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Holistic tx only--what Ive done



  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited January 2018

    Terrified, dark chocolate is OK as far as I am concerned. Others may differ. I eat 70% chocolate once in a while. Chocolate is actually good for you.

  • terrifiedBUTstillHOPEFUL
    edited January 2018

    Momine, I have also heard that dark chocolate is good for us but isn't too sure on which ones I can have. Since I'm ER+, PR+, they've told me to stay away from dairy products...

  • kae_md99
    kae_md99 Posts: 394
    edited January 2018


    i am asian and i cant seem to give up on soy sauce. is Braggs liquid aminos (sp) ok? my sister cooked me some beef with it ... thanks

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Posts: 87
    edited February 2018

    Hi everyone, I think someone on here mentioned using grape seed oil. What are the benefits of using it and how much should be taken per day?

    Also has anyone heard about seabuckhorn oil. Not sure if it has any estrogen properties or not

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Posts: 187
    edited March 2018

    Terrified, on the dark chocolate, my daughter is a vegan and she can eat most dark chocolate. Just read your labels and get a good quality, preferably organic brand.

    Indigo, I've heard wonderful things about grape seed oil and GS extract but don't have much experience with them. I know they can be helpful for fungus problems, which could be a contributor to the cancer for some people, including me I believe. Maybe I'll go back and look at that....

  • momkidsgrandkids38
    momkidsgrandkids38 Posts: 28
    edited April 2018

    Hello piper dream

    I was initially DX grade 3, triple negative, stage 2 IDC in Nov 2016 had lumpectomy and axillary extraction. Removed 13 lymph nodes only 2 were cancerous. During surgery they found DCIS throughout my left breast.

    Due to the grade and triple negative status we discussed mastectomy of the L/B. I decided bilateral mastectomy instead. Whose to say it wasn't or won't spread to the right. B/c of my case we did chemo first (Feb 2017). AC 4 cycles then Taxol 12 weeks.

    Negative CT scan in June. Had bilateral surgery with reconstruction in July and radiation in Sept daily for 5 weeks.

    March 9th go for regular screening b/c I'm triple negative I can't take the pill. I get a call on March 19th while on vacation that an ultrasound and bisopsy have been scheduled due to possible in large lymph node.

    March 30th "OMG" got results recurrent cancer. Of course I'm at a loss. I said all of this to say. The doctor didn't seem very hopeful stating the prognosis wasn't good based on the early recurrence, triple negative aggressive form and as it stands I can't have chemo or radiation again. I am strongly considering holistic approaches. Can anyone recommend a starting point for me. I live in California Los Angeles area.

  • Icietla
    Icietla Posts: 321
    edited April 2018

    Welcome, momkidsgrandkids38.

    This may give you some leads.

  • Icietla
    Icietla Posts: 321
    edited April 2018

    Momkidsgrandkids38, I think this A-Z part of this website here is a good starting point. Read the discussion sections -- the recommendations can differ by breast cancer type.

  • Icietla
    Icietla Posts: 321
    edited April 2018

    Momkidsgrandkids38 -- In case you have not seen elsewhere about this news__

  • shockedat29
    shockedat29 Posts: 1
    edited April 2018

    Hi Terrified,

    There's a brand that I know of that sells 100% dark chocolate. It's called Alegio Chocolates. My favorite is the 80% dark chocolate with sugar crystals, but if you want to avoid sugar all together, go with the 100%. It doesn't taste like your usual, run of the mill chocolate though. Eating the 100% kind of reminds me of the taste of drinking coffee kind of. Check it out!

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Posts: 474
    edited April 2018

    Shocked - I’m living a paleo/primal lifestyle so almost all sugars and artificial sweeteners are taboo. I have rarely tried the 85% when I just had to have a fix, it’s a lovely treat. tried the 100% and had to laugh at your post - it is like chewing a cup of coffee! My sweetener of choice is honey, and while it still should be used in moderation, I learned a little trick to avoid the white/cane sugar in the 85%. I melt down the 100% organicand add honey to taste. Honey at least has health benefits compared to other sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners such as stevia or even swerve can be used if desired or used. Once I get a nice balance of taste I pour into chocolate moulds and store in the fridge to use as an occasional treat. There are tons of add ins (like nuts and flavourings) that can make up tasty treats. I made my own almond joys once! There are benefits to dark chocolate, I call it my ‘wise indulgence’.

