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Radiation June 2019

For members starting or continuing radiation therapy in June 2019.


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  • brooklynmama75
    brooklynmama75 Posts: 4
    edited June 2019

    Hi - I have been lurking for a while but this is my first post. I had surgery May 2nd and started rads yesterday. I am having 16 sessions + 4 boosts. Yesterday was easy but my boob was sore afterwards. My doctor gave me calendula cream to put on it. I'm nervous about the fatigue and skin irritation to come but I am trying to take it one day at a time. Good luck to all

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Posts: 894
    edited June 2019

    Hi Brooklynmama. I've been reading the May posts and hoping someone would start one for June. My lumpectomy was in April and my surgeon asked me to wait 6 weeks to start radiation. I started on 33 treatments on Monday. I have heard calendula cream is very good and I have some too. I am also using the generic Aveeno lotion in the morning, after work, and before I go to bed. The rad tech told me this morning one of the areas that might get red is the fold in your neck when you raise your arms above your head, so I started putting some there too. One day at a time sounds right, good luck everyone!

  • sweetpeaj
    sweetpeaj Posts: 6
    edited June 2019

    Hey all!

    I started radiation earlier this week, on June 4. Since my second day of radiation I have had a persistent sore throat (almost feeling like acid reflux) and nausea. Wondering if this will last throughout treatment?

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Joining the radiation party--today will be day 5 of 20 for me. Mostly my boob feels like it got punched a bit, well and my nipple hurts. But that part could also be from the surgery (my incision is around the edge of my nipple, boy was I surprised when I took the bandage off).

    And my armpit incision is bugging me now too. Not pain, just annoying. I can take annoying.

  • spiralforest
    spiralforest Posts: 12
    edited June 2019

    Brooklynmama75 - I also had pain in my breast later in the day the very first day of treatment. That upset me as I was worried it would just get worse and I had a month to go! But that was the first and last day of the pain. After several treatments I had a sensitive nipple on the treated breast (which has now stopped) and then starting about treatment 10, a bit of redness and itchiness in the evenings, but it seems to go away over night. I did 13 treatments so far and have 3 left next week and then 4 boosts. Aloe helps with the redness and itch and I also use a cream twice per day. It's called Green Beaver Day Cream (Canadian). First ingredient is aloe.

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Finished my first week of rads yesterday. And this morning I slept really late (for me). Hoping it's just the work week catching up with me.

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Posts: 894
    edited June 2019

    It's Monday! I went in for week #2 of treatment and the door to the radiation room was not able to be closed. The maintenance man came and, after an hour, they suggested I head back to work and try again tomorrow. I did have a nice visit with a lady with lung cancer who has been married 56 years. She is happy and carefree and I tried to get some of that to rub off on me, as I tend to get aggravated when these things happen. I hope everyone has a good week and completes their schedule. Hugs, Lisa

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Got day 6 done. Where I go, there's not a door but a long corridor to get into the room. It's totally private. I was puzzled at first but it works well.

    My pec's getting a bit tight, guess that's part of this process?

  • mom2bunky
    mom2bunky Posts: 54
    edited June 2019

    Hello friends,

    I saw my radiation oncologist yesterday and I'm to start radiation on June 25. I wasn't expecting it, but I had also been scheduled for the preliminary set up. So I was scanned and tatooed. WOW did that hurt! Only for a second but I wasn't expecting it. It was also freezing in the room and I was shivering despite the warm blankets. Glad it's over.

    As with anything new and for the first time, I'm nervous about radiation, but I am thankful for all the women who share here. I am to have 16 treatments and no boost. She even said I don't need to give up my green tea, so long as I don't drink more than a cup or two.

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    The only tattoo that hurt for me was the bonus fourth one I got right before the first treatment--so this was AFTER the mapping, scanning, prepping appointment. It's also the easiest to see by far.

    I was surprised at how much of a non-event the actual radiation treatment was that first time. I thought oh boy here we go, held my breath (and counted), breathed, the machine moved, all that happened again and then we were done.

    Others have shared how getting undressed and then redressed takes way more time than the actual radiation and they're right. It's max 15 minutes for me, start to finish.

