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May 2018 Surgery Support Group



  • SPDGirl
    SPDGirl Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2018

    KandyHunt - I am so sorry to hear about this update and how discouraging this is. I am praying that everything will get corrected in time to make your insurance year and get the tattoo as well! I too am very ready not to feel this non-existent bra. I know it is entirely different since I did not have any type of reconstruction, but your description is exactly what I feel!

  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2018

    kandyhunt: I am so sorrry about this setback. I almost had to have my TEs replaced in July when I got an infection, and I was really dejected at the prospect of waiting longer. As it was, I have to wait a little longer for my exchange surgery due to the infection. When we thought I would lose both TEs and have an extra surgery, my husband encouraged me to think about how far I'd come and all that I'd been through and to consider this a "blip" on the radar. For some reason, that pep talk calmed me down. Nothing about this is easy.

  • ljm33
    ljm33 Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2018

    Oh gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about the setbacks. I think I would be beyond frustrated in your situations. I can't imagine starting over with new expanders. But like others have said, you won't truly be starting over. And I had a small seroma so I know the discomfort. Wishing you both speedy fixes.

    Sadly I'm three weeks out from my exchange today and I still have that non-existent bra feeling. The foobs are more comfortable than the expanders I guess, but still not loving the feeling. I'm actually more comfortable in a very light bra but after a few hours it gets really sore in the areas where the drains were so I take it off and it just feels foreign. Still healing I guess.

  • Whateverittakes
    Whateverittakes Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2018

    I had a seroma and hemotoba develop in my left (foob) I guess it's what it's called lol. I had quite a few scans, had drains put back in & a 10 day dose of high powered antibotics. It took about 3 weeks & I was back to normal. Hopefully yours will heal even quicker!! best wishes SA

  • kandyhunt
    kandyhunt Member Posts: 46
    edited August 2018

    Thank you for the kind words. I know overall how lucky I have been and pray for each of you with your own issues that make mine look small. I love this site.

    Take care. I''ll let you know when I get scheduled for the next episode of "Foreign Bodies Lack Integrity, leaves Woman feeling Blue" or the "The Extender won't Extend" It's a maloadrama.

  • SPDGirl
    SPDGirl Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2018

    😁 Thanks for the chuckle KandyHunt!

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502
    edited August 2018

    Thanks for the melodrama update, KandyHunt! Smile

  • bennybear
    bennybear Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2018

    sorry kandy hunt that you have been through so much! Sending healing thoughts! Love the black humour!

  • FaithsMama
    FaithsMama Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018

    kandyhunt: I am very sorry about your recent setback. I can only imagine how disappointing that must be. Big HUGS!! Remember, “this too shall pass" and a year from today, you will look back and be glad it's all behind you.

    As4me: I am still lurking around. I read your posts daily and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I had to step back for a while. Frankly, because I was embarrassed about the chaos my life was in, and the chaos I felt I brought to this forum, beyond that of my breast cancer. Things are settling in my life and with my foobs! Lol. I am up to 640 cc's. My previous fill, not the one I had this week, but the one I had several weeks ago was wonderful!! Seriously, something about that particular fill and cc number actually released a good deal of the vice grip pressure we all are feeling. It felt like my chest was saying a collective “awwwwee!" I even took a week long vacation! I did not need any muscle relaxers or pain killers the entire week. Then comes this weeks fill. Back to the vice grip!! The good news is, is that you too can look forward to that magic number fill that will release the pressure you are feeling. I hope it comes sooner, rather than later for those in this stage!

    Those of you that are on hormone therapy. Have you had your exchange surgery yet? My onco called last week to start my Tamoxifen, but realized I haven't had my exchange surgery yet. He says Tamoxifen interferes with blood clotting and that I can't start until after my final surgery. How are your drs dealing with this issue?

    As always, thank you for being here and for allowing me to rant about so many non breast cancer related things without judging me😊.

    For those of you in the teaching field,my hat is off to you and I admire your fortitude!! Teaching is NOT easy!! I miss it like crazy. I miss the kids!! But could never go back to that degree of pressure and stress! 💪🙏Power and prayers to ya!

  • SLL101984
    SLL101984 Member Posts: 162
    edited August 2018

    Faithmama- I’ve been on tamoxifen since June 18, and it hasn’t not been mentioned about it being a problem during my exchange surgery. But my surgery isn’t even scheduled yet so maybe they will ask me to stop taking it for a bit prior to going in.

  • SLL101984
    SLL101984 Member Posts: 162
    edited August 2018

    I came across this article online and thought it was a good story. What’s your thoughts ladies? I was thinking this may be helpful for those with late stage or those having issues with tamoxifen and AIs.

  • kandyhunt
    kandyhunt Member Posts: 46
    edited August 2018

    SLL I have heard a lot of talk of cannabis on the Alternative site that I watch on Facebook. The people on the site do not like the people who go with traditional medical treatment so I mostly just watch. I did use vaping after my surgery for pain. Florida is very strict with any kind of pain meds. So someone I know helped me find the legal kind that I could use. I have not used it since I have stop having surgery pain. But it certainly helped me get over the hump of not being able to sleep due to pain.