  • Icietla
    Icietla Posts: 321
    edited May 2018

    Study: BreastDefend (TM) prevents breast-to-lung cancer metastases in an orthotopic animal model of triple-negative human breast cancer

    *** "This study was supported by a research grant from EcoNugenics, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA." ***

  • Warrior2018
    Warrior2018 Posts: 212
    edited May 2018

    Very interesting article icietla! Thank you for sharing!

  • Icietla
    Icietla Posts: 321
    edited May 2018

    You are welcome.

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited May 2018

    Hi everyone...been taking Breast Defend in leu of an anti hormone from the start. I'm 3 years plus NED. So far so good!

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Posts: 187
    edited June 2018

    I haven't been on here much lately and mainly it's because not much has changed with my tumor but much has changed with my life and I wanted to share. Y'all will think I've lost my marbles but this is the real me lol.

    This time last year my tumor felt like it was just about gone but then I took a month long trip to S. America to see my daughter and by the time I got back it was back and I believe that was due to the stress of the trip. Not all trips need to be that way but in my case I travel independently and walk a lot and the food wasn't all that wholesome while I was in Chile...they eat a lot of hot dogs and fried breads and not much else. Add to that the fact that I wasn't all that confident about the salads lol.

    So I was right back where I was before and I'm going on 5 years from a dx of stage III BC. I think I told you all that I'm a special ed teacher and that in itself carries a lot of stress and I just turned 59 and really really want to move from here. I started to think about what I want to do with my life...I'm still single after a divorce 10 years ago so at this point I could go anywhere and do anything. I sat down to do my meditation one night and posed a question I wanted to focus on, which is what do I really want to do with my life right now. The answer came up right away...I want to sell my house and most of my belongings and make a trip across the USA in my pickup truck with a camper top. I have wanted to do this since I was a teen. Well I'm not sure I would've had the courage to quit my job to do this but the principal called me into his office the next day and told me they're not renewing my contract b/c the dept is shrinking and I got this big grin on my face b/c God and the Universe had just delivered to me exactly what I wanted...the push out the door into what I really wanted to do for myself.

    So skip forward about 2-1/2 months and I'm almost ready. I bought the truck, have gotten rid of most of my belongings and the house is on the market. I should have everything moved out and into a storage unit by Wed and then I think I'm going to take a week in the woods to fast and work on stress before I head out. I have my camp kitchen set up to cook all kinds of wholesome foods and I will be able to keep on my program without so many distractions. Honestly I've heard of people healing just by living authentically and that's what I plan to do. So, the newest phase of my program is underway. Wish me luck lol.

  • Sara536
    Sara536 Posts: 5,937
    edited June 2018

    Hey, Piper, Here's wishing you luck on your new adventure! Many a time I have dreamed of doing just what you're doing. I feel lighter just thinking about it. you might be the inspiration I need...Way to go!

  • brigid_to
    brigid_to Posts: 22
    edited June 2018

    Piper that sounds amazing. If you have the opportunity please let us know how your travels are going. Follow the sun/warmth and don't forget tp put university towns on your itinary to stock up on whole food essentials.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Posts: 1,686
    edited June 2018

    hello Piper,

    I have greatly enjoyed reading all your posts and I wanted to wish you well on the next leg of your long journey. I hope you will continue to write and update those of us that greatly respect and admire your wit, strengths and determination!

    There’s so much I would love to be able to discuss with you, but I know you’ll be very busy for a while as you embark on your new lifestyle.

    Please keep on writing, and again,good luck on your journey!

    XXXOOO Mina

  • heidihill
    heidihill Posts: 1,858
    edited June 2018

    Go, Piper!! I am so excited for you. This sort of thing can be very healing, as you know. Keep us posted on your adventures.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Posts: 1,568
    edited June 2018

    How cool! Kudos to you. That takes some guts!

    Have a safe trip(s) and enjoy yourself! You have earned it.

    Keep us posted!


  • SAW66
    SAW66 Posts: 8
    edited June 2018

    Piper, this is super exciting and please share your adventure with us. I also have thought this thought, what would I do if it was just me. I would do the same thing, I would always take the southern route in the winter and the northern route in the summer. Have fun, be safe and please share your stories with us!

  • vespersparrow
    vespersparrow Posts: 10
    edited June 2018

    Piper, I've had a few friends retire, sell everything and do this sort of thing - and they loved it! One couple found that they could live for free in many state and national parks if they would volunteer to do some nature walks, or presentations, or somehow contribute to the park. They'd contact the parks in advance to set it up. For several years they stayed in the safer administrative non-public campgrounds, from the Great Basin and southwest deserts to the eastern mountain parks. I couldn't believe the gorgeous photos they'd send! I'm happy for your new opportunity and whatever you do I hope your adventures are equally fabulous!

