tomorrow. What do you all think about the ultrasound? Should I ask for more tests? Terrified mom over here.
I am sorry that you are so worried. Anxiety can be awful.
We are not doctors nor medical professionals and it would be irresponsible for us to “read” or interpret your ultrasound in any way. However, the summary page of your report indicates clearly that there is nothing to be concerned about. They have identified the fact that you have dense breasts and that will be noted if future imaging is needed. If you are still anxious, discuss it further with your doctor and consider counseling and/or meds for anxiety to get you through this anxious time. Take care0 -
Hi @tilliekola, how did the follow up appointment with your doctor go? Are you feeling better? Thinking of you!