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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Posts: 1,421

    I'll be having 4 x 6 monthly infusions. Just wish he'd get on with it. I still have 6 herceptin treatments to go, so I'd like at least one Zometa before I get my port out. The onc sent me to the dentist to make sure we didn't need to do any extractions - just in case.


  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Posts: 333

    Sue...that was an excellent choice...I did need extractions and had them done 6 months before I started on the Aredia.  One would have thought by 55, I would have already had my wisdom teeth out...LOL  But nooo...I do now!

  • Anyone has uncontrolable weight gain in the 5th year of
    Arimidex? I am working out Monday through Friday for 2 hours, on a strict diet most days of the week, and yet I still gain weight.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    WinterFlower - Have you had your thyroid checked?  Mine was very underactive and I had gained weight ten years ago.  I took it off more easily once I got my thyroid under control.  Just a thought, but maybe it could be something other than the Arimidex.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,992

    Sue--if you are going to get more infusions why take the port out?  Around here ports are left in for at least 1 year after chemo ends to give the veins a chance to heal, and some people keep their ports for the rest of their lives.  Of course, some people want it out ASAP, which is done right after the last chemo.  Matter of choice, I suppose. 

  • NatureGrrl
    NatureGrrl Posts: 681

    I was reading a little about joint health today and although a lot of it is stuff we all already know, a couple of points are worth repeating:

    Weight loss is helpful, not only to take the extra stress off joints, but also because "people with excess body fat may also have higher levels of substances that cause inflammation."   Yet another reason for us A gals to lose weight!

    Strengthening the muscles around the joints also helps reduce stress on that joint.  This can be done through PT or weight training. 

    Good posture helps protect your joints because it reduces stress on them, especially back and hips.  Likewise, a strong core (back and abdominal muscles) helps reduce stress on certain joints.

    And then there was the usual about fish oil, vitamin D, and other tips that have been posted by many.   This may be repeat knowledge for many of you but some of it was a good reminder and/or new to me, so maybe it'll help someone else.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,098

    Basically, we NEED to do all the stuff that everyone SHOULD be doing anyway......and if we do alter our lifestyles, even a little, we will probably end up being healthier than most people who have never been diagnosed with BC in the first place!

  • pj12
    pj12 Posts: 18,108

    What a positive attitude, Ruth!

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243

    Nature, it's never a bad thing to repeat these things.  Sometimes we put things into place and then get off track so these reminders can help us to get back on track - Thanks.

    So, a week ago I quit all supplements and only continued to take my Arimidex because I was having colonoscopy this morning and doctor wanted nothing that would interfere with blood/whatever.  Granted I did not have to stop everything but it was easier than trying to figure our what to continue and what to stop - guess what - all week I had little hip/knee pain, no problem falling asleep.  Did start to get foot and calf cramps waking me up 2-3 times every night.  So will just go back on multi-vit, D3 (3500mg/day) and Calcium.  Will hold off on the glucosamine and melatonin to see if I do okay.  I really think the D3 helped with the joints.  Had already been hit/miss with the black cherry juice and tonic but will get back onboard with that to alleviate the cramping.

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Posts: 1,421

    NativeMariner: I do want to get it out for Xmas - don't really want to keep it in for another 18 months. Also I would have to go and get it flushed all the time. The Zometa infusions apparently only take 10 minutes.

    This morning my hands were really stiff. I'm coming up to the 8 week mark on the Arimidex and this seems to be the worst SE so far.


  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243

    Oh yes, the hands.  Seems another finger, ring, on same hand is in danger of developing trigger finger.  If it does will try PT before I take another cortisone shot.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,098

    Sue, I got my port out exactly two weeks after my last chemo (the earliest they would do it). I hated that darn thing and absolutely THRILLED to have it gone!

    Sometimes I think taking too many supplements can end up being more than we need, or even detrimental, so it is a good thing to review every once and awhile (even without having a colonoscopy as an incentive to back off).

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Posts: 1,421

    Ruth: My port has started hurting if I move a certain way, so I am keen to get it out as soon as I can. I'm going to ask about the pain at my next herceptin tx this coming week. Pity I have to wait until December to get it out.

    I'm persisting with the glucosamine and fish oil as I have really bad knees. The onc recommended the fish oil before I started on Arimidex. If my stiff fingers are all that's happening so far, maybe it works. I know he was really worried about how I would react to the Arimidex seeing I have arthritis in my spine and knees.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,098

    Well, I know how you feel about the port; I had to sleep in a recliner the whole time because it was so uncomfortable & at one point I thought I was going insane because I had visions of cutting it out with a fingernail scizzor!!! The good things I can say are; you are saving your veins, protecting the integerity of your 'good' arm, and once it's gone you will feel 99% better immediately. Hang in there! Ruth

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,992

    suepen--if the port is bothering you, have it taken out now.  There is no need to put up with any pain at all. 