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Posts: 187
    edited June 2018

    Aww, thanks folks...I was afraid you all would think I'm crazy but instead I'm getting great support here. I just took my first 3 day camping trip out and fasted, meditated, walked barefoot on the earth and naked lol, and sunbathed just enough to get the base tan and vitamin D. Then I laid around and just rested deeply. I was so lazy that it was a real effort just to get up and use the bathroom. LOL. Now I feel fabulous.

    I have no idea what the future holds but at least I will have done what I wanted for awhile. Also, I will be looking for ways to make myself useful and have signed on with an org called helpx, which matches travelers with people who need a bit of help around the old homestead, as country living has always been an interest of mine.

    Vespersparrow, I have thought of that and also there are many, many places in the US where folks can camp for free, which I will def take advantage of. Since I'm a teacher, I can also stop in places and sub or tutor for awhile.

  • 1redgirl
    1redgirl Posts: 94
    edited June 2018

    piper, have enjoyed your many posts. Best to you. I understand the desire and need to do things unconventionally. I have done so myself often ticking off many that knew me. Just wanted to share a bit about diet and fasting.

    Nobody loves sweets, bread like me. I was diagnosed 20 plus years ago with bc. I refused all treatment after two surgeries. Never looked back. Again this year diagnosed with bc again other breast. Refusal again. Medical community both times really not happy. Anyway, cut out sugar about 1 month or so ago. I too have started with green tea, ginger, flax, fruits, veggies, DIMM, turmeric, etc. I stopped having migraines. Not one. My joints stopped hurting. I was taking 5-6 Advil's a day. I have not taken any since changing diet. I can sleep 7 plus hrs now. I literally hear nothing. I wake up feeling energy not pain. I now ride 10-15 miles a day on my bike. I have lost 16 lbs. I literally feel different. I admit to reducing stress, as I avoid it. If I feel anxious I ride my bike. I do not hang with people causing me stress. I am careful with my environment. I was always the worrier. Nope, let others do the heavy lifting.

    The past couple years have been sad for me. I lost my beloved farm animals. I have over the past 20 years, put down 3 horses that I loved more than anything. It takes a toll. I have lost cats and dogs as well. I miss them all. I am the farm and nature girl. However, I must not dwell on what makes me grieve. I believe it is not healthy. I may get some more farm animals knowing the joy they bring. It may help mend my broken heart. Having cancer, does not really stress me out. It is a journey. I have read so much on the subject and learned so much. My diet has been a great change. I am spiritually trying to find a peaceful path with what time I have left. Leave hatred. Forgive those that have wronged me. Embrace the positive energy

  • Pallas
    Pallas Posts: 1
    edited June 2018

    Hello to all of you brave wonderful women. Yes, even those of you who admit to fears bordering on crippling. It takes real courage to admit your fears, face them, yet keep fighting back.

    Whatever tx or paths you have chosen my wishes and my prayers for you are the same. That you all get well, feel better than you've ever felt, knowing that you've fought and defeated such formidable foes.

    I was diagnosed March 2016 with a 2.2 centimeter lump plus a fatty lump close by. Having dense breasts, they gave me 3 back to back mammograms -1 3-D, followed by a sonagram, then ordered a biopsy. I was mentally & emotionally numb or I'd have run sooner than I did. I'd probably NEVER have had that biopsy. I had strong nudges to flee and do the research before making any decisions. It was like a whirlwind- I remember them telling me they attatched a metal clip to keep track of tumor?? WHERE was my head? That I heard this and didn't scream, "I'm allergic to metal!" The dreaded call came while I was driving my Granddaughter and she actually heard the Dr say the words. My biggest concern was to reassure her that it was all going to be ok. I handled it very calmly outwardly, for everyone's sake.

    I made my Family promise to keep this from my 92 yr old Mother. I'd just lost both my Brother's in an18 month span. So my very feisty youthful 92 yr old Mother was reeling from the loss of her only Sons AND her long time boyfriend all in less than 2 yrs. One brother had a stroke after working all day and was spending time with a lady friend. My youngest brother was taking his dog out, slipped, hitting his head on the ice and was dead in 2 hours. His funeral was held on my Birthday in February. Then, I was diagnosed at the end of March. Just too much to dump on my Mother.

    I decided, after much study, research, and reflection on the outcomes of so many people I've known, loved and cared for, that I had to go the hollistic natural route. That decision was solidified after meeting with the surgeon and Onco at the same appointment. The Dr showed me a video of the Txs he had planned for me. I watched this horror show carefully, while everything in me screamed, no way! I was quiet and calm and I listened. Then calmly told him that I was not sure what I was going to do, but it would not be chemo or anything else he was suggesting.

