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Caution: Most Generic Arimidex is manufactured in INDIA



  • valgal
    valgal Posts: 187
    edited October 2010

    Dear friends,

    I got an update about a recall that appeared in Reuters Oct. 3rd. Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd. Mumbai. Owned by a German company - Fresenius Kabi Pharm. Holdin Inc. Is this our Arimidex? Anybody else hear about this?

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Posts: 783
    edited August 2013

    We have not heard about it.

  • valgal
    valgal Posts: 187
    edited October 2010


    Google:  Fresenius Kabi, recall    and you will probably see the article in Reuters News.

  • AMP47
    AMP47 Posts: 83
    edited October 2010

    Just read this thread about the generic Arimidex.  To keep it simple and not address every authority on this thread, I want to share many discussions with the people closest to the generic drug: pharmacist.   

    Before subscribing to the suggestion that a generic is as effective as the non-generic,  I talked with many pharmacist and was informed that if they HAD to switch to the generic, the only generic drug they would consider would be TEVA USA.

    I of course ask them why?   they told me studies were conducted to check blood levels of the chemical to determine bioavailability for women taking the generic drug to make sure it is comparable to the level in women who are not on non-generic Arimidex. The studies revealed a % in the 90's, compared to the non-generic Arimidex,  depending on the study.   They also warned me that in the generic are inert ingredients that some women may react to negatively. 

    Furthermore, the only genetic drug they would consider stocking was TEVA USA. Reason being they have seen the FDA staff cut back to a point  their work has been severally compromised when researching the safety of many drugs.  They feel that TEVA USA has been around long enough to bear the burden of proof.  Their collective agreement on the FDA left me with nothing to say. 

    Even after a spirited conversation with my doctor, I agreed to try the drug TEVA USA.  Unfortunately, I was unable to take the drug.  Side effects were completely different and severe.  So, I will be returning to the original. 

     Hopefully, this post will give food for thought and inspire more research as to how a generic drug is tested,  marketed and the reputation of the manufacture. 

    According to all the pharmacist, length of time in generic production and purity of product is the hallmark for selecting the product for their customers, not the country. 


  • wenweb
    wenweb Posts: 471
    edited October 2010


    I too tried a generic for about 2 weeks (Accord...made in India) and had side effects that I never had on the brand name.  I have to say that I am all for generics and didn't anticipate any problems, and was completely surprised when they popped up.  Just got a new RX for the brand again.

  • AMP47
    AMP47 Posts: 83
    edited October 2010

    Wenweb  I have stopped taking the generic twice.  For me, I notice a sore back muscles, frequency in bowel movements, then gas, and then a constant suttle nausea with a feeling of fullness.  The side effects built up over 30 days.  These side effects were never present with the original Arimidex.  

    I stopped the drug and waited two weeks.  Each day the symptoms would diminish some what and eventually went away.  Then I started the drug again after two weeks and all the symptoms reappeared within one week.  I have stopped the drug and it is not day 7 and the symptoms are once again beginning to slowly diminishing.  The other interesting result was I had very little if any joint pain?  With the original I had plenty of joint pain to go around minus the intestinal circus.   

  • wenweb
    wenweb Posts: 471
    edited October 2010


    It was the opposite with me.  No joint pain the the brand (just fatigue, hot flashes and depression), but after being on the generic for only 2 weeks, I began to get joint pain.  It's worth the extra $ for me not to have to deal with an additional side effect.  I feel blessed to suffer so few side effects on Arimidex compared to what I hear others say. 

  • Fofa55
    Fofa55 Posts: 1
    edited January 2011

    Hello all,

    I am a newly diagnosed breast cancer patient.  I am on Anastrozole. I read the dispute over the generic drugs. 

    Most of the generic drugs are manufactured in India and other parts of the world where labor is cheap. So considering a drug like Arimidex in its generic form is not a difficult drug to manufacture because it is mainly an enzyme inhibitor. While HIV/AIDS drugs are  Antiviral drugs. From the name we  see that these drugs are more difficult to manufacture then an enzyme inhibitor drug.  So in my opinion whether a drug is generic or not it is important that it is made up from the same ingredients as the original drug ( brand name) . If a pharmaceutical company dicovers a drug and another pharmaceutical company manufacture the drug. That same drug will be generic for the original company or the brand name company, because it is not made by the company that researched found and manufactured the drug. 

    I beleive The FDA will not approve any generic drug whether it is from the States or India or any part or the world unless it complies with its standards, rules and regulations.  I believe that buying a generic drug from a company in the States is saver than buying it over the internet, at least we know our government is there and is watching over us.

