All About Doxil



  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Hi Cindy - I hope you are getting “back to normal” since the fluid is gone. You had to be miserable...I’m sure that’s putting it mildly.

    I had the constipation issue after the first infusion. Took about a week to get things in working order (thanks to Miralax). Everything was good until Mother’s Day afternoon. Thankfully, it finally tapered off.

    I have not tried the lanolin. My daughter is bringing me some tomorrow (she is breastfeeding our newest grandson). I will definitely try it with the plastic wrap. I’m in misery today. Pushed myself to go to my other grandson’s Kindergarten graduation yesterday and I’m paying for it today. I don’t have it on my hands and pray that I don’t! It’s just the feet. Started on the heels only for several weeks, but is now spreading to the rest of the soles of my feet. I have to push myself again tomorrow to attend Jasper’s baby dedication at church tomorrow. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Thank you for sharing your advice. 😊

    As always, praying for us all!


  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83
    Bridget, It must be so painful to walk with those blisters, especially when you have things you need to do. Have you tried a foot bath with Epson salts? I may have read somewhere that it’s best not to put your hands in water,,,,maybe the same for feet. It seems so awful what be have to endure on these much needed meds. Praying you can fine something to soothe them. It is a beautiful warm day in NY, so I’m going to focus on that and be grateful for the sunshine. Thinking of you all and praying always. Nancy
  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83
    Hi Tina, I’m on day 25 after infusion and the fatigue has been much worse for the past 15 days. I can only imagine how tired I’ll be after my infusion this coming Thursday. Put the Doxil together with Benedryl and steroids and I’ll feel totally exhausted. Hope we can perk up a bit to find some enjoyment in spite of things. To feeling better...a lot better in coming days. Nancy
  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83
    Hi Cindy, Yes it is nice that my son can help me with shopping and cooking. I was having trouble walking around the store due to bad knee and general weakness from the treatments. I also have two kitty’s, Abbey and Charley. Abbey is always by my side and Charley is a trouble maker. Lol. They are a comfort to me. Hope you continue to feel relief from the draining. Nancy
  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Hi Nancy -

    Thank you for your note. It is indeed painful to walk. I’ve been quite active these last few days with grandchildren functions and I’m paying dearly for it tonight. I’ve read the same about keeping your feet and hands out of water. Ice is a suggestion, but it actually exacerbates the pain. I’m thankful that it has not reached my hands “yet”. I started using Lanolin yesterday at Cindy’s suggestion. Hopeful I can obtain some relief.

    I see doc Thursday for my monthly visit, labs, and 2nd Doxil treatment. I’ll see if he has a remedy.

    I’ll keep y’all posted. Praying for us all, always!


  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Hi Nancy, I hear you about not being able to walk around the store due to general weakness. I don't have a bad knee but I don't last long walking, or standing, particularly on concrete. I have had more pain in my spine (multiple mets there as well as almost all my ribs) since I've had the Doxil than when I was on Xeloda. I can only hope that it's the Doxil working on the cancer. Unfortunately, I think I am rebuilding the ascites. I'm bloated up but not like I was before. My MO made a standing appointment for me with the imaging center where the paracentesis is done, so I will call them tomorrow to see what that actually means. I don't want it to get as bad as it was before!

    This is Lucy, or Big Lu! I got her from the Nevada SPCA in 2014. She is twice as big as Foxy and very affectionate!


    This is Foxy, AKA Nightfury. I have had her since she was 3 weeks old! She is a polydactyl and will be 10 in July.


    This is Bailey Ann, my Labrador. As you can see, she has a permanently affixed blue thing in her mouth! She is so much company and the sweetest soul!


    Hoping we all feel better and our treatment is proved to be effective! It is nice to be able to have people to talk to who are going through the same things!


  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Precious fur babies. I love mine...a dog, 2 outside kitties, 2 horses, and umpteen chickens. They bring me a measure of peace. Chelsea, my dog, never leaves me alone...especially on “sick” days.


  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Bridget, my Bailey doesn't go far from me either. When a friend, who takes care of her for me if I go out of town, came over to walk her recently, she wouldn't go out the door with her unless I walked through the door with her! As soon as they got around the block and headed to the house, she was at warp speed to get home! Mine are so much company and joy! I am thankful I have them here with me.


  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    All so true, Cindy. I’m alone most of the time as my husband works a lot. Chelsea is my special companion.



  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83

    Cindy, Such beautiful furry friends you have💖 Love those photos. I was trying to post a picture of my two kitty’s, but I don’t know how to do it. Brain fog. Nancy

  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83

    Bridget, You are so lucky to have all those animals. I would love that.

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    I do love them. I miss having cows and goats, but the care became too much for the husband when I got sick again.

    Hope you are feeling well

  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83


  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83

    Here is Abbey and loves💖image

  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Nancy, they are beautiful! You have a tabby too! Looks just like my Lucy. I have had many cats over the years and loved them all. I couldn't imagine not having a cat in the house. Guess I can call myself "Cat Lady"!

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Precious, Nancy

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    This is my compadre, Chelsea. Believe it or not, she is sound asleep.