    Initially, I had planned to do only the lumpectomy with removal of sentinel lymph nodes, but was told that the tumor, at 2.2 centimeters, was too big & had to be first treated with chemo. So I cancelled surgery. At this point I was more terrified of the Dr's than the cancer. The Onco's tone was dismissive, as if I was a child, as he proceeded to phone in Rxs for nausea and scheduled chemo explaining that W/0 it, I wouldn't live past 6 Months. - I never went back. Instead, I immediately changed my diet,- drastically. No sugar, no meat, no tap water then no dairy,. I've tried many natural protocols, making even more changes as I read and learned. I seemed to be holding my own. In July, I sought a second opinion, hoping I'd get better news. After all, it hadn't seemed to be as aggressive as predicted. I was told among other things, that I'd be back in 30 days and it would be red, inflamed, and as big as my head. This Onco was afraid it had metastisized to my bones, because I was limping badly and had terrible hip pain due to a car accident. ( I was rear ended while sitting at a red light.) The PET scan showed no change in tumor size and could detect no visible metatasis. A small ray of hope after such a dire prediction.

    I had no breast pain at this point, but my hip pain was agony. I was not eligible for hip replacement- tests confirmed- I was allergic to the metal componets used.

    Insurance would not pay for any alternative treatment to reline my hip joint nor any natural tx for the Cancer.

    Unable to continue working I have since exhausted my savings on so called dirt cheap treatments and just paying bills. I raised as much $ as I could, and I tried everything that seemed might have a shot. I wasted precious time bargaining with insurance Co. to no avail. 2 yrs later tumor has grown drastically, a large knob shaped part of it protrudes from my chest and has very recently begun to ooze fluids and bleed.

    I'm still doing all that I can afford, but I am losing ground. I have, periodically sought care, but have been told that if I'm refusing conventional tx's - there is nothing they can do for me.

    I have not given up but I have dealt with so many crises and road blocks that have used up resources and compromised my ability to fight as hard as I should. - I have a terrible time exercising with this cane, and pain of just moving and walking is excruciating with bone on bone in my hip. Not being able to work and taking my Social Security has devastated my finances even more.

    I used to walk in marathons, go out and dance like crazy with my co workers, run circles around my Grandkids. I just can't believe what my life has become.

    I practice positive thinking, watch, "The Secret" for inspiration, and nurture my relationship with God. I still believe that there is hope, and that Maybe I am being tested. So I keep going back to the drawing board to try whatever protocol I can afford, I'm still taking all the supplements I have stocked. (Many of which, are the same you've mentioned in your blogs.) I'm getting more creative ideas about ways to raise money. I can't just give up - I have a Handicapped Daughter and a Handicapped Granddaughter who need me. Not to mention my Mother and others. My friends and family have been great but they are all struggling in this economy. I still believe that somehow I will beat this. God, has been good to me and I am so grateful for the many blessings I have.

    Wow, I didn't mean to go on and on. I will be praying for all of us. I'm so happy to have found this site. Perhaps it's a good omen, giving me hope and strength to carry on. - I shall return.

    Note: after editing my entry, I find first draft posted also. ??

  • 1redgirl
    1redgirl Posts: 94
    edited June 2018

    Pallas - very sorry for your many struggles. No words. Recently I read a comment that struck me. A doctor said “one must know the right question to ask when looking for answers". So if you just goggle breast cancer, stem cell cancer cells never comes up. I never knew those few cells are the reason cancer metastizes. If you goggle cancer stem cells there is lots of information and explanation. I never knew chemo nor radiation cannot kill those cells. The issue is dosage. Can’t kill the patient. The problem is the medical community just has no answers. Chemo will kill cancer cells and good cells, but not stem cells. Chemo will shrink tumors, but that matters little if the stem cancer cell has survived and worse, gotten stronger. So basically the solutions today buy time. They also come with debilitating side effects. I see it every week when I go to the cancer center for PT. It is agonizing to watch these men and women that can barely walk nor communicate. For me the issue is age. Most are old like me. Chemo on a 65 yr old is not the same for chemo used on a 35 yr old. I watched my best friend die of bc after 2 yrs of chemo and radiation. Awful. Just awful. I never tried to talk her out of it. It was her decision. I never even gave my opinion.

