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Chemo Starting September 2018



  • wanderweg
    wanderweg Member Posts: 487
    edited May 2019

    sunocean - I so hate for you that you are dealing with this at such a young age. I’m glad you’re healing up well from the rads. I have to disagree with your sister - my forties were a time of remarkable growth. I started walking and running regularly and learned a lot about myself through a divorce and buying/fixing up an old house on my own. But yeah, cancer makes your life go to shit. Maybe not permanently, but it sure does fuck you over. I’m find myself getting impatient with people who complain about getting old. I WANT that privilege and I’m terrified I won’t get it. Like you, I try to stay thankful that I’m here and feeling better than I did last year.

  • brinkofeternity
    brinkofeternity Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2019

    Sunocean - Congratulations on finishing rads! Glad to hear you are healing.

    As far as I'm concerned it can only go up from here. No looking back...!

    Wanderweg - I agree with the sentiment when people complain about their minor health problems or getting old... For me hitting 30 or 40 made no perceptible difference in my life. It was the specific relational turmoils and family tragedies that made the most impact in my physical and mental well-being.

  • Sunocean
    Sunocean Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2019

    wanderweg and brink thank you for your words.

    Wanderweg thank you I hope these are years of growth and also agree with you too about getting impatient with people who complain about getting old. I WANT to grow old! Bring on the wrinkes..bring on the gray hair and varicose veins!! I want that privilege!

    Today is my birthday and I turn 40. This morning I was so emotional reading all my birthday cards. I'm thankful for every day and pray I get 40 or more years!!

    As much as this board has helped me, it also reminds me every day about the what ifs, the possibility of recurrence and all that shit goes to my head. So for that reason I am gonna lay off the board for a while. I think my body and spirit need it. I need to focus on myself. And i thank God everyday for having PCR after chemo and surgery and having a good outcome so far. I need to train my mind to stop thinking about the what ifs, recurrence, and only keep focusing on the what is ...the now, the present. Today I am alive and healthy. Today I beat stage 3 breast I am happy. Love you all. Thank u for so much support.

  • SuefromSydney
    SuefromSydney Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2019

    Happy Birthday Brink! I hope you have one last look here to know that I too wish you every blessing in your life. And my forties were also a time of growth. Not downhill at all

  • beeline
    beeline Member Posts: 193
    edited May 2019

    Happy birthday sunocean! I was really enjoying my 40s before bc. Hoping to enjoy them again, now that, like you, “today I have beaten stage 3 breast cancer." I also went off the boards cold turkey last month and it has been really good for me not thinking about cancer and recurrence all the time, though it has still been hard trying to figure out what my life is or should be now. We miss you on the FB group but I think you are right to refuse to use it! Good luck with the next steps. I'll be thinking of you.

    Being, same to you! I was sorry to read about the Xeloda SE's, but glad your MO agreed with the decision to quit. Wishing you the best.

  • ucfknights
    ucfknights Member Posts: 91
    edited May 2019

    hi ladies! My mom is in the march 2019 chemo group. I was wondering what your follow up appts look like with your MO and breast surgeon as well as scans and mammograms!

    Thanks girls :)

  • brinkofeternity
    brinkofeternity Member Posts: 181
    edited May 2019

    ucfknights - After finishing AC I just had 1 follow-up appt with my MO to discuss hormone therapy, which wouldn’t be needed for your mom’s case. I will have a 3-month follow-up with my breast surgeon (along with mammogram and ultrasound),and then every 6 months after that.

  • umakemehappy
    umakemehappy Member Posts: 28

    Just popping in here to see if I remember any of the names and to see how everyone is doing. (Not 100% sure how to navigate the new site….: ). I started chemo in Sept 2018, and made it just past the 5-year mark so far. Just stopped tamoxifen…. ANYWAY. Hope everyone who was here back in 2018 is still here occasionally, even if it's been years, like me. ; )