    What I write is only my opnion  Smile

  • Lindissima
    Lindissima Posts: 37
    edited January 2011

    This has been a fascinating and enlightening thread.

    I also experienced sudden and unexpected side effects when I switched from the name brand Arimidex to the generic Anastrazole.  Increased joint pain, gastrointestinal upsets and insomnia to name a few.  I stuck with the generic for six months, then asked my oncologist for the "Do not substitute" order.  Within days, the new SE's started to fade and have now completely disappeared after only a few weeks.

    After reading this thread, I will be careful to research the companies that produce any drug I take. Thanks to all who posted theoir research into this matter.

  • Primel
    Primel Posts: 652
    edited April 2012

    Interesting thread on many accounts...

    A year ago, I switched from Aromasin (not generic, $450/month) to generic Anastrozole (made in India, $15 or so/month), and I'll be through with the 5 years by the end of May (onc does not agree to renew, arguing the data is not there to validate the claim that extended tx beyond 5 years does any good). In any case, I have bee feeling better on this generic (no joint pain or anything, except the hot flushes, but maybe a bit less often) to the point that I was wondering if this could be just a sugar pill... I'll never know... unless the manufacturer and 3rd-party  controlers come tell us themselves in a convincing way. I don't know if there are knowledgeable/trained patients' advocates who are organized/funded to go "tour" Indian and Chinese pharmaceutical labs in our behalf... Undecided

  • bren58
    bren58 Posts: 688
    edited August 2013

    Thank you so much for this list, and for updating it! So very helpful.

  • Hortense
    Hortense Posts: 718
    edited September 2013

    I went looking for information this evening as I, too, have been wondering if my generic version of Arimidex might sometimes be sugar pills when I do not have side effects.

    I started a new bottle recently and suddenly am having lots of mild hot flashes which I had not been getting before. This leads me to think I had not been getting the correct amount of anastrazole in my previous bottle to cause them and so was not getting the protection I should have been getting. Both were made by the same supplier, Teva, so my side effects should have been similar, but they were not.

    I get my prescriptions from Rite Aid which alternates between Teva (Israel) and Sun Brand (India).

  • 7of9
    7of9 Posts: 474
    edited February 2016

    I got wicked heart burn four weeks after starting... Figured out it was a different maker when I went from my local Walgreens thirty day supply made with enteric coated Teva... Express scripts sent me garbage made I think by Karalex or something with a k? Just called Walgreens and we figured this out... I found 3 left from the first script and so far a better day though I did take a pepcid this morning as my stomach was killing me the last 3 days. They are trying to get a new script I may have to pay out of pocket (don't let the $ 195 script scare you, with a $20 Walgreens card its only going to be $15!). I had started rads about the same time this crap started and was worried it was that.

    One call and email to oncologist nurse, two with radiologist, one with GI, one suggestion on BC. Org and one call with Walgreens. Whew!!!!

  • denise-g
    denise-g Posts: 353
    edited February 2016

    I've been on Anastrozole for almost 3.5 years and have had at least 5 manufacturers.  I had AWFUL side effects with many, but the

    one I had the least side effects was TEVA brand (made in Israel).  I told my Onc this.  He was afraid perhaps the AI wasn't working anymore because my SEs were less so gave me blood tests.  It was working.  So I searched high and low for TEVA in my area and found it at Walgreens.  HOWEVER, the Walgreens pharmacist just told me they are changing manufacturers next month.  So back to square one.

    But from my experiences, different manufacturers DEFINITELY have different side effects!

  • 7of9
    7of9 Posts: 474
    edited February 2016

    Ohio Walgreens still has Teva... What blood test shows arimidex is working? My dic said there wasn't one?!? Wth

  • pboi
    pboi Posts: 148
    edited February 2016

    Denise...I've been on generic Arimidex for 5 months and and just starting to have muscle/joint aches. I would consider switching brands but wondering if it would help, thinking maybe some of these aches come from having the estrogen sucked out of me. What side effects got better/worse as you changed brands? What side effects might be attributed to the fillers in different brands


  • ksusan
    ksusan Posts: 461
    edited February 2016

    The diabetes medication I get from an Indian manufacturer is much better than the other generics, which stink a sulfurous stink.

  • zayb
    zayb Posts: 6
    edited February 2016

    I have generic Anastrozole made in India. Is this another thing to worry about?

  • 7of9
    7of9 Posts: 474
    edited February 2016

    Zayb... Not if you aren't having severe side effects. I was told by the pharmacist that Teva's concoction has an enteric coating which for me makes a huge difference because my stomach acid devours the non enteric coated (I called it garbage... A bit harsh though for me I will avoid at all costs). If your stomach is tolerating what you have, great news for you. I believe the companies all have to be approved by the FDA(???)