    One other thing never discussed. Why stem cancer cells can go dormant. It is hard to research dormancy. Just my two cents

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Posts: 187
    edited June 2018

    "Whatever tx or paths you have chosen my wishes and my prayers for you are the same. That you all get well, feel better than you've ever felt, knowing that you've fought and defeated such formidable foes." And I wish the same for you Pallas...I am so glad you've not given up and I'm fond of saying that while we're alive there is still hope and we have the unique capacity to make the most of what we do have left, whether that be 2 weeks or 30 years. I'm sorry to hear that your hip is causing you so much trouble...your hip is your foundation for physical activity and when that's in pain, your whole life goes out of whack, as I'm sure you're well aware!

    This past weekend I was able to get together with a good friend of mine who has been doing holistic tx for BC for the past 10 years now. It sounds like she has mets to her lungs and she is just doing palliative care, meaning that when the fluid builds up in her lungs she has it drawn off but nothing beyond that. She is 65 and hopes for another 5 years, which is quite possible since holistic tx can greatly slow the progression of the disease. But the main thing that I got from our conversation is that at some point for both of us, the focus came off of getting cured physically and onto hanging on and making the most of the time we have left and the healing of our emotional and spiritual issues, as well as getting the strongest and healthiest bodies that we are capable of. I know it's possible to cure cancer with holistic means as I know several who've done it, but their cases seemed to fall more under the heading of "spontaneous remission" rather than any particular treatment. That's what the docs would say but in fact holistic is not anything like conventional...conventional says you take this drug the tumor shrinks, or we cut that tumor out. Treatment in=tumor out. Holistic says we bring the body, mind, and soul back into balance with gentler methods b/c we don't want to tip the balance too far the other way and make for bigger problems and we're hopefully treating the root cause of why we got cancer in the first place. The patient has much more responsibility this way and that's not for everyone. For us it's been a fascinating hobby but I can see why many would not be interested b/c there are plenty of things in this world that I have no interest in either.

    Both of us agreed that we have grown spiritually in so many ways. Before BC, I never meditated...hated it in fact. Now I love it and try to get in as much meditation tie as possible. In fact, a meditation session is what brought on the idea for making this trip so I think of it as my inner guidance system. I'm still a Christian but my spiritual view has expanded.

    1redgirl, I loved what you said about not trying to talk your best friend out of her tx choices. I also never do this as I feel it's extremely important for people to believe wholly in what they're doing. If you undermine their confidence in conventional, and they're not fully on board with holistic, what foundation do they have left for belief in efficacious treatment? The most I will do is make suggestions like drop the sugar, but I've found I have to be careful even with that one as I said it once to a friend and she shut me down really quick. Now she is stage IV and bitter and has no desire to see me, as I'm doing well and she is not and I'm a reminder. We were dx'ed at the same time but she could outlive me so I'm certainly not crowing about my "success." It's just another reminder that doing holistic can be tricky when dealing with those who are not and many people I encounter in my life are not even aware of my dx and I haven't posted anything about it on facebook and have asked my friends not to either. It's just different in so many ways that I never anticipated.

  • 1redgirl
    1redgirl Posts: 94
    edited June 2018

    I am a real believer in free choice. However, the medical community is not keen on it. I am very upfront about my decision. If people ask me about my health, I tell them. I feel good. I am eating better than I ever did. I am biking 20 miles now a day. I sleep well. I avoid stress and try to spend as much time as possible doing what makes me happy. I have lost 17 lbs. Life is good.

    The best to all

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Posts: 187
    edited July 2018

    redgirl, that sounds like my life. I am actually happier than I've ever been and folks who know what I'm going through think that's crazy.

    So, I am writing this last post on here, getting ready to shut down my computer, and then I am outta here. I am beyond excited but I just had to tell one last crazy thing that happened. I haven't posted much about my dating struggles on this site but I have talked some about my extreme loneliness where I'm living now and dating has been a real trial and I've been single for 10 years now. I mean I get dates and all but they never seem to fit quite right. I don't think I'm being overly picky but I am looking for Mr. Forever and I just realized what I really need from a man and that is to know that he's crazy about needs to be obvious. Yup, you guessed it...just as I'm getting ready to leave...LOL. A friend of 2-1/2 years came to help me close the house down and pack for the trip and it hit us both at the same time. He said I must make the trip but he will be impatiently waiting for me to come back and suddenly he's crazy about me and it shows. People would take one look at us and think we have nothing in common and we thought that at first too but it seems we have more in common than we ever knew. So, wish us luck...I do hope he's the one. We shall see. I'm going to spend the holiday with him and his sis and BIL and then I'm officially starting.


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