  • SPDGirl
    SPDGirl Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2018

    FaithsMama - it is so good to hear from you! I have been thinking of you and hoping things were improving. That is amazing on the previous fill that provided all that relief! My chest and I are hoping for that kind of party sometime soon!

    I am currently not taking Tamoxifen (my MO and I are still in discussions on it), but he did say that traditionally they have patients take a hiatus from it whenever they have any kind of surgery as it does increase the risk of blood clots. I am not sure if that is a traditional answer or if he was tailoring it for me as that is one of my specific concerns since my sis has a history of blood clots.

  • SLL101984
    SLL101984 Member Posts: 162
    edited August 2018

    spdgirl- I’m glad this was brought up about tamoxifen. I’ll be honest, I never read all the papers that came with my first prescription because I was already overwhelmed with e erything else and seeing all the possibly side effects listed would have just stressed me out more! But I will definitely be bringing this up at my next oncology appointment!

  • ReadyAbout
    ReadyAbout Member Posts: 145
    edited August 2018

    I have been on Tamoxifen for 7 weeks and my exchange surgery will be Sept 4. MO never mentioned anything and neither did PS, but PS is so disorganized that he would never think about a detail like that. I learned that his nurse is also his receptionist, which explains why it’s chaotic over there To make matters worse, she quit recently and last time I called, my PS’s wife was answering the phones.

  • FaithsMama
    FaithsMama Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018

    ReadyAbout: I would definitely bring the topic up. My onco. doesn't want me to start it, until I have completed all my surgeries. 

    SLL...: My surgery isn't scheduled yet either. But, my onco. knows its on the horizon somewhere and doesn't feel it's worth the risk to start until all surgeries are completed.

    Cannibus is legal in my state. I've tried it during this post surgery time and honestly, for ME, it doesn't work. I might get a brief, or slight relief from the pain, but it also gives  me panic attacks. I have never been one to use it, or any drugs other than a drink occasionally. Cannibus can cause anxiety for some, and I guess I'm one of the "some." :D  I WISH it worked with the added anxiety. I do get an initial relaxing feeling, but it's not worth the end result which is heightened anxiety as it's wearing off. I would recommend trying it, because it can work wonders for some! 

    Have a good weekend all!! I  hope everyone gets some reprieve from pain and pressure this weekend. 

  • FaithsMama
    FaithsMama Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018


    Do any of you still have the bruising from your surgery? Do you see the bruise on my chest? I asked my PS, during my last visit, if this will ever go away! He said he is NOT sure! I had a hematoma after surgery and currently have lymphedema in my chest. I don't know if that is what is causing the bruise to continue, or if it's just stained skin!! Weird huh? 
  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502
    edited August 2018

    FaithsMama, I'm really sorry that medical cannabis didn't work for you. I had a slight bruise on my left where the drains came out of my body, but it went away after a few weeks. I didn't see any other bruising but I did have a plastic dressing for 2 weeks, so there may have been other bruising early on. I'm sorry you still have bruising or maybe a scar on your chest. Arnica is meant to be really good for making bruises better but if it's a scar, other things may help, such as rose hip oil. I hope it goes away soon. That's a lovely photo of you, by the way!

  • Whateverittakes
    Whateverittakes Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2018

    Hello! Very gorgeous picture! Just wanted to tell you I had horrible bruising (big spots) at first then they went to Tiny ones. I did have a hematoma & seroma, but the brusing finally went away after a few months. I still looked bruised in some places. Best wishes SA

  • Whateverittakes
    Whateverittakes Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2018

    My oncologist didn't recommend me taking tamoxifen until most of all my surgeries were done. She explained it's to high of a risk due to blood clots. Then she stayed If I was to have any dental work or more surgery stop 7 days ahead, let her know & she would notify me when to restart. Hope this helps SA

  • SLL101984
    SLL101984 Member Posts: 162
    edited August 2018

    I had no bruising what so ever. I’m only 33 so not sure if that has anything to do with it. We’ll see what happens come exchange surgery time!

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2018

    good to hear form everyone. Had my final fill last week and it wasn’t as bad as the others. Booked for September 18. I’m still deciding on my implant type, thinking to go high profile but my friend who is a plastic surgeon said high profile is super super high and he thinks I will regret that so I’m looking at moderate plus inspira rounds instead.. anyone else made decisions on that?

    I shockingly had no bruising either. I’m the type of person who always has mystery bruises since I am very pale, so I was actually shocked.

    I love hearing from you ladies but I’ve tried to step back from the website a little bit, my mom just found out she has two lung nodules, and it’s not looking good. She never smoked a day in her life, no family history and lives pretty clean. Cancer has just hit too many people I know and love this year, and I gotta tell ya, it’s turning me into somewhat of a conspiracy theorist. Anyways, I had to refocus and try to stay off google, and the like.

    Sending big hugs to everyone dealing with challenges, I know we all get through this and look back with “interesting” stories to tell

  • FaithsMama
    FaithsMama Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018

    Thank you Whateverit!