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited February 2016

    Denise, my CVS carries Teva brand as their generic, unless you ask for a different brand... That is in NJ, but most CVS stores follow the same purchasing guidelines...

  • zayb
    zayb Posts: 6
    edited February 2016

    in one of the posts above from 2010 someone refers to studies that show generic Anastrozole from India is inferior to the name brand Arimidex. What studies were they exactly. Are our oncologists knowingly prescribing generic drugs that might not be effective. That is hard to believe. Anyone point to any actual studies on generic Anastrozole?

  • 2ndGenBCA
    2ndGenBCA Posts: 28
    edited September 2016

    Hello everyone,

    After about 5 1/2 months on generic anastrozole (manuf. by accord) with few SE, a series of crippling SE overcame my body over a period of about a month; severe joint pain especially in hips and lower back, inability to stand straight up, uncontrollable diarrhea, headaches, hand and foot pain and swelling, mood swings, and "walls" of fatigue. From the get-go I had hot flashes hit me with a vengeance, but I worked through those with cool wet cloths and a fan. The Peridin C my oncologist recommended did not reduce hot flashes for me despite my continued use. I figured perhaps they were minimizing them so I continued. When I first asked him about brands he said all of the generics were "fine." However, the SE got so severe -- I knew there was no way I could continue this medication for much longer, and especially not the 5 years as planned -- that I called to ask what I might do and was told to stop the medication immediately. I have about a two week break before I visit the doctor again and was told I would be moved to another AI. All of what I read shows they ALL have these side effects - perhaps one will produce fewer side effects for me. Did anyone have better luck with another AI in reducing SE?

    Dreading even trying another one.  I have to have some quality of life. Anastrozole destroyed life for me. 

    Appreciate any experiences you can share.

  • arby
    arby Posts: 27
    edited August 2017

    Recently, a few new pills made me very alert and I was awake as if on caffeine. Slept very poorly 4 nights in a row. Believe me, all pills are not equal nor are the manufacturers! When I did some research I found lots of CHina sources for manufacturing that were marketed through India.

    What are their standards? One example showed the powder of Anastrozole listed as Anastrozole Raw Steroid Powder. the accompanying 2nd picture had a plastic bag of white powder labeled as Anastrozole Powder. These were 2 options to select from. I am no chemist or pharmacist. But I sure don't need steroid induced insomnia.

    Could there be a connection? Also with the newest refill my urine smells like chemo, the way it did 7 years ago when I was taking drip chemo after a second recurrence of BC. I'm suspicious and really don't know where to go for help or answers. Suggestions? I've been on this drug for 3 years and after the 1st year my body adjusted and the insomnia went away. Now its back and i want to know why? Is this a med where build up in the system can cause symptoms or a toxic effect?

  • oharris30
    oharris30 Posts: 2
    edited March 2018

    which is best?

  • ksusan
    ksusan Posts: 461
    edited March 2018

    Different people respond differently to each medication. Trial and error is how you'll find out.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2018

    An Indian pharmacist told me the conditions in the Indian manufacture plants are less than ideal. The FDA notifies a place they are coming for a visit/inspection. They go crazy cleaning up. After the visit, they go sloppy again. And the fillers used can make a big difference in tolerance of the drug. The actual medicine is correct, it’s the other material in them.

    Teva seems to be the best tolerable mfg. you can also go to Astra/Zeneca web site and get the name brand 30 pills for $30 a month. Regardless of your insurance situation.

  • oharris30
    oharris30 Posts: 2
    edited March 2018

    so which company is most recommended

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2018

    Teva or name brand.

  • ksusan
    ksusan Posts: 461
    edited March 2018

    People have individual reactions--there is no "best" for everyone, only for you. Of the options available at this point, I do best with Mayne. Mayne has terrible side effects for my sister. She does best on Mylan. If Mylan were my only choice, I'd be looking at ovarian suppression and an AI because it's one of the most awful medications--for me.

  • jinx27
    jinx27 Posts: 119
    edited October 2018

    Thank you for this thread!!!!

    Im a 3 year survivor and am going through unbearable side effects that I've never experienced before on this medicine. I moved and changed pharmacies and have realized that the company my pharmacy uses is not the same as the one I got from my original pharmacy.

    I have had vomitting, nausea, serious headaches and mood swings. My medicine is made in India through Accord.

    Im contemplating buy straight from Astra Zeneca. My quality of life must get better.


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