  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83

    Bridget, Chelsea is so sweet. She reminds me of a white poodle that I had years ago named Heidi. Cute with her eyes open like that.

  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Bridget, Chelsea is too cute! Angels with fur!

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Thank you. Don’t know what I would have done without her these past 3 years

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Hey Guys:

    I think several of us have treatment tomorrow. Just wishing you luck and sending love, hugs, and prayers!


  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Hello All, yes, I wish everyone an easy time and no SEs! Well, maybe not totally realistic on the latter but I keep hoping! I have no treatment but will see my MO for a discussion of the bone/CT scans, TMs, labs, and echocardiogram (I assume I passed as no one called me up in a panic!) and get the date for treatment #2.

    Everyone have a good night! ThumbsUp

  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83

    Bridget, My 2nd treatment is this morning at 10 AM. Good luck to all of us . Nancy

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Hello Friends -

    Saw doc today. White counts very low despite the Nulasta. Did not have chemo today. There was a mix up on the clinic’s med order and they did not have enough Doxil on hand. I’ll go back in the morning for treatment. Will receive a larger dose. He started on the lower side to see how I tolerated it. Since I had no major issues, we will do a full dose.

    Will get tumor marker tomorrow. Scans will be scheduled after 3rd Doxil treatment.

    I hope y’all are doing ok. 💕💕 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻 for us all

  • Nancylm
    Nancylm Posts: 83

    Bridget, I’m thinking of you as you reveiving your doxil today. Everything was okay yesterday for me, but fatigued today as expected. The clinic was so busy with lots of new people. Took 3 1/2 hours instead of expected 1 1/4. Now to wait out the fatigue and start on the mirilax. Hoping you are feeling well today

  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Thank you, Nancy. I did have 2nd treatment today. It was very quiet as there are no docs in clinic on Fridays. My doc came in so I could have my treatment (apparently a physician must be on site when Doxil is given). My tumor marker jumped to 116, but we are waiting to see what happens after the 2nd (today) and 3rd treatments. I’m doing my best to stay positive and not worry. My feet are still giving me fits, but that’s just part of it.

    I slept all afternoon and could go back to sleep now, which I may do until the steroids kick in and I’m wide awake.

    Rest as much as you can this weekend. Praying for us all 🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕


  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Bridget & Nancy: Glad to hear you received your treatments and are doing OK. I saw my MO Thursday, we agreed that the scans didn't show any real progression. I had labs drawn Thursday but results won't be available until probably Tuesday so I'll see where the TMs are then. I will have my next treatment on May 31 and another paracentesis on May 30. My MO ordered a port but I don't know yet when that will happen.

    She asked me how my hands were doing and when she looked at them, she said they were healing up from the H&F. The peeling has gone way down but they are red and kind of "tight", almost like they're swollen up but they're not.

    Wishing all of you a nice holiday weekend! And as always, saying prayers for all of us and our furry babies!


  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    Hi Cindy: I started using Udder Butter on my feet which is what I used on my goats when I still had them. It's majority lanolin with some petroleum jelly. They are less dry and cracked, but still hurts when walking or standing. Like you, they feel swollen and sunburned. 🤷🏻♀️ Doc says they look better. Still no symptoms on hands and just a sore mouth but no outright canker sores. Continuing to rinsewith baking soda and salt.

    I slept fairly well despite the steroids, but I'm still so tired. Nulasta will kick in this afternoon. I'm sure I'll be sore from it, as usual.

    Please let us know your lab results when you get them. I'm so glad you're having another paracentisis on the 30th. Nip it in the bud before it gets too bad. I'm praying hard for good results from labs!

    We are standing strong together and I'm so blessed the have y'all. As always, I'm praying for strength, will-to-fight, and effectiveness of treatment.

    He's listening...💕💕🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️

  • wallaby715
    wallaby715 Posts: 183

    Hi Bridget: I have used Bag Balm on my hands, plus a lot of other stuff! I need to use some on my feet now as our climate here in Las Vegas is VERY dry and hot weather is finally showing up after a very cool Spring. My hands do feel better today, less puffy. However, when I took a shower yesterday and washed my hair, I noticed a LOT of hair in the pick comb I use to get through the tangles. I use a detangler on it prior to using the pick comb. Previously, I could brush or comb my hair and not even have one hair in the brush or comb. In fact, I remarked about that to my hairdresser. This alarms me somewhat as I was told by my MO that hair loss was not likely with Doxil. I lost my hair when I had A/C in 2006/2007 so it's not that big of a shock but I sure don't want to go around looking half bald! At that point, just like I did back in 2006, I'll just shave it all off!

    I am looking forward to the paracentesis on the 30th. It's not as bad as it was the first time but I don't want to get to that point again. I am eating pretty well so my energy level is up a bit, all things considered. No more mouth sores, yet! I'm sure I'll see what gets unleashed after my next treatment on the 31st! Always a new adventure in MBC!

    My constant desk companion and keyboard sitter, Lucy!


    As always, prayers for us all!


  • msmann63
    msmann63 Posts: 54

    She’s adorable


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