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Posts: 1,421

    It doesn't hurt all the time. I think when I move my arm a certain way it might be pressing on a nerve. I've started rubbing VitE cream on the area again as I did when I first had it put in and that seems to be helping. I'll see what the onc says on Wednesday. The surgeon said I needed it as my veins weren't too good.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Posts: 221

    I"m home..Great trip to WI with 2grandaughters to visit two grandaughters ,The  4 had so much fun and so did we! Going away again soon,,,retreat....TUes -Friday Prayers for you all AND for me that I start LISTENING to all esp ruthbru and get my fat gear with exercise!!! and less food. My husband out for walk as I type...I did jetski yesterday hahhaha usual joke! Well I have biked and kayaked and canoed but see to need to get back to it ,,The trip to WI was not sedentary ...walking thru waterparks and ball stadium and amusement park BUT I need to do more!..Son we visited is a PT and wife OT,,,both complimentary of our being so active ,,but for me it is the weight!!! I had lost 14 on WW just before CA diagnosis and never went back to it and yes gained ten of it back..OKAY it soon is hunting season that should be an incentive...I feel lazy ,,but I will just say it is after vacation laziness,,THERE I feel better ty for being there for me to vent!!!

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Posts: 262

    Lakewoman, you continue to totally amuse me. I am sure while skulking in the woods with your shot gun on your shoulder, looking for the moose and the deer.........and the big adrenaline rush when you spot one, take aim and will drop 10 lb easily. AND all that wild game, or so my son in law and daughter advise me, is low fat. So.......plan on dropping 20! Happy hunting. Sue

  • Grayt
    Grayt Posts: 32

    I'm learning so much from your posts, ladies, and thank you for sharing.  I just began Anastrozole three days ago and wonder how it will affect me.  Going by the complications I suffered in chemo and radiation, including hospitalization, zapped brachial plexus nerve, neuropathy and lymphedema, I imagine I'm either due for a break or a rough ride.

    None of my doctors has mentioned it but I suspect I should increase my calcium intake.  How much do you take?  I had massive Vit D fro months up until July to get up to 60, at which time I was told to discontinue taking it.  My EFA supplement is cranbery seed derived; maybe I should consider going back to flax-borage-fish.

     Dog-gone it; just as I get my house in nutriitional order, in walks cancer with all its baggage! Yell

    Best - Brenda

  • Grayt
    Grayt Posts: 32

    I'm learning so much from your posts, ladies, and thank you for sharing.  I just began Anastrozole three days ago and wonder how it will affect me.  Going by the complications I suffered in chemo and radiation, including hospitalization, zapped brachial plexus nerve, neuropathy and lymphedema, I imagine I'm either due for a break or a rough ride.

    None of my doctors has mentioned it but I suspect I should increase my calcium intake.  How much do you take?  I had massive Vit D fro months up until July to get up to 60, at which time I was told to discontinue taking it.  My EFA supplement is cranbery seed derived; maybe I should consider going back to flax-borage-fish.

     Dog-gone it; just as I get my house in nutriitional order, in walks cancer with all its baggage! Yell

    Best - Brenda

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,098

    I am good about the exercise but bad about the food too. Lakewoman, maybe it's not us, maybe it's WISCONSIN!  I was just there also, had an activity filled time, but came home with 5 extra pounds!!!!!

  • Been on Arimidex for 7 months now.  Yesterday picked up a new rx and was surprised at how low the co-pay was, than realized it was generic. I coped with the hot flashes by purchasing several small fans at the beginning of summer - wonderful! - I take them everywhere - work and home.  Hot flashes are now diminishing, I think its because just in the last 2 weeks have been making a point of drinking more water.My BP has actually been lower than its been for awhile, I think because I've been faithfully walking almost every day.  I also have occasional, random joint pain, its very tolerable. The bad news is that I just had my first 6 month post masectomy mammogram and it was abnormal.  Yikes! So went for ultrasound, it too was not good news, am waiting for an appt for biopsy now.  I have been faithfully taking arimidex, so how can this be?  My doctor said, well , maybe its a different cell type.  I felt disappointed, mad and sad.  I got through this the first time with my strong faith in God, my incredible husband, my wonderful friends and co-workers.   My precious mother just passed away two weeks ago, I am still in deep mourning for her and feel a little rocky to be adding this into the mix as well.  Thank you God for all these wonderful, strong, incredible women who are willing to share their deepest thoughts and feelings with all of us in this sisterhood.  We are so blessed to have each other for support.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,098

    hike, let of know how it goes; hopefully it is just a stupid scar tissue thing or something of that nature. So sorry about you mom, no wonder you feel rocky! Sending a big hug and my best wishes. Ruth

  • hrf
    hrf Posts: 706

    ilike2hike, so sorry to hear that there are new concerns. Hope they turn out to be nothing. Let us know. Also sorry about your mother. (((hike)))

  • Hello everyone -

    Thank you so much for this thread.  Started Arimidex on the 13th of August and will

    start radiation approx. Sept. 1 for 33 treatments.  I felt a little flu like symptoms yesterday

    and did not feel comfortable driving anywhere, I hope this is temporary.  I will follow this

    thread a lot and appreciate all of the good advice.