    I am surprised to hear a lot you lacked bruising. It must be residual from my hematoma, post surgery. It appeared a week or two post surgery and hasn’t shown any signs of dissipating since. Guess it’s s wait and see!

    Mich, I’m glad you checked in! Though am very sorry to hear about your mom. Hope all turns out well!

  • SPDGirl
    SPDGirl Member Posts: 98
    edited August 2018

    FaithsMama - the bruising is interesting. I am another one that really didn't have any bruising whatsoever after BMX, but I had significant and long lasting bruising after my original biopsy at diagnosis. I am a bit ignorant on how it all works but the doctor apologized right away at the biopsy and said I was going to have a hematoma (I didn't feel a thing) at one of the sites (I had 2 biopsies) so he did something and knew right away.

    Michi - it is so good to hear from you, but what a difficult and draining time 🙁 praying for you and your whole family.

  • kandyhunt
    kandyhunt Member Posts: 46
    edited August 2018

    My surgery to replace my broken/leaking TE is scheduled for September 11th. At least now I feel like I am moving forward again.

    On bruising or lack there of. I used Arnica in the pill(hold under your tongue). I started about a week before surgery and kept taking it for weeks after words. I stopped and one of my fills I had brusing and so went back to taking in again. I plan on doing it again faithfully starting a week before surgery again. I think it really helped.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited August 2018

    Hives, anyone?

    I have developed a horrible case of all-over-body hives. It started midday on Day 9, yesterday, and this is my #3 infusion cycle (of 4). I am taking some of my steroids + also Benadryl, and waiting for further advice from my oncologist's office about how to proceed. To the advice nurse on the phone, it seemed weird that this was so delayed, if it's a chemo reaction.

    However, I can't think of a single other thing that's changed, in diet or supplements, or whatever, so I think it must be a chemo reaction. Anyone else hear of this, and especially a good week after the infusion day? The hives arose together came along with back spasms.

    It's HORRIBLE. I got to sleep last night after a dose of Benedryl meds + also Ativan + Cyclobenzeprene for the back spasms. This morning, I took one of my steroid pills, and that helped A LOT, plus a Claritin, so the itching has been reduced, but the welts are still huge. Called my oncologist's Triage Nurse chemo advice line, and the nurse will return my call eventually after consulting with one of the docs--mine is on vacation this week.

    I have hives all over my scalp, torso, arms, neck, back....maybe 200 of them, and they all itch terribly. I've knocked down the itching from the Benedryl and the steroid, for now. Also, it started the day that I stopped taking morning/daily Claritin. I suspect that if I'd kept up the Claritin for 2 more days (through day 8), maybe this wouldn't have happened---this is the first cycle I've stopped the Claritin at day 6. The Claritin is in my protocol to help me manage the Neulasta (spasms) pain, so maybe I just didn't knock that histaminic reaction down quite enough. Hoping my oncologist's office will suggest a reasonable plan going forward, of how to knock down the hives and get comfortable.Last

  • waf
    waf Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2018

    Hi Michi,

    I'm curious how your experience with Dr. Colwell has been. I had my BMX through Brigham's and radiation at Dana, and am interested in finding another plastic surgeon for my reconstruction (I'm 8 months out from radiation and feeling ready to replace my expanders). I don't want to use my initial plastic surgeon for my reconstruction, so am looking for recommendations for surgeons at other Boston-area hospitals. Would love to know how things have gone for you at MGH.



  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2018

    Hey Wendy-

    So it’s been interesting because I didn’t initially get a warm and fuzzy feeling from her, but I absolutely love my surgeon who did the BMX (dr Barbara Smith) and she highly recommended Dr. Colewell so I went with her. She doesn’t have a fantastic/super friendly bedside manner, she’s more to the point, and I’m more of a chit chatter, so I feel like I know ya type.

    But a dear friend of mine who is an oncologist pointed out to me that I don’t want a girlfriend to hang out with on the weekends, I want a plastic surgeon and a surgeon who have done this a million times and know what they’re doing in the operating room. Dr Colewell does tons of reconstruction, it’s her primary practice, and that is key in finding a good PS. I can’t speak to the final product yet, as my exchange isn’t until September, but I’ve been pleased with the process thus far and if she can make my implants look even as good as my TE’s do, then I’ll be pleased. MGH in general has been top notch, but I think any of the major Boston hospitals are pretty superb.

  • FaithsMama
    FaithsMama Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2018

    i’ll try the arnica. The bruising sticks out like a sore thumb in most all summer tops. I have one more fill to get me to 700 cc then my exchange somewhere in October. Good times! This last fill has been pretty difficult. I am mulling over doing a reduction rather than another fill to even me out!

  • sn75
    sn75 Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2018

    I'm at 800 ccs now and probably won't have my exchange surgery until December with my schedule and the surgeon's schedule matching up. Ugh. Over three more months with these expanders. I'm on day four of a chest cold and stomach flu. Puking and dry heaving with tissue expanders is a whole new pain! I've missed two days of work because of it and usually go in at my worst. Just don't have the stamina yet. Anyone else still not at 100% even on your best days?