    I'm on day 9 today and learned yesterday I'll have five boosters at the end (which I didn't know). But that's OK, I keep silently telling the radiation to KILL KILL KILL the cancer Bawling

  • mom2bunky
    mom2bunky Posts: 54
    edited June 2019

    thanks edj3. That really makes me feel better. I hope it's the same for me. They told me each appointment would take about 15 minutes as well. I really hope there's no fourth tatoo. I've had enough of that. But okay. We do what we gotta do.

  • Patay15
    Patay15 Posts: 3
    edited June 2019

    I am also joining the radiation party...Radiation starts on June 24th. I really thought I was not having radiation but here we are. I did the tattoos (I never thought this is the way I would finally get a tattoo) and got the mold make of my upper body and I do a dry run next Friday. I am a little apprehensive on what is to come with the treatments. I am just dreading the fatigue that everyone says comes with it. I have two small children and they keep me running all the time so I really don’t want to be more tired than I usually am. I am just trying to figure out what type of moisturizer I should start using right now to help with the treatment

  • Newfromny
    Newfromny Posts: 108
    edited June 2019

    Finished 33 treatments including 5 boosts on June 10 . It really wasn’t too bad, the staff was great, it did get pink or sunburnt but I used miaderm 3 or 4 times a day and I never blistered. It’s peeling now but the skin is improving quickly.

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Patay15 so far the fatigue isn't awful for me. I'm definitely not my normal Energizer Bunny self but I'm also not a wan little thing draped across the couch.

    Best advice I saw for the fatigue is to keep working out and to do your workouts in the morning. That's what I'm doing, and it's helping. This morning I ran 4 miles to bring the week's total to 12.

    You've got this!

  • debrac
    debrac Posts: 63
    edited June 2019

    Hi Mom2bunky and Patay15,

    I’ll be joining the radiation fun on June 26. I had the set up appt yesterday. I will have 16 treatments and 4 boosts. I was also surprised how the tattoo pricks hurt. I only had 3 spots, but surprised the same. First and last tattoo for me,,,hopefully.

    Hope the fatigue doesn’t set in too quickly I’ve read about, just finished up 4 TC chemo treatments last week. Still recoverying, trying to get some stamina up by then.

    Just another leg of this journey. So ready to be done and get to a new normal. Looking forwardto hearing our individual experiences as we go thru this together. We can do it 💪🏻

  • Patay15
    Patay15 Posts: 3
    edited June 2019
    • edj3, I have fallen off the exercise routine a bit since I started this whole fun cancer ride. I think I was feeling a tad bit sorry for myself and started to be a slacker. I need to start it up again and try to loose the 10 lbs I gained since this whole thing started. Needless to say, I found out I am a stress eater!
  • mom2bunky
    mom2bunky Posts: 54
    edited June 2019

    Patay, while I lost a little weight during this ordeal so far, I am right there with you on needing to start exercising again. In fact, that reminds me to ask the PS on Monday if I can start lifting weights again yet. Even if it's just lighter weights. I also like to run, and there is no way I am feeling comfortable enough to do that yet. I'm a month out from surgery.

  • Patay15
    Patay15 Posts: 3
    edited June 2019

    mom2bunky, I feel like such a lump these days. I know I will feel better once I start exercising again but I got out of the routine and it is so hard to get back into it. I am going to try my best and start again next week. Today I meet with the oncologist to see where I go with hormone therapy. I think this part might scare me more than the radiation. I am not the best at sticking with taking medication every day. Especially one that is going to give me not so nice side effects

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Posts: 532
    edited June 2019

    Hi fellow RADs warriors - I just wanted to stop by and wish you all good luck. Though my experience in RADs was a "bit" rough, and I ended up with Fibrosis, LE, and Rib Dysfunction/Costochondritis, many other in our Oct group did just fine. The odds are in the favor of y'all having minimal SEs . :)

    I was given many stretches and exercises by my PT and RO that helped me to keep from losing range of motion and manage the LE that developed during my RADs treatments, which I had posted in my RADs group.

    Like I said, I hope all of you will sail through treatments with the minimum of SEs. This was our thread Radiation October 2018 and we discussed quite a few things that were very helpful along the way - including creams, hydration, exercise, etc. Maybe they might be helpful to you on your journey.