    All the best,  Judy

  • Jo-5,

    I am curious why you stopped taking your calcium?   Did you take it while you were on A?  My internist actually increased my calcium when I stated A 17 months ago and still my dexa showed some bone loss and now I am osteopina.  I have now added more vit D and I am wondering where I will be when I complete the 5 years in terms of bone loss.  I have added more weight bearing exercises also.


    I am so sorry to hear of all your sad news.  I know you must miss your Mom but think of her as your guardian angel who will get you through whatever comes your way.  Of course I am hoping that the biopsy just shows a b9 result.  I am thinking of you.


  • weety
    weety Posts: 378


    I haven't started on either bisphosphonate yet.  I just started the AI about 2 months ago, had the DEXA about 1 month ago, so am just now getting aroung to get the bisphos. started.  Last time my onc said she could give me the aredia, but not the zometa.  I just really had hoped to try to argue and change her mind to the zometa since there seems to be some prelim. data that links zometa to less recurrence in early stage bc.  Anyways, I just saw her yesterday again, and it's almost like she didn't even remember our conversation about the zometa/aredia from last appt!  She started out the appt by saying that we need to address my osteopenia now that I'm on an AI and in menopause at a young age (39) so let's get a bisphos. started.  She said she could give me aredia OR zometa, but she was leaning towards zometa since it can also heal bone mets (I don't have any evidence of this but I guess she means if there happened to be some stray cells still after the chemo & herceptin)!!!  WTF???  I spent a whole lot of time researching and asking around on this board to try to build my case for getting zometa, and she just changed her mind just like that???  WEIRD!

    SHe wants me to get my wisdom teeth out before starting, though.  I'm glad to see above that this is a pretty common thing to do before starting.  Do I still need to get them out, though, if they aren't giving me any problems?

  • Grayt
    Grayt Posts: 32

    Boy, do I learn a lot each time I read the posts here!  Teeth, too, eh?!  Gads.

    Hike, I shall keep you in my thoughts.  You are certainly dealing with a lot of sadness and angst right now.  I hoe you're able to rest at night.  Fingers crossed that the mammo shadows are only shadows.

    Best - Brenda

  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910

    Hike, so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom.  I am hoping B9 results for your biopsy.  (((GENTLE HUGS))).

    Well my RX list is long.  I take Singulair for asthma, Elmiron for interstitial cystitis, Metoprolol (which lowers blood pressure and heart rate - I don't have high BP) for an electrical problem with my heart, HCTZ (which also lowers BP) for Meniere's Disease, Potassium Chloride to counteract the loss of potassium from the HCTZ, Synthroid for hypothyroidism, Gabapentin for nerve damage from ALND, Arimidex (started 4 mths. ago), Effexor for hot flashes which has also killed my sex life so I started taking half the dosage, and then I also take some supplements like a multivitamin, Calcium (600 mg only, at direction of my onc.), Vitamin D3 (5,000 IU), Omega 3, 6,  two stool softeners a day and finally 3 Benadryl in order to sleep (which doesn't always work).  I feel like a walking pharmacy!

    I still at times have the irregular heartbeat, but my cardiologist doesn't want to lower my BP anymore as he's concerned I will pass out.  My BP runs around 90 over 60.  The meds make me feel like a washed out dish rag. 

    I started noticing the side effects from the Arimidex about 3 months after I began taking it.  I have experienced mostly joint pains (hip, back, shoulders and costochondritis).  I have also had neuropathy in both hands as well.  I'm still thankful for the medication as I'm hoping it will prevent any recurrence or mets.

    I was talking with a pharmacist last night at a dinner party and he was saying that BC treatments have come a long way compared with the treatments for other cancers.  I believe that's true, but it doesn't always make them easy to live with. However, I am very grateful to be alive!

  • pj12
    pj12 Posts: 18,108


    Remembering your comments some months ago about Vitamin D messing with cholesterol levels, I bought Calcium without Vitamin D at CVS, their store brand. I'm taking it just til my cholesterol is checked in October.



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