    My best advice that I can pass on, that helped me is this:

    1) Start using Calendula or other creams 2 weeks prior to treatments on the area of RADs (if one breast, be sure to get up into the armpit and into the ribs as well) Continue as your team directs you, most of ours seemed to say 2- 4 times depending on various SEs.

    2) Drink lots of water.

    3) Walk or move as much as you can, given your own limitations.

    4) Double check with your RO/team about meds you are on, as some on my list were ones I shouldn't take before AND during RADs & after for at least 2 weeks (antioxidants especially).

    5) Everyone is different. Some experience SEs immediately (like me lol), others sail by with very minimal SEs. If you are concerned or experiencing pain/redness/swelling/heavy feeling/etc, don't be afraid to speak up to your team.

    6) If you do experience SEs, one of the things that SAVED me was "Boob Lasagna" - Aloe Vesta layered on with special gauze and then wrapped under a compression bra. I think I would have lost my mind the last 2 weeks without it. Ask your team. Also, on page 6 of the Oct Rads Group.

    Wishing you all the best and quick healing after you get to ring the bell.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Posts: 532
    edited June 2019

    Edj3 -- > about your pec tightening up, definitely can be expected. Everyone is different. I'd talk to your team about as they may have specific range of motion exercises they'd like you to do or to even send you to a RADs PT for an evaluation. This was one that was given to me that definitely helped.


  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Spoonie77, thank you! Yes, I've been doing stretches, and I lift weights. Yesterday the occupational therapist gently recommended I dial back a bit as my tissue is getting assaulted. OK, OK, I will!

    She was very clear that the damage isn't always visible--so far breast feels like it got punched but the skin, with the exception of my nipple, is fine. The nipple is cranky. But day 9 is done, nearly halfway through.

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Posts: 532
    edited June 2019

    You're welcome, EDJ3. Glad to help.

    And, yes listen to your OT lol! :) You may not feel it now, but your body is trying to keep up with the cells that are dying (the good AND the bad), and it's taking out massive amounts of reserves to do its job. At some point, some level of fatigue will most likely set in. Some in my thread didn't see it until week three or four. Just rest when you can and remember to be extra kind to yourself right now. Exercise is good and helpful, but just like anything, in moderation, right? ;)

    I remember I needed SOOO many naps during RADs. It was exhausting. Like I said, I had things worse than most, and unfortunately my fatigue didn't really let up for about 3 months afterwards. I'm a "spoonie" so I have other issues in my system going on, other than BC, so it's a bit tricky for me.

    I will say that one thing my Cancer PT reminded me of is this: Even if someone has little to NO side effects during RADs, the biggest window for when muscle/tissue tightening/range of motion loss can occur is around 6-8 weeks out after the final treatment. So keep an eye on that time frame when you get to kiss RADs goodbye.

    Oh, and about the nipple, lol, mine was very very pissed off at me by the end. It peeled and oozed and welp, it didn't like life much for awhile. But gradually it came back around. If yours keeps getting aggravated ask your team for these little silicone type gel pads. They were a god send, keeping pressure off of my nipple and keeping it cool. Don't be surprised if after RADs a nipple may alternate between super oily, sticky, and/or dry. My PT also said something to the effect of "It's been through alot. Right now it doesn't know what it wants to be. At some point in a few months it'll get back to normal but for now it's gonna go through alot of weird stages." She was right.

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Great advice on the nipple--my breast is pinking up tonight (first time) but my nipple has been cranky since last week. I suspect since my lumpectomy incision is on the outer edge of my nipple, just slightly more than half the nipple, it's adding insult to injury to have it getting nuked now.

    And yes, you have had a rotten time of it. I've been all over a number of threads (esp the tamoxifen since that's something my MO wants me to take, I'm . . . .not so inclined right now), and have been aghast at what you've gone through.

  • Kstinekd
    Kstinekd Posts: 12
    edited June 2019

    Hi, All. Just checking in. Today I finished radiation #20 out of 25. I have a bolus (plastic mold set on top of me to radiate skin) added for every other session. I started turning pink after about 15. I am using Calendula, aloe and now a thick nightly and morning coating of aquaphor all over my (right side) front and on my back. My back is light pink...not the angry red that my front is now. So far no blistering (yet). June 20 is my last session and then I head straight to the OR for a hysterectomy/oopherectomy that morning. Fingers crossed that I can fend off blisters and the surgery goes well! I keep myself distracted by watching my hair grow out sooooo slowly. :) Thinking of you all!!

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    You're nearly done, Kstinekd!

    My back is lightly pink, I have my 10th treatment today. My nipple is seriously not happy with me, no blisters but it's angry--angrier than yesterday. The weekend should help calm everything down.

  • brooklynmama75
    brooklynmama75 Posts: 4
    edited June 2019

    Today was my 7th session, and the first time I felt pretty tired. Don’t know if it has to do with the treatment or the fact that it’s been a long week. No real discoloration or irritation of the skin, except for my nipple. My lumpectomy incision was also around the areola and so it’s particularly sensitive. The doctor’s office gave me calendula ointment in addition to the cream but I may try buying some of those gel pads. I have some sharp pains and the side of my rib cage is pretty sore. Looking forward to resting this wkd

  • missouricatlady
    missouricatlady Posts: 894
    edited June 2019

    Spoonie77, thank you for the tip about the gel pads and, going back and reading, the Boob Lasagna! How funny!

    I finished treatment #9 today and so far, so good. We have one male tech and I always kind of feel funny around him, and then I get aggravated at myself. I don't know why, I've taken my clothes off for so many people now. I've only seen him twice, maybe it is just that you never know if he is coming in the room. I have the Calendula cream in my purse, but wasn't sure if I should go ahead and use it before I start getting red, guess I will go ahead and start using it. Hope everyone has a restful weekend and Happy Father's Day to those that have dad's (and/or husbands who have children). Best wishes to you, Lisa

  • Spoonie77
    Spoonie77 Posts: 532
    edited June 2019

    EDJ3 - Thanks for the aghasts in my general direction. LOL. Yeah, it's been a rough road in my neck of the woods. I honestly think that if I hadn't had 25 years of Spoonie life to prepare me for another medical nightmare, I'd have lost it. Instead, I just kind of rolled with the punches as they were delivered. Ironically, I was the one consoling my family and friends about MY cancer. They all fell apart and I helped pick their pieces back up. Spoonie life at its best. Have you made any headway on thoughts on treatment (ie Tamox or other options) after RADs? You seem so very active and I can totally understand why you'd be hesitant. Have you found any other runners on the forum that have had good luck on Tamox?

    Kstine - Sending you the all the "KEEP AWAY BLISTERS" vibes as you finish up your RADs journey. Hang in there, you're almost at the finish line! So glad to hear that your hair is coming in and providing you with a nice emotional boost I'd bet. Wishing you the best of luck and quick healing for your upcoming surgeries.

    BrooklynMamma - Fatigue is a funny beast. I was surprised to see so many in my RADs thread still out walking, running, and biking while I was literally struggling to walk my dog, but we are all different. So don't be too hard on yourself if naps are needed. Sure it could simply be a busy week, but it can also be your body reacting to the drain from RADs. Be extra kind to yourself this weekend and lounge around a bit if you feel the need. I totally looked forward to recovering a bit over the weekends when I was going through RADs.

    MisourriCatLady - Glad you got a laugh! I thouroughly enjoyed naming the thing they did that kept me sane Le Boob Lasagna. We gotta laugh when we can, right? :) One tip about any creams that I was told by my RO, (may differ for ones your team may give you, always ask them), is go ahead and lather it on as much as you like, but the general rule of thumb was to not put anything on the treated breast/area 2 hrs prior to a RADs session. Wishing you a restful, NON-PINK weekend.

  • edj3
    edj3 Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Yesterday was 11 of 20. My skin's really doing well, just a bit red. My entire breast feels like it got punched though--a big BAM to the boob!

    And I'm tired. That's hard to admit, I'm normally so high energy. But not right now.

    I've been doing really well hitting or nearly hitting the 80g of protein the RD recommended while in radiation. I eat very little meat so it's taken some doing to get there. Mostly beans.

  • spiralforest
    spiralforest Posts: 12
    edited June 2019

    Wow 80 grams without much meat? I have no idea how much protein I have every day, but I tried to increase it and I normally only eat a small amount of meat, but I tried to increase that, mostly with chicken and turkey. I have been taking a protein supplement in a smoothie too (pea protein).


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